Course schedule | Summer 2024

This course schedule content is archived.

As part of the Summer 2024 planning process, the UT course schedule will continue to change as we head into the summer. These changes may affect the instructional mode, instructor, time or location of some classes. We strongly encourage you to review your course schedule regularly throughout the rest of the fall for additional updates.

Use the schedule to find courses with your eid. No eid? Get a guest eid here.


Summer terms (excluding finals)

ffirst termJune 6–July 11
ssecond termJuly 15–August 16
nnine-week termJune 6–July 30
wsummer termJune 6–August 16

The course number indicates the term in which the class meets. For example, PSY f304 is a first-term class.

What's new

Term Filter. Looking for a winter or may term course? You now have the ability to filter based on term. Click Find courses now, select the desired field of study (FOS) and in the top area, "refine your search", select the desired term. 

Course Search. You can find and narrow down courses of interest with a keyword search. Visit Course Search.

Discounted Summer Courses. The university is offering summer classes at a reduced rate in order to support continued learning and to help students remain on track toward their degrees. Specific high-demand courses in summer 2024 will be offered at a discounted rate of $500 (for Texas residents) and $2,000 (for non-Texas residents). This discounted rate only applies to undergraduate students. We encourage students to take advantage of these affordable, lowered tuition rates and get ahead this summer! Visit summer 2024 tuition for more information. 

Beginning fall 2022, the academic calendar has been modified to better meet educational needs, support immediate and long-term innovation, and support our academic mission, while ensuring compliance with university guidelines and federal and state regulations. Changes include:

  • A new semester model, with two designated subterms in the fall and spring semesters
  • New start dates for the fall and spring terms
  • An extended fall break
  • An earlier end date for the spring semester
  • A reduced final exam schedule

​You can view the 2023-2024 academic calendar here. Learn more about the academic calendar changes and view a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) on the Changes to the Academic Calendar webpage. 

Beginning in fall 2021, all students will sign a Financial Responsibility Statement before registering for classes. The goal of the Statement is to be transparent and help you fully understand your role and financial obligation when attending UT Austin. By signing, you acknowledge your responsibility to pay tuition and fees by the payment due date and if you receive financial aid and scholarships, those resources will apply to your tuition. The Financial Responsibility Statement for the summer 2024 semester is now available for you to review and sign here.

New Fields of Study. Artificial Intelligence (A I) (graduate only) 

Robotics (RBT) (undergraduate only)

Earth Energy Engineering (EEE) (graduate only) 

Nanoengineering (NE ) (graduate only)

Public Leadership (P L) (graduate only)

Medical Laboratory Science (MLS) (undergraduate only) 

Romanian (ROM)

Applied Archaeology (AAR) (graduate only) will be administered by the Applied Archaeology program.

Urban Design (U D) (graduate only) will be administered by the Urban Design program.

Retired Fields of Study. Electrical Engineering (E E) (replaced by ECE).

Identity Management and Security (IMS) (replaced by ISP).

Islamic Studies (ISL).

Visual Art Studies (VAS) (replaced by AED).

Urban Design (UDN) (replaced by U D).

Changed Fields of Study. Art Education (AED). Extended to include undergraduate courses.

Law (LAW). Replaced all but three undergraduate course numbers (x00-x79) with graduate-level course numbers (x80-x99).

Don’t forget to use the UT Planner!  The UT Planner, an online class schedule planning tool for students, was implemented a few years back for all students to utilize and now shows mode of instruction!  The planner allows students to search for, create, and save a variety of personalized schedule options based on their preferred courses and scheduling breaks. Additionally, the UT Planner gives students the ability to compare up to four schedule options at a time based on their availability during the day.

The UT Planner is a planning tool only, and students must still register at their designated registration times via the online registration system.

Texas One Stop. Your One Stop destination for services related to financial aid, transcripts, tuition billing and registration assistance. Visit, or call 512-232-6988.

Useful phone numbers

  • 512 475-7656 Registration helpline
  • 512 232-6988 Transcripts
  • 512 475-7399 Admissions
  • 512 471-3434 Campus directory assistance
  • 512 475-7777 Student Accounts Receivable
  • 512 471-5017 Dean of Students
  • 512 475-7391 Graduate and International Admissions Center (GIAC)
  • 512 471-4955 University Health Services
  • 512 471-3136 Division of Housing and Food
  • 512 471-4334 ID Center
  • 512 471-1211 International Office
  • 512 232-9619 Lost and found
  • 512 471-3825 Ombudsperson
  • 512 471-3304 Orientation
  • 512 471-7275 Parking
  • 512 471-6045 Recreational Sports
  • 512 232-2662 Testing and Evaluation Services
  • 512 232-6988 Texas One Stop
  • 512 232-7146 Texas Success Initiative
  • 512 232-6988 Tuition and Fee Billing
  • Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid


The University's Commitment on Title IX

The University of Texas at Austin (“University”) is committed to providing an educational and working environment for its students, faculty, and staff that is free from sexual assault, interpersonal violence, stalking, and sexual harassment (including harassment on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or pregnancy status). The University also prohibits sex discrimination, sexual exploitation, unprofessional or inappropriate conduct, retaliation, and other behavior including providing false information or making a false complaint, interfering with Grievance Processes under HOP 3-3031, failure to adhere to interim measures, failing to report as a non-confidential employee, and pregnancy and parenting discrimination. Freedom of speech is central to the mission of institutions of higher education; therefore, constitutionally protected expression cannot be considered a violation.

The University is committed to (1) eliminating, preventing, and addressing the effects of Prohibited Conduct; (2) fostering an environment where all individuals are well informed and supported in reporting Prohibited Conduct; (3) providing a fair, equitable, and impartial process for all Parties; and (4) establishing the standards by which Prohibited Conduct will be evaluated and disciplinary action may be imposed. For more information about Title IX, confidential and non-confidential resources, and relevant policies, visit the Title IX Office website.


The Title IX case managers work with anyone involved in a matter reported to the Title IX Office to provide accommodations, support, and resources. Accommodations offered include academic accommodations related to absences or missed assignments, safety planning, or referral for mental health counseling and other resources. The University also provides reasonable supportive measures, in accordance with state and federal laws and regulations, to pregnant and parenting students on an individualized and voluntary basis depending on the student's needs resulting from pregnancy or related conditions and/or parenting. For more information about support and resources for pregnant and parenting students, contact the Student Parent Liaison, Dr. Robert Leary, via email at or by phone at 512-471-0419. 


Texas Education Code, Section 51.252, requires all employees of the University, when in the course and scope of their employment, who witness or receive information regarding the occurrence of an incident that an employee reasonably believes constitutes sexual assault, sexual harassment, dating violence or stalking, and is alleged to have been committed by or against a student or employee shall promptly report the incident to the Title IX Coordinator or a Deputy Title IX Coordinator. The University also strongly encourages students, faculty, staff, and third parties to promptly report any incidents of sex discrimination and other inappropriate sexual conduct to the Title IX Office (or designees):

Adriana Alicea-Rodriguez, Associate Vice President and Title IX Coordinator

Robert Leary, Ph. D., Deputy Title IX Coordinator and Director of Support and Resources, Student Parent Liaison

Title IX Office, University Risk and Compliance Services

Suite 4.204, Student Services Building (SSB)

512-471-0419 (email)

Title IX Deputy for Students

Kelly Soucy, Ed.D.

Office of the Dean of Students

Suite 4.204, Student Services Building (SSB)


Title IX Deputy for Faculty and Staff 

Galen Eagle Bull, J.D.

Department of Investigation and Adjudication

Suite 4.204, Student Services Building (SSB) 


Title IX Deputy for Athletics

Lori Hammond and Rianne Brashears

Intercollegiate Athletics (email) (email)

Title IX Deputy for Dell Medical School

Tim Boughal, J.D.

Dell Medical School

512-495-5501 (email)

University Risk and Compliance Services, through its Department of Investigation and Adjudication, investigates complaints of prohibited conduct involving students, employees, and affiliates under the following policies:

  • HOP 3-1022: Protection from Retaliation for Suspected Misconduct Reporting (Whistleblower)
  • HOP 3-3010: Disability Accommodation for Applicants and Employees
  • HOP 3-3012: Religious Accommodation for Applicants and Employees
  • HOP 3-3020: Nondiscrimination Policy
  • HOP 3-3021: Preventing Discrimination Against Pregnant and Parenting Students
  • HOP 3-3031: Prohibition of Sexual Assault, Interpersonal Violence, Stalking, Sexual Harassment, and Sex Discrimination
  • HOP 3-3050: Consensual Relationships
  • HOP 5-1260: Employment of Close Relatives (Nepotism)
  • HOP 5-4310: Family and Medical Leave

Anyone may report any concern they have to the University Risk and Compliance Services hotline.


