Degree Audit User | Updates and Live Status

Colleges Live in the Latest Catalog (2024-26, 2024-25)


When a School or College Started Using IDA: 

CollegeStarting Catalog
Business (Undergraduate)2016-18
Business (Graduate)2013-15
Fine Arts2016-18
Liberal Arts2016-18
Natural Sciences2016-18
Social Work2016-18
Undergraduate Studies2016-18

Page Archive

Functional Specs

Updates to IDA and its supporting systems are recorded here. These changes include added functionality, display updates, back-end changes related to the core processor, and others. Many changes will go unnoticed, but some may affect the user experience.

The list of updates is archived periodically. Updates not found here may be located on the Updates Archive page.

February 2025

2/21/2025 Added LSE and UT Degree Earned columns to minor/certificate reports. 

August 2024

8/26/2024FunctionalityFixed a bug with sequence order for certificates, that was preventing options from being re-sequenced.

April 2024

4/15/2024FunctionalityResolved issue with study abroad coursework course list filters.

March 2024

3/22/2024FunctionalityFixed a bug with quick list and quick overrides, that were preventing unnumbered topic filters from being added properly.

February 2024

2/20/2024 FunctionalityFixed a bug where users were unable to add unnumbered topics to a course list filter via the title picker.

December 2023

12/16/2023 DisplayFixed an issue with student planner, where all available fields of study will not display,

May 2023

5/18/2023DisplayUpdated legend for "Remaining" tab in audit results to remove reference to auto-complete checkbox.
5/18/2023FunctionalityUpdated option limit to 110, and resolved issues with manipulating sequence order for requirements with many options.

February 2023

2/20/2023DisplayImplemented "toggle" checkbox on audit results page to display U-level audits.
2/20/2023DisplayUpdated Profiles page, existing student profiles now display at the top with audit drop-down menus further down the page.

January 2023

1/25/2023Functionality"#" course filter grade symbol functionality implemented for grades missing from prior semester(s). 
1/25/2023FunctionalityProfile freeze feature implemented during slotting audit run.

November 2022

11/2/2022FunctionalityPopulation Audit Results page updated to increase readability in the request type column to include request type or related field of study and catalog. Run limit per field of study increased from 1,000 audits to 1,500. 
11/2/2022FunctionalityCore requirements display updated.

August 2022

8/1/2022FunctionalityCertified Verification List report added to the "Reports" page in IDA.
8/1/2022FunctionalityFixed an issue where an advanced override performed with more than 40 options caused existing option restrictions to disappear.

January 2022

1/10/2022Functionality"Look up transfer work" functionality now works as intended, regardless of where user selects "Add filter" prompt within a course list or override course list.
1/10/2022FunctionalityFixed issue where planned coursework checkmark would not work when ticked from the Profiles screen.

September 2021

9/16/2021FunctionalityUpdated course list search by title to display more accurate results.

August 2021

8/11/2021DisplayDisplay for independent restrictions will now read "X hours away from limit" rather than, "No courses used."
8/11/2021DisplayStudent's chosen name will now display on their record in PROD when audits are run.

June 2021

6/14/2021FunctionalityDegree plan codes and Minors/Certificates are now searchable via two different fields on the "Requirements" page.
6/14/2021FunctionalityFixed an issue where including an alias course on an "Exception Course List" would prevent the course from being properly exempted from the restriction.


April 2021


Scope restrictions are now usable within minor/certificate coding.

Removed “Alert when X units or less are remaining before limit” and “Apply limit to each field of study…” options for scope and subset restrictions. Removed course option functionality.

4/8/2021FunctionalityFixed course list issue preventing unnumbered topics from being added.

March 2021

3/25/2021FunctionalityFixed issue preventing minors/certificates from being codable in instances where a minor or certificate has gone live before any major degree plans from the same college.

Updated IDA planner to better list more schools and coursework.

Updated course list page to ensure that “Used by” section lists all referencing rules.


Added grand totals functionality to minors and certificates.

Fixed issue where overlap rule would malfunction.

Fixed issue requirement PCK issue.

Moved profile authorizations from NRDEGR to the IDA Authorizations page.

October 2020

10/1/2020FunctionalityAdded troubleshooting functionality for Registrar staff to view PCKs within course lists.

