Course schedule | Fall 2025

As part of the Fall 2025 planning process, the UT course schedule will continue to change as we head into the fall. These changes may affect the instructional mode, instructor, time or location of some classes. We strongly encourage you to review your course schedule regularly throughout the rest of the fall for additional updates.

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What's new

Undergraduate Add/Drop Registration Timeframe Change. Effective Fall 2025, the deadline for students to add classes online without approval has been moved from the 4th to the 6th class day. Students will still use the online system to drop courses until the 12th class day. 

New Academic Q-Drop System. Undergraduate students may now submit requests for academic Q-Drops electronically through the new Academic Q-Drop System. The Q-Drops section of the The Add/Drop a Course webpage has been updated with new information, and a brand new Academic Q-Drops webpage has been created to help students make informed decisions and provide access to the new system. 

Academic Q-Drop, Pass/Fail and Withdrawal Deadline Changes. In accordance with new faculty legislation, beginning Fall 2024 the academic Q-Drop, Pass/Fail and Withdrawal deadline for undergraduate students will now be 9 class days prior to the last class day of the term (fall and spring only). The Academic Calendar and General Information Catalog (GIC) have been updated to reflect these new deadlines. For the 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 academic years, the Q-Drop, Pass/Fail and Withdrawal deadlines are: 

  • Fall 2024 - November 20

  • Fall 2025 – November 19   

  • Spring 2025 - April 16

  • Spring 2026 – April 15   


New Fields of Study

Audiology (AUD) (professional only) 

Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior (EEB) (graduate only) 

Microbiology (MIC) (graduate only)

Nurse Professional (NRP) (professional only) 

National Security Policy (NSP) (graduate only)

Plant Biology (P B) (graduate only) 

Preventative Science (PSC) (graduate only)  

Sports Production and Broadcasting (SPB) (undergraduate only) 

Retired Fields of Study


Changed Fields of Study

AET Realigned from CAET to AET1 (undergraduate only)

C L Admin code is now 1735

CIV Realigned from CIVC to SCL1 (undergraduate only)

DES Realigned from CAET to DES1

EER Admin code is now 1671 (graduate only)

HHM Realigned from XHHM (1735) to ENGL (0990) (graduate only) 

ITD Realigned from CAET to DES1

MEL Changed from Graduate and Undergraduate to Graduate-only courses

MEST Admin code is now 2010

SLH Changed from Graduate, Undergraduate, and Professional to Graduate and Undergraduate courses

SSE Changed from Graduate-only to Graduate and Undergraduate courses

U D Realigned from XUDN to ARCH (graduate only) 

WGS Realigned from WGSS to DWGS

Useful phone numbers

  • 512 475-7656 Registration helpline
  • 512 232-6988 Transcripts
  • 512 475-7399 Admissions
  • 512 471-3434 Campus directory assistance
  • 512 475-7777 Student Accounts Receivable
  • 512 471-5017 Dean of Students
  • 512 475-7391 Graduate Admissions
  • 512 471-4955 University Health Services
  • 512 471-3136 Division of Housing and Food
  • 512 471-4334 ID Center
  • 512 471-1211 International Office
  • 512 232-9619 Lost and found
  • 512 471-3825 Ombudsperson
  • 512 471-3304 Orientation
  • 512 471-7275 Parking
  • 512 471-6045 Recreational Sports
  • 512 232-2662 Testing and Evaluation Services
  • 512 232-6988 Texas One Stop
  • 512 232-7146 Texas Success Initiative
  • 512 232-6988 Tuition and Fee Billing
  • Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid

The University's Commitment on Title IX

The University of Texas at Austin (“University”) is committed to providing an educational and working environment for its students, faculty, and staff that is free from sexual assault, interpersonal violence, stalking, and sexual harassment. The University also prohibits sex discrimination, sexual exploitation, unprofessional or inappropriate conduct, retaliation, and other behavior including providing false information or making a false complaint, interfering with Grievance Processes under HOP 3-3031, failing to adhere to interim measures, failing to report as a non-confidential employee, and pregnancy and parenting discrimination.