You may also make a complaint with The University of Texas at Austin Police Department (UTPD) at 512-471-4441, dial “9” (non-emergency) or 911 (emergency) or to the City of Austin Police Department (APD) at 311 (non-emergency) or 911 (emergency) or to other local law enforcement authorities. APD Victim Services is available at 512-974-5037. The Title IX Office can help individuals contact these law enforcement agencies. Employees and students with protective or restraining orders relevant to a complaint are encouraged to provide a copy to UTPD.

Contact us

  • Registration
  • 512 475-7656
  • Office of the Registrar, Registration M5504 | Off campus: The University of Texas at Austin, Office of the Registrar, Registration, PO Box 302666, Austin TX 78703


Using the schedule | Summer 2024

This course schedule content is archived.

The online Course Schedule provides general University information. See the links on this website's side navigation menu for more details.

The Course Schedule also contains class listings and associated information. Fields of study are arranged alphabetically by college and academic unit. See the "Registration rules by department" link on this website's side navigation menu for administrative officers, contact information, and requirements related to registration.

When searching for courses in the online Course Schedule, search results of class listings will include the following:

Parts of a class listing


Course numbers.
Three-character field of study abbreviation followed by three-digit number. Summer courses have a lowercase letter before the number to indicate term: f-first term, s-second term, n-nine weeks, w-whole session.
Course titles.
Name of the class. Follows course number, and applies to all sections listed after it until a new course appears.
Information including course description, prerequisites, enrollment and other restrictions, and related courses. Applies to all sections of the course.
Unique number.
A five-digit number identifying a particular section of a course. (This number is required to register). Clicking a unique number link opens a page with class details.
Meeting times.
Days of the week the class meets are listed by their initial letters (MTWTHF). For example, MTWTHF means a class meets every weekday (Monday through Friday) during the term. When multiple timelines are displayed, typically the first timeline is the lecture, and the other timelines are the required discussion or lab. Students must attend all listed times. (Classes may meet on additional days not noted in the meeting times. Check the syllabus or class details page for this information.) Class hours follow the weekday. » Also see meeting time in the glossary.
The building and room where the class meets. Buildings are abbreviated with three letters. » Also see the list of buildings and their abbreviations.
Instruction Mode.
The mode describing how the class is taught (e.g., in-person/face-to-face; online/internet; or hybrid).
The person teaching the class. If no instructor is listed, then the instructor has not been assigned.
The real-time registration status of a course section displays online, and includes classes which are openreserved to specific majors or students, closed, waitlisted, or canceled.
Quick add.
This link takes students directly to the registration system to add the class if it is open and available. This feature is a result of receiving feedback from students including representatives of the Student Government Association and the Senate of College Councils.
Skills and Experience Flags may be required to fulfill an undergraduate degree plan’s requirements. Refer to your catalog or consult your academic adviser to determine which Flags are required for your major and to learn about earning each Flag in the process of completing the major, core, and other degree requirements.
All students pursuing an undergraduate degree at the University must complete the 42-hour statewide core curriculum. This field identifies which of the core curriculum areas are fulfilled by this section. 

Registration | Summer 2024

This course schedule content is archived.

Each semester, current students register for classes for the next semester.

Registration at the University is a process that includes:

  1. Academic advising with a faculty or staff member, which is required for some majors, but optional for others
  2. Registering for classes online
  3. Paying a tuition bill or confirming attendance

Registering for classes

You've done your homework. Now go register for classes.

Finishing registration

Pay your tuition or confirm attendance and tie up any loose ends.

Don't use software to grab classes. The university will not allow the use of vendor software or other automated programs to register, or to add and drop. This is a violation of the University's Acceptable Use Policy. If you do, you may be blocked from registering.

Still stuck?

Read our questions about registration or email us at

When to register and pay | Summer 2024

This course schedule content is archived.

This schedule provides the time frame for registering for classes and completing the registration process. To complete registration and secure your classes, you must:

  • make a tuition payment,
  • pay with financial aid,
  • or confirm your attendance if your tuition amount is zero.

You must clear all holds to register.

For your registration times, click on an access period below or see your registration information sheet.

The university prohibits the use of automated systems to add, drop, or register. A hold will be placed on your online registration if you violate the University's Acceptable Use Policy for computer resources.

Pay your tuition bill or confirm your attendance (if zero bill) at My Tuition Bill, or in the ways described in payment proceduresIf you do not pay your tuition bill or confirm your attendance (if zero bill) by your deadline, you will be dropped from your classes.

Your final step before each payment deadline is to visit My Tuition Bill and verify that your registration is complete and that your classes are secure.

Access periods 1 thru 8

Undergraduate Registration for Summer 2024
Period 1:

April 9 to 19

Registration for continuing and readmitted students

Pay tuition or confirm attendance (if zero bill) no later than 5pm, Thursday, May 23

Tuition notices are emailed to students May 7

Period 2:

May 29 to 31

Registration for continuing and readmitted students

Pay tuition or confirm attendance (if zero bill) no later than 5pm, Tuesday, June 11

Tuition notices are not sent

Add/drop for students who are registered and paid

Pay tuition or confirm attendance (if zero bill) no later than 5pm, Tuesday, June 11

Tuition notices are not sent

Period 3:

June 4 and 5

Registration for all students not registered

Pay tuition or confirm attendance (if zero bill) no later than 5pm, Tuesday, June 11

Tuition notices are not sent

Add/drop for students who are registered and paid

Pay tuition or confirm attendance (if zero bill) no later than 5pm, Tuesday, June 11

Tuition notices are not sent

Period 4:

June 6 and 7

$25 late registration for all students

Pay tuition or confirm attendance (if zero bill) no later than 5pm, Tuesday, June 11

Tuition notices are not sent

Add/drop for students who are registered and paid

Pay tuition or confirm attendance (if zero bill) no later than 5pm, Tuesday, June 11

Tuition notices are not sent

Period 5:

June 10 and 11

$50 late registration for all students

Pay tuition or confirm attendance (if zero bill) no later than 5pm, Tuesday, June 11

Tuition notices are not sent

Add/drop by permission for students who are registered and paid

Pay tuition or confirm attendance (if zero bill) no later than 5pm, Tuesday, June 11

Contact course dept to add; go online to drop

Tuition notices are not sent

Period 6:

July 12

Second-term registration for students who have not registered

Pay tuition or confirm attendance (if zero bill) no later than 5pm, Thursday, July 18

Tuition notices are not sent

Second-term add/drop for students who are registered and paid

Pay tuition or confirm attendance (if zero bill) no later than 5pm, Thursday, July 18

Tuition notices are not sent

Period 7:

July 15 and 16

Second-term $25 late registration for all students not registered

Pay tuition or confirm attendance (if zero bill) no later than 5pm, Thursday, July 18

Tuition notices are not sent

Second-term add/drop for students who are registered and paid

Pay tuition or confirm attendance (if zero bill) no later than 5pm, Thursday, July 18

Tuition notices are not sent

Period 8:

July 17 and 18

Second-term $50 late registration for all students not registered

Pay tuition or confirm attendance (if zero bill) no later than 5pm, Thursday, July 18

Tuition notices are not sent

Second-term add/drop by permission for students who are registered and paid

Pay tuition or confirm attendance (if zero bill)  no later than 5pm, Thursday, July 18

Contact course dept to add; go online to drop

Tuition notices are not sent

Graduate, Professional, and Law Registration for Summer 2024
Period 1:

April 8 to 19

Registration for continuing and readmitted students

Pay tuition or confirm attendance (if zero bill)  no later than 5pm, Tuesday, June 11

Tuition notices are emailed to students May 7

Period 2:

May 29 to 31

Registration for continuing and readmitted students

Pay tuition or confirm attendance (if zero bill)  no later than 5pm, Tuesday, June 11

Tuition notices are not sent

Add/drop for students who are registered and paid

Pay tuition or confirm attendance (if zero bill)  no later than 5pm, Tuesday, June 11

Tuition notices are not sent

Period 3:

June 4 and


Registration for all students

Pay tuition or confirm attendance (if zero bill)  no later than 5pm, Tuesday, June 11

