You can submit audits in IDA 2.0 using one of three methods available from the Audit Requests page. Each will create audits and display the results to you when the audit is complete.
- Individual EID request
- Multiple EID request
- Population request
Audits may only be submitted through the IDA 2.0 web interface.
Here are some items common to the different audit requests:
Audit Options
Typically refers to the type of coursework to include in the audit results. The options available are:
- Currently In-Progress Courses: selected by default. Includes any course for which a grade has not yet been assigned.
- Future Registered Courses: Includes any courses for which a student has registered in a semester that has not yet started. If this option is checked, then in-progress courses must also be checked.
- Planned Courses: Includes courses added to the Student Planner. If this option is checked, then in-progress courses must also be checked.
- Certified audits: This option will only appear to you in the LIVE mode, and only if you are authorized in IDA 2.0 as a Certified Audit Submitter. Certified audits cannot be run with any coursework inclusion options checked. This ensures that every course on the audit has a grade.
Degree plan code
Degree plan codes always contain a one-character school code, a one-character degree code, a three-character field of study code, and so on. When inputting a degree plan code into a text field, such as on the multiple EID or population audit request pages, you must adhere to this. (For example, "LAFR BA" is syntactically correct because the three-character field of study includes the trailing space after "FR". Inputting "LAFRBA" would result in an error.) When using a drop-down menu, such as on the individual EID page, the codes are built and submitted automatically depending on your selections. You may review your degree plan codes in the Degree Plan Interface. A link to this interface can be found on the navigation menu.
Minor/Certificate code
Like degree plan codes, minor/certificate codes must be inputted accurately.
- Prior to 16-18, you can input any valid three-character field of study as a minor (HIS, NTR, S W, etc.). You can also enter "XXX" to retrieve the minor from the student's profile. This includes moreable minors.
- Starting in 16-18, a full credential code is required, starting with the credential type (MN or CT). The credential code is either submitted automatically through drop-down menus depending on your selection (such as on the individual EID audit request page), or typed as text in a form field (such as on the multiple EID or population audit request pages). Minor/certificate codes can be reviewed in the Degree Plan Interface.
Individual EID request
The individual EID request submits audits for a single student using a single combination of majors and minors/certificates selected from drop-down menus.
To start, enter the EID of the student. This will redirect you to audit submission form for that EID. (Note: in production, this submission form is the only form students see, and their EID is prepopulated.)
The form includes the coursework inclusion and certified audit options described above.
The remaining fields, presented as drop-down menus, are as follows:
Used to retrieve a different student. When entered, click "Validate EID" to refresh the form with the new student.
Lists all valid undergraduate and graduate catalogs.
Lists all valid schools in IDA.
Degree Plan
Lists all degree plans valid for that school in that catalog.
Minor or Certificate
Two menus, one for minors and one for certificates. Each lists all valid credentials.
For catalogs prior to 16-18, the minor menu will populate with old minor fields of study. The menu will also include a "Minor from Profile" option to allow for moreable minors to be run.
For catalogs starting in 16-18, both the minor and certificate menus will populate with transcript-recognized credentials. Only one credential may be run with a major.
After filling in the form, click "Submit Audit" to run the request.
You also have the option to run audits based on the student's profile. Below the audit submission form, a table displays all of the profiles on record for that student. In the rightmost column, a "run audit" icon appears next to programs that are considered production-ready in the LIVE mode. Clicking this icon will submit one audit for each major-minor/certificate combination in the profile. (If the student has multiple minors/certificates assigned to one profile, then the run button will submit audits for each major/credential combination.) Degree plans that are not considered production ready will not have the run icon available in their profile listing.
Note that minors/certificates will not be included in audit results until the effective CCYYS on the profile has begun. The exception to this is if the major and minor/certificate are offered by the same college.