September 2020

9/23/2020FunctionalityFixed issue preventing quick course list in advanced overrides.
9/2/2020FunctionalityUpdated catalog selection on single-EID request page to make it more user friendly.
9/2/2020DisplayAdded catalog information to single-EID request page.
9/2/2020FunctionalityFixed DPI to make School of Information minor appear in correct catalog.
9/2/2020CoreFixed “copy to” function for School of Information minors between catalogs and other bugs.
9/2/2020CoreFixed “Replace with copy” and “Replace with blank” in Advanced Overrides of certificates.
9/2/2020FunctionalityFixed bug where old profiles were causing errors in single-EID request page. The old profile is visible on the page, but does not show a "running man" button.
9/2/2020FunctionalityFixed old profiles to where they can now be deleted from the IDA profiles page and the "running man" button no longer displays for old and expired catalogs.
9/2/2020FunctionalityUpdated IDA and DPI to make catalog span decisions based on school and catalog begin year or semester.
9/2/2020FunctionalityUpdated maintenance page where school must be provided for all migration types, no longer able to determine a catalog without school.


March 2020

3/23/2020FunctionalityUpdated to allow school P in the 2020-2022 catalog.
3/23/2020FunctionalityUpdated to prevent stackable certificates from being attached to profiles.
3/23/2020FunctionalityUpdated to provide ability to use both annual and biennial catalogs in dropdowns.
3/23/2020FunctionalityUpdated to allow post-graduation attachment of minors and certificates.
3/23/2020CoreUpdated to allow overriding overlap rules from either the requirements page or from audit results (advanced overrides only). Can only edit the override note, description, and hours, and cannot delete overrides of overlap rules.
3/23/2020DisplayExpanded the CB-Major code box and the Program Code box on the profiles editing page.


January 2020

1/29/20DisplayUpdated DPI dropdowns to add schools P (Information), V (Provost), and T (Public Affairs); add fields of study DSC (Data Science), I (Informatics), and SLH (Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences), and delete VTN (Vietnamese).


December 2019

12/16/19DisplayUpdated the IDA website to read “Interactive Degree Audit (IDA)” rather than “Interactive Degree Audit” in all of the IDA webpages.


November 2019

11/4/19CoreUpdated overlap rule to prevent editing of metadata and overrides.
11/4/19FunctionalityUpdated text boxes in IDA to no longer accept certain special characters.


September 2019

9/30/19DisplayRename "Minor/Certificate Admin Page" to "Minor/Certificate Admin Suite".
9/30/19DisplayUpdated field of study listings in DPI drop down menu.
9/30/19DisplayUpdated navigation links and metadata fields (for 16-18 catalogs and newer) that have just "minor" to say "minor/certificate".
9/30/19DisplayIDA profiles page and single-EID audit submission pages now show the full-length short description in approved credentials boxes.
9/5/19CoreUpgraded IDA infrastructure.


August 2019

8/7/19CoreUpgraded IDA infrastructure.
8/5/19FunctionalityUpgraded DPI infrastructure.
8/2/19FunctionalityUpdated format of Certified Verification List.


July 2019

7/17/19DisplayAdded message for students when they are at or above 85% PTD completion above the PTD bar.
7/17/19DisplayFixed text spacing issue in audit results.


June 2019

6/27/19CoreFixed "Estimated Hours Required" within metadata of course seeking requirements.
6/27/19DisplayUpdated text on the landing page.
6/22/19CoreAdded new minor/certificate overlap rule to prevent excessive overlap between major requirements and minors/certificate requirements.
6/7/19DisplayProposed degree CCYYS now shows on the profiles screen.


April 2019

4/11/19FunctionalityChanges made for default unique numbers and CCYYS associated with numbered topics.
4/8/19FunctionalityFixed a bug relating to overriding the trigger requirement and minor/certificate attachment in profiles.
4/5/19CoreFixed audit for grand totals as it applies to graduate degrees.


March 2019

3/13/19FunctionalityAll staff now have access to Title Inventory.
3/13/19FunctionalityAbility to update standaslone status and certificate catalog begin CCYYS for certificates on profiles page.
3/13/19FunctionalitySAN link maintenance page now in Minors Administrative Suite.
3/13/19FunctionalityStudent individual audit defaults to "currently in-progress courses".