Tuition notices are not sent

Add/drop for students who are registered and paid

Pay tuition or confirm attendance (if zero bill)  no later than 5pm, Tuesday, June 11

Tuition notices are not sent

Period 4:

June 6 and 7

$25 late registration for all students

Pay tuition or confirm attendance (if zero bill)  no later than 5pm, Tuesday, June 11

Tuition notices are not sent

Add/drop for students who are registered and paid

Pay tuition or confirm attendance (if zero bill)  no later than 5pm, Tuesday, June 11

Tuition notices are not sent

Period 5:

June 10 and 11

$50 late registration for all students

Pay tuition or confirm attendance (if zero bill)  no later than 5pm, Tuesday, June 11

Tuition notices are not sent

Add/drop by permission for students who are registered and paid

Pay tuition or confirm attendance (if zero bill)  no later than 5pm, Tuesday, June 11

Contact course dept for any changes including add or drop

Tuition notices are not sent

Period 6:

July 12

Second-term registration for all students not registered

Pay tuition or confirm attendance (if zero bill)  no later than 5pm, Thursday, July 18

Tuition notices are not sent

Second-term add/drop for students who are registered and paid

Pay tuition or confirm attendance (if zero bill)  no later than 5pm, Thursday, July 18

Tuition notices are not sent

Period 7:

July 15 and 16

Second-term $25 late registration for all students not registered

Pay tuition or confirm attendance (if zero bill)  no later than 5pm, Thursday, July 18

Tuition notices are not sent

Second-term add/drop for students who are registered and paid

Pay tuition or confirm attendance (if zero bill)  no later than 5pm, Thursday, July 18

Tuition notices are not sent

Period 8:

July 17 and 18

Second-term $50 late registration for all students not registered

Pay tuition or confirm attendance (if zero bill)  no later than 5pm, Thursday, July 18

Tuition notices are not sent

Second-term add/drop by permission for students who are registered and paid

Pay tuition or confirm attendance (if zero bill)  no later than 5pm, Thursday, July 18

Contact the course dept for any changes, including add or drop

Tuition notices are not sent

Period 1 | April 8 to April 19, 2024

This course schedule content is archived.

Registration for continuing and readmitted students. All students currently enrolled in Spring 2024 and any student readmitted for Summer 2024.

WHEN. Undergraduate student initial access time is based on their progress toward degree completion. Graduate student access times are based on their status as a graduate student. Find your access times by checking your registration information sheet. If it is your access time, you may register online.

PAYMENT. Tuition bills are emailed on May 7 to the address in your student records. After you're billed, pay or confirm your attendance by your deadline at My Tuition Bill or by other payment procedures. If you don't pay or confirm your attendance (if zero bill), your registered and waitlisted classes will be canceled.

Undergraduate tuition is due by 5pm, Thursday, May 23.

Graduate tuition is due by 5pm, Tuesday, June 11.

VERIFY. Ensure that your registration is complete by visiting My Tuition Bill before your payment deadline. Do this even if a third party is paying your tuition bill. Your registration is complete when you see "Your registration is complete and your courses are secured" clearly stated in green on your tuition bill.

Registration Access Period 1
April 8
  • Continuing and readmitted non-MBA grad students | 8am-12midnight
  • Continuing and readmitted MBA students | 4pm-12midnight
  • All graduate students may continue to access registration through April 19. Check your registration information sheet for access times.
April 9 to 19
  • Continuing and readmitted students
  • Undergraduate Students | Initial access time is based on your progress toward degree completion. Find your access times by checking your registration information sheet.
  • Undergraduate students may continue to access registration through April 19. Check your registration information sheet for access times.

Period 2 | May 29 to May 31, 2024

This course schedule content is archived.

Registration and add/drop for continuing and readmitted students. All students who were enrolled in Spring 2024 or readmitted for Summer 2024.

WHEN. You may access registration online during the access times provided below.

PAYMENT. Tuition bills will not be sent. Pay or confirm attendance (if zero bill) by your deadline at My Tuition Bill or by other payment procedures. If you don't pay your tuition bill or confirm your attendance by the deadline, you will be dropped from all of your classes and waitlists.

Undergraduate Students. If you are registering for the first time, or for the first time after your registration was canceled, pay your tuition bill or confirm attendance (if zero bill) by 5pm, Tuesday, June 11.

Graduate Students. If you are registering for the first time, pay your tuition bill or confirm attendance (if zero bill) by 5pm, Tuesday, June 11.

If you have already registered and paid, and you are adding classes, pay your add bill by 5pm, Tuesday, June 11.

VERIFY. Ensure that your registration is complete and that your classes are secure by visiting My Tuition Bill before your payment deadline. Do this even if a third party is paying your tuition. Your registration is complete when you see "Your registration is complete and your courses are secured" clearly stated in green on your tuition bill.

Registration Access Period 2
May 29 and 30
  • Continuing and readmitted students | 8am-12midnight

May 31

  • Continuing and readmitted students | 8am-5pm

Period 3 | June 4 and June 5, 2024

This course schedule content is archived.

Registration for all students.

Add/drop for registered and paid students.

WHEN. You may access registration online during the access times provided below.

PAYMENT. Tuition/fee bills will not be sent. Pay by your deadline at My Tuition Bill or by other payment procedures. If you don't pay your tuition bill or confirm your attendance (if zero bill) by the deadline, you will be dropped from all of your classes and waitlists.

Undergraduate Students. If you are registering for the first time, or for the first time after your registration was canceled, pay your tuition bill or confirm attendance (if zero bill) by 5pm, Tuesday, June 11.

Graduate Students. If you are registering for the first time, pay your tuition bill or confirm attendance (if zero bill) by 5pm, Tuesday, June 11.

If you have already registered and paid, and you are adding classes, pay your add bill by 5pm, Tuesday, June 11.

VERIFY. Ensure that your registration is complete and that your classes are secure by visiting My Tuition Bill before your payment deadline. Do this even if a third party is paying your tuition. Your registration is complete when you see "Your registration is complete and your courses are secured" clearly stated in green on your tuition bill.

Registration Access Period 3
June 4
  • All students | 8am-12midnight
June 5
  • All students | 8am-12midnight

Period 4 | June 6 and 7, 2024

This course schedule content is archived.

$25 late registration for all students not yet registered.

Add/drop for registered and paid students.

WHEN. You may access registration online during the access times provided below.

PAYMENT. Tuition bills are not sent. Pay or confirm attendance (if zero bill) by your deadline at My Tuition Bill or by other payment procedures. If you don't pay your tuition bill or confirm your attendance (if zero bill) by the deadline, you will be dropped from all of your classes and waitlists. All students who are not yet registered will incur a $25 late registration fee.

If you are registering for the first time, or for the first time after your registration was canceled, pay your tuition bill or confirm attendance (if zero bill) by 5pm, Tuesday, June 11.

If you have already registered and paid, and you are adding classes, pay your add bill by 5pm, Tuesday, June 11.

VERIFY. Ensure that your registration is complete and that your classes are secure by visiting My Tuition Bill before your payment deadline. Do this even if a third party is paying your tuition. Your registration is complete when you see "Your registration is complete and your courses are secured" clearly stated in green on your tuition bill.

Registration Access Period 4

June 6 and 7

  • All students | 8am-12midnight

Period 5 | June 10 and 11, 2024

This course schedule content is archived.

$50 late registration for all students not yet registered.

Add/drop by permission for registered and paid students.


Undergraduate Students. Contact your dean's office to request approval to late register. If approved, contact the department to request permission to add a class. Not all departments will allow late adds.

Graduate Students. You must contact each department offering your desired classes. At the department's discretion, you may be added to the classes.


Undergraduate Students. Use the online registration system to drop or change the grading status of classes. To add a class, you must contact the course department for permission.

Graduate Students. Go to the department offering the class to make any changes.

Determine your access times by consulting the table below or you may view your specific times on your registration information sheet. If it is your access time, you may register online.

PAYMENT. Tuition notices are not sent. Pay or confirm your attendance (if zero bill) by the deadline at My Tuition Bill or by other payment procedures. If you don’t pay or confirm your attendance (if zero bill), you will be dropped from all of your classes and waitlists. All students who are not yet registered will incur a $50 late registration fee.

Pay your tuition bill or confirm attendance, or pay your add bill by 5pm, Tuesday, June 11.

VERIFY. Ensure that your registration is complete and that your classes are secure by visiting My Tuition Bill before your payment deadline. Do this even if a third party is paying your tuition. Your registration is complete when you see "Your registration is complete and your courses are secured" clearly stated in green on your tuition bill.

