Degree Audit User Training | Requirement Types


What are requirements?

These are the requirements that make up the audit that the student will see on the results page. These are all counting courses or groups of courses against courses lists or through the metadata regarding scope reuse. We will go into more detail on how to generate and code requirements in the next section.

What are the different requirement types?

You have five types of requirements to use when coding your requirements. The five types are:

  • High School Deficiency Requirements
  • Course Requirements
  • Total Requirements
  • GPA requirements
  • Proficiency/Portfolio Requirements

Depending on the requirements for your degree plan, you will want to pick the appropriate requirement type to code against it.

High School Deficiency Requirements:

Students are not admitted to the University if they have high school deficiencies. Effective fall 2014, the Office of Admissions will require transfer students to submit their high school transcripts to determine if they are deficient in a foreign language. Students who are deficient in a foreign language will have to make up the deficiency before enrolling at the University of Texas and will be treated the same as incoming freshmen.

With this requirement, first check to see if a deficiency exists. If so, code two types of requirements against it. The first step is to identify if a deficiency exists, and then add a requirement if the deficiency is found (this is the most common) and/or if one is not found. ( Example: Degree plan SWS WSW, 2010)

Course Requirements:
Course requirements are the requirements that are looking for specific courses or groups of courses and make up the bulk of a student’s audit.
Total Requirements:
Total requirements are requirements that are looking for large sets of courses, degree totals, 60 hours in residence, last hours, hours in major courses etc…
GPA Requirements:
GPA Requirements will calculate through the official GPA calculation module whatever is defined in the course list.
Proficiency/Portfolio Requirements:
This requirement type is the only one that a course list is not allowed to be used in because it is a type of requirement that cannot be met via courses. Use it for those types of requirements that cannot be met via coursework.

Need More Information?

Then see examples of how requirement types are used in the system.