January 2019

1/24/19DisplayHistorical Profiles Interface can be searched by a specific EID or search for a range of profiles based on CCYYS, status and profile type.
1/24/19FunctionalityAdded approved credentials to the student individual request page. The ‘Yes’ link that routes users to the Minors Admin Suite is only clickable for admin users.
1/24/19FunctionalityFixed quick override link to pass the major degree plan for major requirements and the minors and certificate degree plan for minors and certificate requirements.
1/24/19FunctionalityFixed catalog length functionality for Dell Medical School in IDA profiles.


December 2018

12/4/18FunctionalityUpdated the Reports page to no longer require a space between college and field of study for minors and certificates.
12/4/18DisplayUpdated Student Individual Audit page to no longer refresh with every change to the drop down selection. "Please validate EID" message will pop up if new EID has not been validated. For admin view, URL will include EID, college, and catalog information. For student view, the EID will not be displayed in the URL.
12/4/18DisplayUpdated the Reports, Profile by Degree Plan Report, and Migrations page to dynamically populate catalog choices and defaults.


November 2018

11/19/18FunctionalityFixed issue with LR report.
11/5/18FunctionalityFixed Senior Countdown CCYYS to prevent values inputted that are more than six years into the future from being accepted.


October 2018

10/29/18CoreFixed flag override issue related to authorizations.
10/26/18CoreFixed option restrictions bug.


September 2018

9/14/18DisplayUpdated requirement options and dependent restrictions messaging to display friendlier text.
9/14/18DisplayUpdated audit results page to include “(may count towards total hour requirements.)”
9/14/18DisplayUpdated success message for an authorization add to include name and role.
9/14/18FunctionalityChanged course list form functionality so that Course Type is defaulted to “In Residence” when Section CCYYS is filled.
9/14/18FunctionalityFixed the issue regarding the scope reuse core code not carrying over when a requirement is copied.
9/14/18DisplayFixed copy function messages, along with some of the success messages for updating/adding/migrating requirements and restrictions.
9/14/18FunctionalityWeb scripts were not passing the credential type to the Natural code, and the Natural code was trying to guess which credential type to use. Unfortunately, it would never guess that it was looking at a certificate, only a major or a minor – correct credential type now passed from the web.
9/14/18FunctionalityQuick override links for minors and certificates were using the major degree plan for auth checking, rather than the degree plan from the specific rule. Corrected these links.
9/14/18DisplayAbility for users to see links to override or waive requirements from the audit results appropriately (those authed for the major see links to override major requirements, those authed for minor/cert see links to override those requirements).
9/14/18CoreChanges to prevent Grand Totals requirements from being waived and from being set to less than 120 hours (by storing a new requirement, updating an existing one, overriding, or updating an existing override to less than 120 hours).


March 2018

3/9/2018DisplayAdded top navigation bar to all pages regarding profiles.
3/9/2018New FunctionalityAdded “Bulk Add a Profile” page. Users can add a specified profile for up to 30 students, and then select a newly created profile and either edit or delete the profile.
3/9/2018New FunctionalityAdded “Bulk Update Profiles” page. Users can enter up to 8 EIDs and then select and edit any profile.
3/9/2018New FunctionalityAdded a link to view overrides and waives for a degree plan on the degree requirements listing page.
3/9/2018New FunctionalityAdded a link to view overrides and waives for a requirement or restriction on the requirement and restriction information page.
3/9/2018New Functionality

Added Reports link to the navigation menu, where a number of reports can be submitted:

a. Profiles by degree plan

b. Overrides for a school

c. Overrides for a degree plan

d. Overrides for a rule ID

All reports are sent to the users eReports folder.


September 2017

9/25/2017Core processorOverriding a major requirement will automatically override the relevant scope restriction targeting minor requirements. Includes a sweep to update the ones that already exist and the ability to migrate such overrides from Setup to Live. Please note that if you delete an override to a major requirement, you will need to remove
9/25/2017FunctionalityTrigger overrides will now have minor scope, includes a sweep to convert existing overrides to minor scope the override course list from the scope restriction.
9/25/2017FunctionalityIDA profiles page, VO screen, XP screen will allow future-dated fields of study to be used as profile minors in catalogs earlier than 16-18.
9/25/2017FunctionalityIDA single-EID audit request page's minor FOS dropdown for catalogs before 16-18 will include fields of study for more semesters: all such catalogs will have FOSs beginning with those active six years ago, and including future-dated ones.
9/25/2017Core ProcessorOverridden scope restrictions targeting minor / certificate requirements will magically calculate the hours to allow if the limit in the override is 6, otherwise the limit is taken at face value. Notification added to web page, so that users are aware.
9/25/2017DisplayIDA profiles page will show certificates that are standalone, with info bubble. "Yes" under "approved" column will link to the minors admin suite. Will display Sr Countdown CCYYS update date now, for students who have that date recorded.
9/25/2017FunctionalityIDA requirements will not allow trigger scope to be included under scope reuse.
9/25/2017Core processorIDA errors when trumping non-trigger requirements and incorrect minor/certificate titles in audit results fixed.
9/25/2017FunctionalityOn the IDA Profiles page: added a hyperlink directly to the Admin Suite for each approved MN/CT; the link directs the user to the View/Edit page for that MN/CT. Added the Standalone column to indicate if a student is pursuing a standalone certificate that must be certified by the owning department.