Students who are permitted to register after June 11 will incur a $200 late registration fee.

Registration Access Period 5
June 10
  • All students | 8am-12midnight
June 11
  • All students | 8am-5pm

Period 6 | July 12, 2024

This course schedule content is archived.

Second term registration for all students not yet registered.

Second term add/drop for registered and paid students.

WHEN. You may access registration online during the access times provided below.

PAYMENT. Tuition bills are not sent. Pay or confirm your attendance by your deadline at My Tuition Bill or by other payment procedures. If you don't pay or confirm your attendance, you will be dropped from all of your classes and waitlists.

Undergraduate tuition is due by 5pm, Thursday, July 18.

Graduate tuition is due by 5pm, Thursday, July 18.

Payment for registered and paid students who add classes this access period is due by 5pm, Thursday, July 18.

VERIFY. Ensure that your registration is complete by visiting My Tuition Bill before your payment deadline. Do this even if a third party is paying your tuition bill. Your registration is complete when you see "Your registration is complete and your courses are secured" clearly stated in green on your tuition bill.

Registration Access Period 6
July 12
  • All students | 8am-12midnight

Period 7 | July 15 and 16, 2024

This course schedule content is archived.

Second term $25 late registration for all students not yet registered.

Second term add/drop for registered and paid students.

WHEN. You may access registration online during the access times provided below.

PAYMENT. Tuition bills are not sent. Pay or confirm attendance (if zero bill) by your deadline at My Tuition Bill or by other payment procedures. If you don't pay your tuition bill or confirm your attendance (if zero bill) by the deadline, you will be dropped from all of your classes and waitlists. All students who are not yet registered will incur a $25 late registration fee.

If you are registering for the first time, or for the first time after your registration was canceled, pay your tuition bill or confirm attendance (if zero bill) by 5pm, Thursday, July 18.

If you have already registered and paid, and you are adding classes, pay your add bill by 5pm, Thursday, July 18.

VERIFY. Ensure that your registration is complete and that your classes are secure by visiting My Tuition Bill before your payment deadline. Do this even if a third party is paying your tuition. Your registration is complete when you see "Your registration is complete and your courses are secured" clearly stated in green on your tuition bill.

Registration Access Period 7
July 15
  • All students | 8am-12midnight
July 16
  • All students | 8am-12midnight

Period 8 | July 17 and 18, 2024

This course schedule content is archived.

Second term $50 late registration for all students not yet registered.

Second term add/drop by permission for registered and paid students.


Undergraduate Students. Contact your dean's office to request approval to late register. If approved, contact the department to request permission to add a class. Not all departments will allow late adds.

Graduate Students. You must contact each department offering your desired classes. At the department's discretion, you may be added to the classes.


Undergraduate Students. Use the online registration system to drop or change the grading status of a class. To add a class, you must contact the course department for permission.

Graduate Students. Go to the department offering the class to make any changes.

PAYMENT. Tuition notices are not sent. Pay or confirm your attendance by the deadline at My Tuition Bill or by other payment procedures. If you don’t pay or confirm your attendance (if zero bill), you will be dropped from all of your classes and waitlists. All students who are not yet registered will incur a $50 late registration fee.

Pay your tuition bill or confirm attendance (if zero bill), or pay your add bill by 5pm, Thursday, July 18.

VERIFY. Ensure that your registration is complete and that your classes are secure by visiting My Tuition Bill before your payment deadline. Do this even if a third party is paying your tuition. Your registration is complete when you see "Your registration is complete and your courses are secured" clearly stated in green on your tuition bill.

Students who are permitted to register after July 18 will incur a $200 late registration fee.

Registration Access Period 8
July 17
  • All students | 8am-12midnight
July 18
  • All students | 8am-5pm

Payment procedures | Summer 2024

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In order to secure your registration each semester by the deadline, please take one of the following actions on the My Tuition Bill site:

  •        Make a payment
  •        Click the “Pay with Financial Aid” button
  •        Click the “Confirm Attendance” button if you have a zero bill

Once your registration is complete, you will see a sentence on My Tuition Bill in green which states “your registration is complete and your courses are secure”. If you do not see this, you still have action to take. If you do not complete your registration process by your deadline, your entire registration will be cancelled and you may incur late registration fees when you re-register.

You must take an action prior to the published deadline or your entire registration will be canceled. Any balance on My Tuition Bill must be paid in full. If a student opts for the installment plan they must sign the installment plan note prior to taking any other action on their tuition bill. Payments must be made before each installment deadline.

If you have a zero amount due, you must either click the "Confirm Attendance" or "Pay with Financial Aid" button on My Tuition Bill by the payment deadline to complete your registration. A zero bill does not mean zero responsibility. Failure to take action by the deadline will result in canceled registration and denied University services.

Learn about our accepted methods of payment and our payment plans under the "Installment Plan" section. If your registration is not complete by the steps described above by the payment due date, your registration will be canceled and you may incur a late registration fee to register again.

Summer Session I

Early registration for summer and fall 2024 is April 8th - April 19th. Summer tuition bills will be released to the students on May 7th. Summer tuition bills are due Thursday, May 23rd by 5:00 p.m. CST. The tuition deadline for graduate students and any undergraduate students who registered after May 23rd is Tuesday, June 11th by 5:00 p.m. CST. Any students who incur an additional tuition fee or “add bill” after their initial tuition payment will have a balance due Tuesday, June 11th by 11:59 p.m. CST.

Summer Session II

The registration and tuition due date for summer session II is Thursday, July 18th by 5:00 p.m. CST. Any students who incur an additional tuition fee or “add bill” after their initial tuition payment will have a balance due Thursday, July 18th by 11:59 p.m. CST.

If you do not receive your tuition bill it is still your responsibility to complete registration by the deadline posted on the Texas One Stop website.

Review accepted methods of payment. Remember — the final step in the registration process is making sure your “registration is complete and your courses are secure”. If you don’t complete this process by the payment deadline your registration will be canceled and you will lose all of your classes.


Tuition bills will not be sent. After you have completed your add/drop transactions, go to My Tuition Bill for an add bill quote the day after changes have been made. If the changes made in your schedule result in the assessment of additional tuition you must pay the amount due. Payment must be received and posted to student's account no later than 5:00 PMTuesday, June 11th. Failure to make payment by the appropriate deadline may result in the cancelation of your registration.

Review accepted methods of payment and our payment plans under the "Installment Plan" section.  Remember — the final step in the registration process is making sure your “registration is complete and your courses are secure”. If you don’t complete this process by the payment deadline your registration will be canceled and you will lose all of your classes.

Late registration

Tuition bills will not be sent for late registration. To make an online payment you must visit My Tuition Bill to take action on your bill. If you need to pay by check or money order please mail (mailing address below). You must include your name and UT EID on your check.

Payment must be received and posted to your account no later than 5:00 PM on the payment deadline. Tuition bills will not be distributed. If you do not pay your tuition bill, you will not be registered.

Review accepted methods of payment and our payment plans under the "Installment Plan" section. Remember — the final step in the registration process is making sure your “registration is complete and your courses are secure”. If you don’t complete this process by the payment deadline your registration will be canceled and you will lose all of your classes.

Payment plans

Please note: The installment plan is now available for summer session tuition payments.

Full Payment Plan. Full payment must be received and posted to your account no later than the payment deadline in the registration sequence table as shown on My Tuition Bill. Confirmation of attendance must be made if the student has a zero bill.

Installment plan. Tuition and required fees may be paid in installments. The first installment consists of:

  • The minimum payment due as displayed on My Tuition Bill
    • $1,500 for Texas Residents
    • $5,000 for Non-Residents

The first installment is due by the deadline specified in the registration sequence table or as shown on My Tuition Bill. No late initial installment payments will be accepted; failure to pay the first installment by the due date will result in cancelation of registration. The installment plan is not available to students who register after June 11th, 2024.

Students will electronically sign an installment plan promissory note when they sign the Financial Responsibility Statement.

Tuition and most required fees are payable in installments. The two-payment installment plan requires minimum payment of $1,500 for Texas residents and $5,000 for non-Texas residents. The remainder of deferrable fees is payable in one installment due June 11th, 2024. A $15 service charge to cover the cost of handling will be assessed to each student who has not paid their balance in full by 11:59 PM (CST) on June 11th, 2024, adjusted for adds and drops. Bills for these payments are sent to the student's e-mail address. Paper bills are not mailed.