Multiple EID request
The multiple EID request provides a form that allows up to 20 individual audits to be submitted at once. The multiple EID request is mostly text-based (unlike the individual audit request) and is not controlled by parameters (unlike the population request). The form includes the coursework inclusion and certified audit options described above.
For each audit you wish to submit, provide an EID, the catalog begin year, the degree plan code (see above), and a minor/certificate code if desired (see above).
Certificates may be run in conjunction with a degree plan code or they may be run as standalones. To run a standalone certificate, enter the credential code (starting with "CT") in either the Degree Plan field or the Minor/Certificate field, and include the catalog and EID.
Repeat these processes for up to 20 individual audit submissions. Once you are ready to submit, click "Validate EIDs" at the bottom of the page, and then click "Submit Audits" after the form refreshes with the student names.
Due to the free-form nature of this request, input errors can occur relatively frequently. Error messages will display at the top of the page after you submit the form. You will need to correct the errors before any audits are submitted.
Population request
These requests run population audits for subsets of students based on the parameters (restrictions) you identify. Population requests tend to be resource-intensive; they can produce hundreds of audits. For this reason, they are typically run overnight as batch jobs.
Population requests carry the coursework inclusion options. You can also choose to print your output; selecting this will route your printed audits to your assigned shelf (or to your web space if you have green output).
A basic population request takes a catalog begin year and degree plan code and runs an audit for every student with a profile for that catalog/degree plan combination.
All of the options under "For Degree Plan (with restrictions)" are optional, but you can use them to further restrict the population of students who have an audit run for them.
Limits the population through a range of minimum or maximum credits the student has completed.
For New Admits:
Limits the population to new admits. This request requires a year/semester of admission. It also requires you to select a group between orientation session students, transfer students, and freshman students. For orientation session students, a session number is required.
For Degree Candidates:
Limits the population to students who have applied to graduate for the inputted year and semester. This is commonly submitted with the current year/semester to track degree candidates in their final semester. The option to run as certified audits appears here.
For Keyset:
Limits the population to students identified in a special dataset known as a keyset. Contact the Office of the Registrar for information on building keysets.
Once you have run an audit, it will take you to the results page for individual audits. You can limit the results by either who requested the audit or who the audit was requested for. Any audit other than a certified audit is kept for 90 days and then purged from the system.
Viewing Individual Audits:
On this screen you will see the following column headers with the information needed to view the correct audit:
Resubmit the audit with the previous input values
Requested for:
name and EID of student
Requested By:
eid of the person who submitted the audit
Requested Created:
date and time of the creation of the audit
Request type:
how the audit was submitted
Audit type:
normal or certified
the degree profile the audit was run under
Courses requested:
- blank = only completed courses
- in progress = in progress courses
- future = classes the student has registered for
Request Status:
This will display the status of the audit and its progress towards completion.
Audit ID:
this is a hyper-link to the individuals audit that was requested.
Delete Option:
Delete the individual audit from results screen and system.
Viewing Population Audits:
Because population audits are a large group of audits, there is a separate system to view the population results that were submitted for a school. If you have recently submitted a population audit and would like to view the results, you will need to go to the populations results screen and find the day and time that you created the population request.
Your table for this screen will show you the following information to find the correct population audit that you would like to view.
Requested For:
the college that the request was submitted for
Requested By:
the eid of the requester
Request Created:
the date and time of the submission of the request
Request Type:
the type of request for this population
Audit Type:
the type of the population audit
Courses Requested:
which courses were used in the request
Request Status:
the status of your population audit in the system
Request ID:
a hyper link to take you to the group of audits that exist for that population of students. This will take you to a new page that will display the audits similar to the individual listing screen.
Audit Retention
Regular audits are deleted after 90 days. Slotting audits are deleting whenever a new run of slotting audits is performed. Certified audits are retained until a new certified audit for the student is run.
Need More Information?
See about running individual audits and multiple audits.
See about running basic population audits and population audits with restrictions.
See about viewing individual or population audits.