June 2017

6/7/2017FunctionalityAdded Trigger scope to be assigned to trigger requirements in 16-18 catalog and later. New scope will appear as part of the Minor/Certificate rules on completed audits.
6/7/2017Core ProcessorRevised core completion status to remove influence of curriculum flags.
6/7/2017ProfilesRevised front- and back-end logic to preference UA over LA for default profiles.
6/7/2017DisplayUGS added to drop-down menus for the single EID request page to allow audits for revised UA plan.
6/7/2017DisplayFixed display issues related to restriction content migrations.


April 2017

4/21/2017FunctionalityCopy function added for all major coursework requirements and restrictions.
4/21/2017Core ProcessorBlocked the ability to copy all subset restrictions.
4/21/2017Core ProcessorAdded error styling to invalid sunset restrictions requirements.
4/21/2017Core ProcessorUpdated the copy error messages to notify user that the "Copy was unsuccessful" if coursework requirements could not be found.
4/21/2017DisplayAdded an information icon on the profiles page to explain the meaning of "pursuing".
4/21/2017FunctionalityWhen trigger requirements are overridden, they should automatically have all scopes available for reuse.
4/21/2017Core ProcessorFixed bug to prevent XEI1 error when clicking on the "edit waive metadata" link immediately after creating a waive.
4/21/2017Core ProcessorFixed bug to default the Profiles screen to Live if that is the first page a user visits.
4/21/2017FunctionalityAdded the ability to override/waive U level restrictions for Architecture degree plans in the 2008-2010 catalog.


February 2017

2/09/2017Core ProcessorChange to prevent standalone certificate audit requests from running was moved to Prod.


January 2017

1/6/2017DisplayRestrictions can now have up to to 50 course lists. Independent restrictions are numbered to show how many spaces are filled.
1/6/2017DisplayThe problem causing some trigger requirements to display "No courses used" text is fixed.
1/6/2017FunctionalityNavigation menu for admin users now includes a link to the minors admin page.
1/6/2017FunctionalityNavigation menu for students includes a link to the minors page.
1/27/17Core processorAdded minor scope restrictions to every major degree plan in Prod Setup for the 2016-2018 catalog.


November 2016

11/10/16Core ProcessorExpired the 2008-2010 catalog for all degree programs except for architecture. College staff will only have view access to existing audits, sequences to a degree plan, individual requirements/restrictions, overrides and waives. However, course lists are catalog independent, and can still be modified even if they exist in an expired catalog. Audits in the 2008-2010 catalog will now display a note about catalog expiration.
11/10/16DisplayThe single-EID drop down menu for minors is now returning all available 16-18 minors.
11/10/16FunctionalityOn the multiple-EID request page, you can now enter minors and certificates with or without the blank space in the degree-type field. For example, L HIS01 or LHIS01 is acceptable.
11/10/16FunctionalityOn the requirements page, you can now enter minors or certificates with or without the blank space in the degree-type field. For example, L HIS01 or LHIS01 is acceptable.
11/10/16DisplayOn the audit results, 16-18 minors/certificates show their titles first and program code in parentheses.
11/10/16DisplayFixed the program titles displayed on the audit results page for standalone certificates.
11/10/16DisplayNew links added to the "Related Links" under the navigation menu of the student page.
11/21/16FunctionalityAdded a new link for minor/certificate activity on the IDA profiles page.


October 2016

10/27/16DisplayPTD information is now shown on the audit results screen.
10/27/16Core ProcessorBug fix for running man audits.
10/27/16FunctionalitySingle-EID request page now retains checked values for In-Progress, Future, and Planned course options.
10/27/16Core ProcessorStudents returning after a long semester break will receive the current catalog for their default profile.