By opting into the installment plan you agree to pay the remaining tuition and fees on time. A $25 late charge will be assessed for the final installment payment if received after July 18th, 2024 by 11:59pm CST. If you are enrolled in the installment plan and subsequently receive a financial aid award, your total tuition and fees will be deducted from your award at the time of disbursement.

Visit My Tuition Bill to receive an official tuition payment receipt.

Direct any questions about tuition bills to Texas One Stop. E-mail inquiries may be sent to



Methods of payment

Electronic Payment. There are two options available for paying online directly from your bank account. To select either option visit My Tuition Bill. Electronic payments that are returned to the University, regardless of the reason, will be treated the same as returned checks. Tuition and financial holds cannot be paid by electronic funds if you have a "no personal check" restriction with Student Accounts Receivable.

  • eCheck. You may pay online just as though you were using a traditional paper check. No authorization form is required. This option does not require an upgraded EID and can be used by anyone acting as an eProxy.
  • Electronic Funds Transfer. You may pay by direct transfer of funds from your bank using a pre-established account if you have completed an Electronic Funds Transfer Authorization form. Authorizations may be completed online. This payment method requires an upgraded EID and cannot be used by anyone acting as an eProxy.
  • Credit Card. Go to My Tuition Bill to pay with MasterCard, Discover, Visa, or American Express. A convenience fee of 2.3% will be charged at the time of payment for all tuition and mandatory fee payments made by credit card. (Rate is subject to change.)

If payment is approved, the registration system will give you an authorization code confirming the transaction.

Check or money order. All checks must be drawn on US banks in US dollars. Collection charges resulting from checks drawn otherwise will be charged to the student.

Checks must be mailed to UT Cashiers office. Your payment must be received and posted by the payment deadline or your registration will be canceled. Make checks payable to The University of Texas at Austin and include your UT EID on the check. Multiple checks must be sent together to ensure proper account posting. All checks must be drawn on a bank within the United States of America. 

Mailing Checks. Checks mailed using US Postal Service, including Express Mail overnight delivery and also commercial courier service, including FedEx, UPS, etc. should be mailed to the address below:

The University of Texas at Austin,

Student Accts Receivable Main 4

110 Inner Campus Dr. Stop K5308

Austin TX 78712-1669

Please contact the Texas One Stop regarding outside (non-UT) scholarships, as Student Accounts Receivable cannot process outside scholarship checks.

Tuition loan. You may apply for tuition loans online.  An upgraded EID and password are required to create the promissory note and electronically sign. Students who have not upgraded their UT EIDs to high assurance should follow the emergency process to do so.  Questions concerning tuition loans should be directed to Texas One Stop

If your payment is returned to the University, for any reason, your registration will be incomplete. If payment is not received within ten calendar days of the returned check notice, you will not be registered for classes. For additional information regarding returned payments and charges assessed please see Student Accounts Receivable Returned Checks.

Zero bill. If your tuition is zero, you must still confirm your attendance before the payment deadline. If a third party, such as the Texas Guaranteed Tuition Plan, pays your tuition bill you must confirm attendance before the payment deadline. You may do this via My Tuition Bill. For additional information contact Texas One Stop. If you do not plan to attend classes do not confirm attendance and we will cancel your registration. Student Accounts Receivable will not bill the agency, scholarship, or account for the fees. If you have confirmed attendance and later choose not to attend you must follow normal withdrawal procedures.

Financial aid. If you are eligible to pay all of your tuition bill with your financial aid, you must do so by clicking the "Pay with Financial Aid" button on My Tuition Bill or pay any remaining balance by the payment deadline.

Questions about eligibility and financial aid awards should be directed to Texas One Stop.

If you are eligible for financial aid and choose to have charges paid directly from your financial aid account by the payment deadline, you will be tentatively registered. If the expected financial aid is not available to pay all of your tuition bill by the twelfth class day, you must make other arrangements to pay your bill in full by that date.


Final examinations | Summer 2024

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When are final exam schedules available?

We publish the final exam schedule about a month before the end of the semester.

How do I look up published final exam schedules?

Final exam policies


The list of default final exam times

All classes default into a final exam time based on the default of final exam times. Your assigned final exam time may differ from the default.

Not all classes hold final exams. Check your class syllabus to see whether or not there will be a final exam for your class.

Some departments test all students in multiple classes at the same time (“Uniform” or "Departmental" exams). Uniform exam times may differ from the default, and are not offered in the summer term.

Contact your instructor or department for specific class information.

Faculty and students should not plan to travel until after the last university final exam day.

First-term Final exam days

Friday, July 12–Saturday, July 13

Default First-term final exam times
Class meets:Default final exam time:
MTWThF 7:00 am–8:30 amFriday, July 12, 7:00 pm–10:00 pm
MTWThF 8:30 am–10:00 amSaturday, July 13, 7:00 pm–10:00 pm
MTWThF 10:00 am–11:30 amFriday, July 12, 9:00 am–12:00 pm
MTWThF 11:30 am–1:00 pmSaturday, July 13, 9:00 am–12:00 pm
MTWThF 1:00 pm–2:30 pmFriday, July 12, 2:00 pm–5:00 pm
MTWThF 2:30 pm–4:00 pmSaturday, July 13, 2:00 pm–5:00 pm
MTWThF 4:00 pm - and laterFriday, July 12, 7:00 pm–10:00 pm

Nine-week Final exam days

Wednesday, July 31–Thursday, August 1

Default Nine-week final exam times
Class meets:Default final exam time:
MTWThF 7:00 am–8:30 amThursday, August 1, 2:00 pm–5:00 pm
MTWThF 8:30 am–10:00 amWednesday, July 31, 9:00 am–12:00 pm
MTWThF 10:00 am–11:30 amThursday, August 1, 9:00 am–12:00 pm
MTWThF 11:30 am–1:00 pmThursday, August 1, 7:00 pm–10:00 pm
MTWThF 1:00 pm–2:30 pmWednesday, July 31, 2:00 pm–5:00 pm
MTWThF 2:30 pm–4:00 pmWednesday, July 31, 7:00 pm–10:00 pm
MTWThF 4:00 pm - and laterThursday, August 1, 2:00 pm–5:00 pm

Second- and Whole term Final exam days

Saturday, August 17 and Monday, August 19

Default Second and Whole term final exam times
Class meets:Default final exam time:
MTWThF 7:00 am–8:30 amMonday, August 19, 7:00 pm–10:00 pm
MTWThF 8:30 am–10:00 amSaturday, August 17, 7:00 pm–10:00 pm
MTWThF 10:00 am–11:30 amMonday, August 19, 9:00 am–12:00 pm
MTWThF 11:30 am–1:00 pmSaturday, August 17, 9:00 am–12:00 pm
MTWThF 1:00 pm–2:30 pmMonday, August 19, 2:00 pm–5:00 pm
MTWThF 2:30 pm–4:00 pmSaturday, August 17, 2:00 pm–5:00 pm
MTWThF 4:00 pm - and laterMonday, August 19, 7:00 pm–10:00 pm

Final examinations for classes that begin at days or times not listed above default to the closest standard class beginning time. For example:

  • T 3:00pm–6:00pm classes default to the same exam time as MTWTHF 2:30pm–4:00pm classes.
  • TTH 12:30pm-2:00pm classes default to the same exam time as MTWTHF 1:00pm-2:30pm classes.

If the beginning time of the class is exactly halfway between two standard class beginning times, the class defaults to the later time. For example:

  • WF 2:00–3:30 PM classes default to the same exam time as MTWTHF 2:30pm–4:00pm classes.
  • TTH 1:15pm-2:45pm classes default to the same exam time as MTWTHF 1:00pm-2:30pm classes.


Grade reporting | Summer 2024

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Submission of grades to registrar.

Faculty are required to submit grades according to the following schedule and policies:

Grade reporting due dates for classes with official meeting times.
For classes having a
final examination on:
Grades are due :
Friday, July 12Wednesday, July 17 at 11:59pm (CST)
Saturday, July 13Thursday, July 18 at 11:59pm (CST)
Wednesday, July 31Monday, August 5 at 11:59pm (CST)
Thursday, August 1Tuesday, August 6 at 11:59pm (CST)
Saturday, August 17Wednesday, August 21 at 11:59pm (CST)
Monday, August 19Thursday, August 22 at 5:00pm (CST)

Final grades for classes that have regularly scheduled meeting times but no final examinations are due at the same time they would have been if examinations had been scheduled.