The University is committed to (1) eliminating, preventing, and addressing the effects of Prohibited Conduct; (2) fostering an environment where all individuals are well informed and supported in reporting Prohibited Conduct; (3) offering reasonably available individualized services and accommodations to individuals involved in a reported incident with or without the filing of a Formal Complaint; (4) providing a fair, equitable, and impartial process for all Parties; and (5) establishing the standards by which Prohibited Conduct will be evaluated and disciplinary action may be imposed. For more information about Title IX, confidential and non-confidential resources, and relevant policies, visit the Title IX Office website.


The Case Managers for Support and Resources work with anyone involved in a matter reported to the Title IX Office to provide accommodations, support, and resources. Accommodations offered include academic accommodations related to absences or missed assignments, safety planning, or referral for mental health counseling and other resources. These resources and accommodations may also be offered by the Confidential Case Manager for Students. The University also provides reasonable supportive measures, in accordance with state and federal laws and regulations, to pregnant and parenting students on an individualized and voluntary basis depending on the student's needs resulting from pregnancy and/or parenting. For more information about support and resources for pregnant and parenting students, visit our Pregnancy and Parenting Students website or contact the Student Parent Liaison, Dr. Robert Leary, via email at or by phone at 512-471-0419. 


Texas Education Code, Section 51.252, requires all employees of the University, when in the course and scope of their employment, who witness or receive information regarding the occurrence of an incident that an employee reasonably believes constitutes sexual assault, sexual harassment, dating violence or stalking, and is alleged to have been committed by or against a student or employee to promptly report the incident to the Title IX Coordinator or a Deputy Title IX Coordinator. The University also strongly encourages students, faculty, staff, and third parties to promptly report any incidents of sex discrimination and other inappropriate sexual conduct to the Title IX Office (or designees):

Adriana Alicea-Rodriguez, Associate Vice President and Title IX Coordinator
Robert Leary, Ph. D., Deputy Title IX Coordinator and Director of Support and Resources, Student Parent Liaison
Title IX Office
Suite 4.204, Student Services Building (SSB)
512-471-0419 (email)

Title IX Deputy for Students
Kelly Soucy, Ed.D.
Office of the Dean of Students
Suite 4.400, Student Services Building (SSB)

Title IX Deputy for Faculty and Staff 
Galen Eagle Bull, J.D.
Department of Investigation and Adjudication
Suite 4.102, Student Services Building (SSB) 

Title IX Deputy for Athletics
Lori Hammond and Rianne Brashears
Intercollegiate Athletics (email) (email)

Title IX Deputy for Dell Medical School
Tim Boughal, J.D.
Dell Medical School
512-495-5501 (email)

The Department of Investigation and Adjudication in University Risk and Compliance Services investigates alleged violations of the following policies:

  • HOP 3-1022: Protection from Retaliation for Suspected Misconduct Reporting (Whistleblower)
  • HOP 3-3010: Disability Accommodation for Applicants and Employees
  • HOP 3-3012: Religious Accommodation for Applicants and Employees
  • HOP 3-3020: Nondiscrimination Policy
  • HOP 3-3031: Prohibition of Sexual Assault, Interpersonal Violence, Stalking, Sexual Harassment, and Sex Discrimination
  • HOP 3-3050: Consensual Relationships
  • HOP 5-1260: Employment of Close Relatives (Nepotism)
  • HOP 5-4310: Family and Medical Leave

Anyone may report a concern they have to the Compliance and Ethics Hotline.


You may also make a complaint to The University of Texas at Austin Police Department (UTPD) at 512-471-4441 (dial “9” for non-emergency) or 911 (emergency), the City of Austin Police Department (APD) at 311 (non-emergency) or 911 (emergency) or other local law enforcement authorities. APD Victim Services is available at 512-974-5037. The Title IX Office can help individuals contact these law enforcement agencies. Employees and students with protective or restraining orders relevant to a complaint are encouraged to provide a copy to UTPD.


Contact us

  • Registration
  • 512 475-7656
  • Office of the Registrar, Registration M5504 | Off campus: The University of Texas at Austin, Office of the Registrar, Registration, PO Box 302666, Austin TX 78703