September 2016

9/16/16 FunctionalityRunning man icon added to the profiles page and submits an audit using current classes only.
9/16/16 DisplayBlocked the "Reuse" section from displaying on trigger requirements. Now matches what you see when you click the "Edit Metadata" link.
9/16/16Core ProcessorFixed bug that caused minor/certificate requirements to display incorrect titles when viewed from the links in audit results.
9/16/16Core ProcessorFixed bug showing the option to waive trigger requirements from the audit results page.
9/16/16 DisplayOn the single-EID audit request page, "Effective CCYYS 20169" now reads as "Effective Semester Fall 2016".
9/16/16 DisplayEmpty sections/options were removed from trigger requirements since they serve no functional purpose.
9/16/16FunctionalityAdded information about approved and pursuing minors in the report from the Profiles by Degree Plan page.


July 2016

7/15/16Functionality Links to Degree Plan Interface, Minors page, and Minor / Certificate Application page are now directing users to the appropriate environment
7/15/16Core ProcessorCorrected issue where proficiency requirements in standalone certificate audits were marked as complete, even if they had not been given a proficiency override. Note that this change will not affect the results of previously run audits.
7/15/16FunctionalityAdded audit to the multi-EID audit request page to show an error if the Minor / Certificate value for a 16-18 catalog doesn’t begin with ‘MN’ or ‘CT’.
7/15/16FunctionalityFixed the ability to access a minor or certificate requirement’s course lists when clicking through from audit results. These would be the specific requirements for a minor or certificate sequence, not a trigger requirement.
7/15/16FunctionalityRemoved the ability to change a requirement’s scope to Minor / Certificate, making it into a trigger requirement.
7/15/16FunctionalityRemoved the ability to trump a trigger requirement with one of a different scope.
7/15/16DisplayRemoved degree plans from the single-EID audit request page dropdown if they are marked “No degree offered for this plan” in the degree plans file.
7/15/16FunctionalityFixed navigation errors related to course lists. Individual course lists have been displaying an error message when users click “Exit Edit Mode” after updating course list metadata. The page should now reload the metadata correctly without errors.


June 2016

6/10/16FunctionalityAdded the running man button to run profile-based audits. This appears next to each profile on the individual audit request page.
6/10/16FunctionalityUpdated the B A moreable minor by removing  FOSes ACS, B C, B L, INS, RES, RMI, and TR, and adding  current FOSes O M and R M.


May 2016

5/5/2016FunctionalityWeb replacement for PX screen report
5/5/2016FunctionalityRemoved option to waive trigger requirement from requirement details page.
5/5/2016FunctionalityAccept Standalone certificate audit requests from either the "degree plan" or "minor/certificate" fields.
5/5/2016FunctionalityRemoved option to trump trigger requirements with hidden empty requirement.
5/5/2016FunctionalityNew columns added to Profiles page.
5/5/2016DisplayGraduate School of Business added to school pull-down for single EID submission page.
5/5/2016DisplayAdded whitespace around Minor/Certificate Application link in navigation bar.
5/5/2016DisplayCorrected handling of degree plan codes on Profiles page to prevent additional blanks in form.


March 2016

3/4/2016Audit request"Minor from Profile" added to dynamic Minor drop-down menu on single EID request page.
3/4/2016DisplayOption to delete minor trigger overrides now displayed in override metadata.
3/4/2016New FunctionalityProfile page accepts 5 minors/certificates for 2016-2018 catalog.
3/4/2016DisplayRemoved the option to waive trigger requirements.


January 2016

01/22/2016DisplaySenior Countdown CCYYS now displays in the student planner when logged in as a student.
01/22/2016DisplayDescriptions (titles) now display for secondary credentials.
01/22/2016DisplayMulti-EID audit request page modified to remove credential type pull-down.
01/25/2016DisplayOn multi-EID audit request page, credential text changed to minor/certificate.
01/22/2016New FunctionalityWhen a minor trigger requirement has been trumped, users now have the option to delete that trumping requirement. Applies to the 2106-2018 catalog and later.
01/25/2016New FunctionalityNavigation menu updated with new links and existing links reordered. New links include Degree Plan Interface, Profiles, Title Inventory, Minors page, and Minors/Certificates application page.
01/25/2016New FunctionalityNew refinements to the single-EID audit request page when logged in as a student.