Grade reporting due dates for classes without an official meeting time.
For the following summer terms:Grades are due:
First-term classesThursday, July 18 at 11:59pm (CST)
Nine-week classesTuesday, August 6 at 11:59pm (CST)
Second-term and Summer Term classesThursday, August 22 at 5:00pm (CST)

Final grades should be submitted online by the instructor of record by going to Grade Reporting. Online grade submission is available at all times during grade reporting.

Grade reports to students.

Grade reports are available to all students, except students in the School of Law, at the end of each semester and summer session.

Tuition, fees, charges, and deposits | Summer 2024

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The following information is not intended to be comprehensive and is subject to change based on administrative, legislative, or regental action, and changes become effective on the date enacted. The following information should be used only as a guideline for estimating costs. For further clarification on any matter, contact the office or administrative unit from which the charge or refund originated, or consult the General Information Catalog online.

Securing Your Registration 

In order to secure your registration each semester by your deadline, please take one of the following actions on the My Tuition Bill site:

  • Make a payment
  • Click the "Pay with Financial Aid" button
  • Click the "Confirm Attendance" button

Once you have signed your Financial Responsibility Statement, and your registration is complete, you will see a sentence on My Tuition Bill in green which states “Attendance Confirmed”. If you do not see this, you still have action to take.

You must take an action prior to the published deadline or your entire registration will be canceled, and you may incur late registration fees when you re-register. The minimum balance displayed on My Tuition Bill must be paid by the payment deadline or the university may cancel the student's registration in its entirety. Any student whose tuition is not paid in full by the 4th class day, June 11th, 2024, by 11:59pm CST will automatically be entered into an installment plan and assessed a $15 installment plan fee. To avoid the installment plan fee, all tuition must be paid before the installment deadline. If you choose to pay in installments, any remaining balance due after the 4th class day is due by July 18th, 2024 by 11:59pm CST. Failure to pay all tuition by July 18th, 2024 by 11:59pm CST will result in a $25 late fee assessment and the entire balance will become a financial hold immediately.

If you have a zero amount due, you must either click the "Confirm Attendance" or "Pay with Financial Aid" button on the My Tuition Bill site  by the payment deadline to complete your registration. Always remember, a zero bill does not mean zero responsibility. Failure to take action on your tuition bill by the deadline will result in canceled registration and denied University services.

Learn about our accepted methods of payment and our payment plans under the "Installment Plan" section. If your registration is not complete by the steps described above by the payment due date, your registration will be canceled and you may incur a late registration fee to re-register.

Flat Rate Tuition For Undergraduate Students

The flat rate tuition for each college covers the tuition, mandatory fees and charges, and college and course incidental fees. It does not include the general property deposit, the international fees, the independent study and research fee, or fees for extended trips that require students to live off campus.

The flat rates are based on the average per-hour charges for tuition and fees previously paid by students in each college. Flat rate tuition varies by college. There is no restriction on the number of hours a full-time student may take when registered at the full-time rate, as long as the student complies with the quantity of work rule given in the General Information Catalog.

Undergraduate students who pursue simultaneous majors in more than one college are charged the higher of the two colleges’ rates.

Longhorn Fixed Tuition is an optional tuition program only available to undergraduate students enrolling at The University of Texas at Austin for the first time. Initially, fixed tuition rates are 8% higher than traditional rates because they are based on the projected average of flat rate tuition over the next four years. For four consecutive academic years students will pay a fixed tuition rate each semester. Please note that this program is still flat rate tuition and is based on the number of hours a student enrolls in each semester. The cost of tuition between the Traditional and Longhorn Fixed tuition rates is not the same. For a comparison of Longhorn Fixed and Traditional tuition rates, visit Texas One Stop's Tuition and Fee Rates page. For more information and eligibility requirements, see the Longhorn Fixed Tuition websiteStudents must enroll and/or un-enroll by the 12th class day (4th class day of a summer session) of their first semester in attendance to participate in Longhorn Fixed Tuition. Changes to a student’s tuition program cannot be changed after that date.

Students who do not enroll in the Longhorn Fixed Tuition program will default to Traditional flat rate tuition. After selecting classes, the student may view their tuition and fee bill at the My Tuition Bill site.

Flat Rate Tuition For Graduate, Law, and Professional Students

Graduate, law, and professional students are charged flat rate tuition for the college in which they are enrolled.  Each tuition rate covers the student's tuition, mandatory fees and charges, and college and course incidental fees. It does not include the general property deposit, the international fees, the independent study and research fee, or fees for extended trips that require students to live off campus.

Graduate or professional students enrolled in joint degree programs are charged a flat rate tuition that is proportional to the number of hours taken in each program.

Flat rate tuition for each college is available on the Tuition and Fee Rates page. After selecting classes, the student may view their tuition and fee bill at the My Tuition Bill site.

Nonresident Tuition For Resident Students

Because the University is a state-assisted institution, tuition rates are lower for Texas-resident students than for nonresidents, including both out-of-state and international students. Rules affecting residency are given in "Residency Regulations" in the "Admissions" section of the General Information catalog. In the following circumstances, a student who is classified as a Texas resident may be charged nonresident tuition.

Undergraduates. State law allows universities to charge a Texas-resident undergraduate the nonresident tuition rate if the student has attempted an excessive number of hours beyond the number required for their degree. In addition, universities are allowed to charge a higher tuition rate if a student enrolls again in a course they have completed. 

As of the current academic year, the University of Texas at Austin does not charge undergraduates additional tuition for an excessive number of hours or for repeated courses.

Graduate students. A student who has earned more than ninety-nine semester hours of credit at the doctoral level is subject to the nonresident tuition rate, even if the student is a Texas resident or holds an appointment that would normally entitle the holder to pay resident tuition. This policy, sometimes called the Ninety-Nine Hour rule, is authorized by section 54.012 of the Texas Education Code. More information about charges for excessive graduate coursework is available online from the Office of Graduate Studies.

As of the current academic year, the University of Texas at Austin does not charge graduate students additional tuition for an excessive number of hours.

Tuition Exemptions

Tuition exemptions are issued only for the period in which a student is currently enrolled. Unless otherwise stated, applications must be submitted each semester no later than the date of Commencement at the end of the spring semester or the student’s official graduation date.

Senate Bill 1210 (83rd Texas Legislature, Regular Session) adds a grade point average requirement for persons to receive continuation awards through the program. The bill also establishes a limit to the total number of hours, cumulatively, that a student may take and continue to receive awards through this program.

»  Available exemptions

Tuition Waivers

A waiver allows for a portion of a student’s tuition not to be paid. The student is responsible for payment of the remaining tuition not covered by the waiver. Tuition waivers are issued only for the period in which a student is currently enrolled. Unless otherwise stated, applications must be submitted each semester no later than the date of Commencement at the end of the spring semester or the student’s official graduation date.

Senate Bill 1210 (83rd Texas Legislature, Regular Session) adds a grade point average requirement for persons to receive continuation awards through the program. The bill also establishes a limit to the total number of hours, cumulatively, that a student may take and continue to receive awards through this program.

»  Available waivers

Third-Party Billing

Agencies outside the University may set up third-party billing arrangements that pay all or part of a student’s tuition bill. The student is responsible for any amount not covered by the third party. Arrangements must be made in advance with the Student Accounts Receivable Office.

» Available third-party billing

Fee Adjustments and Refunds

Refunds are applied to any current and outstanding debts owed to the University before becoming available to the student. Section 54.006(d) of the Texas Education Code requires that the University refund tuition and fees paid by a sponsor, donor, or scholarship to the source, rather than directly to the student, if the funds were made available through the University.= (i.e. third-party billing)


Students who withdraw from the University receive a refund of a percentage of their tuition. The percentage varies according to the student’s effective withdrawal date:

Long session and summer session: whole-session classes.
official withdrawal datepercentage refunded
prior to the first class day100 percent less $15 matriculation fee
during the first five class days80 percent
during the second five class days70 percent
during the third five class days50 percent
during the fourth five class days25 percent
after the fourth five class daysnone


Summer session: first-term, second-term, and nine-week classes.
official withdrawal datepercentage refunded
prior to the first class day100 percent less $15 matriculation fee
during the first, second, or third class day80 percent
during the fourth, fifth, or sixth class day50 percent
after the sixth class daynone

Withdrawal refunds are based on the student’s schedule, including adds and drops, as of the effective date of withdrawal and the amount of tuition that has been paid.

Students withdrawn by the University because of a returned check are assessed a $25 service charge and a $15 matriculation fee. A student withdrawn by the University for scholastic reasons, class cancelations, or other reasons receives a full refund of fees paid that semester (i.e. no other fees are assessed).

A student who withdraws as a result of being called to active military service may choose to receive a refund of tuition and fees. For further information please check the General Information Catalog.

A student who withdraws after receiving any cash payment from Texas One Stop may be required to make full or partial repayment. Students should contact Texas One Stop for information regarding repayment obligations. Funds received through the Federal College Work-Study Program are not subject to repayment.

Student Accounts Receivable initiates refunds for all eligible students who submit approved withdrawal petitions to the Office of the Registrar (these refunds are issued no earlier than 30 days after the date the student paid the initial tuition bill). The refund is mailed to the student’s local address or deposited into the account the student has designated if an electronic funds transfer authorization is in effect. Additional information can be found in the General Information Catalog.

Adding and Dropping Classes

Applicable charges for added classes must be paid by the end of the 12th class day in the fall and spring semesters and by the end of the 4th class day in the summer. If you add or drop courses your tuition bill will be updated overnight. My Tuition Bill will reflect any changes that have been made. If the changes made in your schedule result in the assessment of additional tuition you must pay the amount due. It is the student's responsibility to keep track of changes made to their tuition bill. Any student whose tuition is not paid in full by the 4th class day, June 11th, 2024 by 11:59pm CST, will automatically be entered into the installment plan, and will incur a $15 fee. To avoid the installment plan fee, all tuition must be paid before the installment deadline. If you choose to pay in installments, any remaining balance due after the 4th class day is due by July 18th, 2024 by 11:59pm CST. Failure to pay all tuition by July 18th, 2024 by 11:59pm CST will result in a $25 late fee assessment and the entire balance will become a financial hold immediately.

A full refund of tuition overpayment will be issued if there is a decrease in your tuition bill amount caused by a class being dropped within the following time frames: (1) during the first twelve class days in a fall or spring semester; (2)  during the first four class days in any summer session. No refunds are made for classes dropped after these dates. Tuition bills are recalculated and refunds, if applicable, are issued the week after the 12th class day. Refunds are mailed to the student’s local address or deposited into the account the student has designated if an electronic funds transfer authorization (EFT) is in effect. The student may contact Texas One Stop to verify account information.

Tuition Rebates For Certain Undergraduates

Undergraduate students enrolled in the Traditional Tuition program may be eligible for a tuition rebate of up to $1,000, and students enrolled in the Longhorn Fixed Tuition program may be eligible for an additional $2,500 rebate.  Students interested in the tuition rebate must begin their application process with the dean’s office of the college in which they are enrolled. For eligibility requirements, please see the tuition rebate web page.





Academic Advising | Summer 2024

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The University of Texas at Austin views sound academic advising as a significant responsibility in educating students, supports orderly and timely progress toward a degree, and encourages effective academic advising campus-wide.

Academic advisers help students:

  • develop intellectual potential
  • explore educational opportunities and life goals
  • learn about educational options, degree requirements, and academic policies and procedures
  • clarify educational objectives
  • plan and pursue programs consistent with abilities, interests, and goals
  • use all resources of the University to best advantage
  • stay up to date with current academic information
  • promote progress toward educational goals

Students are responsible for:

  • seeking academic advising
  • knowing and meeting degree requirements
  • enrolling in appropriate courses to ensure orderly and timely progress toward a degree

Academic advising may or may not be required to register for classes in a given major. See "Advising Note" in the table below to determine if your major requires academic advising:

Advising Required:   

Advising bars must be cleared by the major department online. Until the bar is cleared, you will not have access to the registration system.

No Advising Required:   

You can still choose to meet with an adviser at the advising locations listed below.

Undergraduates with Simultaneous Majors:   

Follow the advising procedures of both majors.

Special Advising Area Major Codes:   

First four digits correspond to a specific major code, and the last two digits represent the special advising area. For example: 240919 is the finance major code for the prelaw special advising area. The advising note is R and advising location is CBA 2.400.


Find your college:

Architecture | Undergrad Business | Communication | Education | Engineering | Fine Arts | Geosciences | School of Information | Law | Liberal Arts | Natural Sciences | Nursing | Pharmacy | Social Work | Graduate School | Graduate Business | Undergraduate Studies




Major Codes

School of Architecture




900300Degree Holder, Nondegree SeekerASUT 2.126
908000Architecture/Interior DesignASUT 2.126
908400Architectural StudiesASUT 2.126
908500Architectural Studies (architectural history emphasis)ASUT 2.126
909200ArchitectureASUT 2.126
909201Architecture/Architectural EngineeringASUT 2.126
909300Architecture/Plan II Honors ProgramASUT 2.126

<<Find your college

Red McCombs School of Business




200126Business Honors ProgramRCBA 2.312
200127Business Honors Program/Plan II Honors ProgramRCBA 2.312
200128Business Honors Program/PPABCBA 2.312
200300Degree Holder, Nondegree SeekerGCBA 2.400
200400Unspecified Business (Freshman)RCBA 2.400
200401Unspecified Business (Transfer)RCBA 2.400
200439Unspecified Business/McCombs Success ScholarsACBA 2.400
200455Unspecified Business (BBA Exchange Program)ACBA 2.400
200500Transitional StudentsACBA 2.400
200800AccountingGCBA 2.400
200801Accounting (PPA, year 3)GGSB 4.112C
 Accounting (PPA, years 4 and 5)GGSB 4.112C
235000Business Analytics GCBA 2.400
240900FinanceGCBA 2.400
253700ManagementGCBA 2.400
264000Management Information SystemsGCBA 2.400
264600MarketingGCBA 2.400
274000Science and Technology ManagementGCBA 2.400
275000Supply Chain ManagementGCBA 2.400
298000International BusinessGCBA 2.400

<<Find your college

Special Advising Areas for Business

14Premedical, Predental, PreveterinaryRPAI 5.03
17Allied Health ProfessionsRPAI 5.03
19PrelawRCBA 2.400
20Plan II Honors ProgramRCBA 2.400
26Business Honors ProgramRHonors Adv
27Business Honors Program/Plan II Honors ProgramRHonors Adv
28Business Honors Program/PPARHonors Adv
37GatewayRCBA 2.400
39McCombs Success ScholarsGCBA 2.400
40Honors Computer Science and Business (BSCompSci/BBA)JMajor Dept.
41Honors Computer Science and Business (BSCompSci/PPA)JMajor Dept.
42Honors Electrical and Computer Engineering and Business (BSECE/BBA) JMajor Dept.
43Honors Electrical and Computer Engineering and Business (BSECE/PPA) JMajor Dept.

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Moody College of Communication




C00100UndeclaredADMC 2.600
C00200Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences, Degree Holder Nondegree Seeker (BSSLHS)GDMC 2.600
C00300Degree Holder, Nondegree SeekerGDMC 2.600
C00301Communication Sciences and Disorders--Degree Holder/Nondegree SeekerADMC 2.600
C55200Communication and Leadership (BSComm&Lead)GDMC 2.600
C57100Advertising (BSAdv)GDMC 2.600
C59100Journalism (BJ)GDMC 2.600
C85100Radio-Television-Film (BSRTF)GDMC 2.600
C86100Public Relations (BSPR)GDMC 2.600
C94170Communication Studies – Human Relations (fewer than 60 hours)GDMC 2.600
C94270Communication Studies – Human Relations (at least 60 hours)GDMC 2.600
C94300Communication Studies, Interpersonal Communication (BSCommStds)GDMC 2.600
C94600Communication Studies – Corporate Communication (BSCommStds)GDMC 2.600
C94900Communication Studies - Political Communication (BSCommStds)GDMC 2.600
C95130Communication Sciences and Disorders - Education of the Deaf/Hearing-Impaired (fewer than 60 hours)GDMC 2.600
C95140Communication Sciences and Disorders - Speech/Language Pathology (fewer than 60 hours)GDMC 2.600
C95150Communication Sciences and Disorders - Audiology (fewer than 60 hours)GDMC 2.600
C95152Communication Sciences and Disorders, Audiology (under 60 hours, Moody College Honors Program)GDMC 2.600
C95230Communication Sciences and Disorders - Education of the Deaf/Hearing-Impaired (at least 60 hours)GDMC 2.600
C95240Communication Sciences and Disorders Speech/Language Pathology (at least 60 hours)GDMC 2.600
C95250Communication Sciences and Disorders - Audiology (at least 60 hours)GDMC 2.600
C96100Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences, Speech/Language Pathology (BSSLH)GDMC 2.600
C96200Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences, Audiology (BSSLH)GDMC 2.600
C96300Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences, Education of the Deaf/Hearing-Impaired (BSSLH)GDMC 2.600

<<Find your college

Special Advising Areas for Communication

2Moody College Honors ProgramGDMC 2.600
3Moody College Success ScholarsADMC 2.600
5Plan II Honors ProgramGMajor Dept
14Premedical, Predental, PreveterinaryGPAI 5.03
17Allied Health ProfessionsGPAI 5.03

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College of Education




300100UndeclaredBSZB 216
300300Degree Holder, Nondegree SeekerBSZB 216
300301Degree Holder, Secondary Certificate SeekerBSZB 216
300302Degree Holder, Elementary Certificate SeekerBSZB 216
300304Degree Holder, All-Level Certificate SeekerBSZB 216
335426Applied Learning and Development: Early Childhood through Grade Six Generalist CertificationGSZB 216
335427Applied Learning and Development: Early Childhood through Grade Six Bilingual Generalist CertificationGSZB 216
335428Applied Learning and Development - Generic All-Level Special Education CertificationGSZB 216
335701Applied Learning and Development - Youth and Community StudiesGSZB 216
353000Pre–Athletic TrainingGSZB 216
353200Athletic TrainingGSZB 216
372000Applied Movement ScienceGSZB 416
372500Exercise ScienceGSZB 216
373000Health PromotionGSZB 216
373500Physical Culture and SportsGSZB 216
374200Sport ManagementGSZB 216

<<Find your college

Special Advising Areas for Education

14Premedical, Predental, PreveterinarySee Dept.PAI 5.03
17Allied Health ProfessionsSee Dept.PAI 5.03
18PrepharmacySee Dept.PAI 5.03
52CoachingSee Dept.SZB 216
53Community Health and WellnessSee Dept.SZB 216
54Disability StudiesSee Dept.SZB 216
56Health Fitness InstructorSee Dept.SZB 216
58Medical Fitness and RehabilitationSee Dept.SZB 216
59Strength and Conditioning CoachingSee Dept.SZB 216
60Physical Education Teacher EducationSee Dept.SZB 216
61Urban Teachers Social StudiesSee Dept.SZB 216
62Urban Teachers English and Language ArtsSee Dept.SZB 216
63Education ScholarsSee Dept.SZB 216
79PrelawSee Dept.Major Dept.

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Cockrell School of Engineering




400100UndeclaredAEER 2.848
400300Degree Holder, Nondegree SeekerAEER 2.848
404100Aerospace EngineeringDASE 2.200B
404120Aerospace Engineering/Plan II HonorsDASE 4.224
404124Aerospace Engineering/Plan II Honors/PremedDASE 4.224
404126Aerospace Engineering/Engineering Honors ProgramDASE 4.224
404127Aerospace Engineering/Engineering Honors Program/Plan II Honors ProgramDASE 4.224
407700Architectural EngineeringDECJ 4.200
407701Architectural Engineering/ArchitectureDECJ 4.200
407800Architectural Engineering (conditional)AECJ 4.200
407801Architectural Engineering/Architecture (conditional)AECJ 4.200
407900Architectural Engineering (major sequence)DECJ 4.200
407901Architectural Engineering/Architecture (major sequence)AECJ 4.200
414700Biomedical EngineeringABME 3.308
414800Biomedical Engineering (conditional)ABME 3.308
414900Biomedical Engineering (major sequence)ABME 3.308
420100Chemical EngineeringACPE 2.706
420200Chemical Engineering (conditional)ACPE 2.706
420300Chemical Engineering (major sequence)ACPE 2.706
421700Civil EngineeringDECJ 4.200
421800Civil Engineering (conditional)AECJ 4.200
421900Civil Engineering (major sequence)AECJ 4.200
432100Computational EngineeringDASE 2.200B
434500Electrical EngineeringDEER 2.884
435500Electrical and Computer Engineering (BSECE)DEER 2.884
437700Environmental EngineeringDECJ 4.200
445500Geosystems Engineering and HydrogeologyACPE 3.168B
466100Mechanical EngineeringAETC 2.146
475100Petroleum EngineeringACPE 3.168B

<<Find your college

Special Advising Areas for Engineering

14Premedical, Predental, PreveterinarySee Dept.Major Dept.
17Allied Health ProfessionsSee Dept.Major Dept.
20Engineering/Plan II Honors ProgramSee Dept.Major Dept.
24Engineering/Plan II Honors Program/Premedical, Predental, PreveterinarySee Dept.Major Dept.
26Engineering Honors ProgramSee Dept.Major Dept.
27Engineering Honors Program/Plan II Honors ProgramSee Dept.Major Dept.
28Special StudentsSee Dept.Major Dept.
37GatewaySee Dept.Major Dept.
38Ramshorn Scholars ProgramAMajor Dept.
39MSE Integrated ProgramSee Dept.Major Dept.
41ECE HonorsDEER 2.884

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College of Fine Arts




500100Undeclared-Fine ArtsADFA 1.103
500200Arts and Entertainment TechnologiesADFA 1.103
507000Art Education (BFA)AART 3.334
509953Studio Art (BFA)AART 3.334
509954Design (BFA)AART 3.334
509956Visual Art StudiesAART 3.334
509960Degree Holder, Nondegree Seeker - ArtAART 3.334
511100Dance (BFA)AWIN 1.118
511160Degree Holder, Nondegree Seeker - DanceAWIN 1.118
530600Theatre Education (BFA)AWIN 1.118
530756Theatre Studies (Option A)AWIN 1.118
530757Theatre Studies (Option B)AWIN 1.118
530758Theatre Studies (Option C)AWIN 1.118
530759Theatre StudiesAWIN 1.118
530760Degree Holder, Nondegree Seeker - DramaAWIN 1.118
530900ActingAWIN 1.118
569000Unclassified MusicAMRH 3.836
569052Music TheoryAMRH 3.836
569053Music CompositionAMRH 3.836
569054Music Studies (Instrumental emphasis)AMRH 3.836
569055Music Studies (Choral emphasis)AMRH 3.836
569057Music PerformanceAMRH 3.836
569060Degree Holder, Nondegree Seeker - MusicAMRH 3.836
569100Jazz CompositionAMRH 3.836
569200Jazz PerformanceAMRH 3.836
569250JazzAMRH 3.836
569300Music BusinessAMRH 3.836
569400Recording TechnologyAMRH 3.836
570300Music (Bachelor of Arts in Music)AMRH 3.836
570301Bachelor of Arts in Music - Emphasis in MusicAMRH 3.836
570302Bachelor of Arts in Music - Emphasis in Music BusinessAMRH 3.836
570303Bachelor of Arts in Music - Emphasis in Music Recording TechnologyAMRH 3.836
570304Bachelor of Arts in Music - Emphasis in CompositionAMRH 3.836
570400BA in Theatre and DanceAWIN 1.118
510000Art History (BA)ADFA 2.530
510100Studio Art (BA)ADFA 2.530
510200Design (BA)ADFA 4.132A

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Special Advising Areas for Fine Arts

14Premedical, Predental, PreveterinarySee Dept.Major Dept.
17Allied Health ProfessionsSee Dept.Major Dept.
20Plan II Honors ProgramAMajor Dept.
37GatewayAMajor Dept.

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John A. and Katherine G. Jackson School of Geosciences




J00100UndeclaredYJGB 2.102
J00300Degree Holder but Nondegree SeekerYJGB 2.102
J45000Geological Sciences, Entry-LevelYJGB 2.102
J45200Geological Sciences (BAGeoSci)YJGB 2.102
J45300Geological Sciences (BSGeoSci) (Option: General Geology)YJGB 2.102
J45500Geological Sciences (BSGeoSci) (Option: Hydrogeology)YJGB 2.102
J45600Geological Sciences (BSGeoSci) (Option: Teaching)YJGB 2.102
J45800Geosystems Engineering and HydrogeologyYCPE 5.168B
J45900Geological Sciences (BSGeoSci) (Option: Geophysics)YJGB 2.102
J46000Environmental Science, Entry-Level (Geological Sciences)YJGB 2.102
J46100Environmental Science, Geological SciencesYJGB 2.102

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Special Advising Areas for Geosciences

14Premedical, Predental, PreveterinaryAJGB 2.102
17Allied Health ProfessionsAJGB 2.102
34UTeach-Natural SciencesAJGB 2.102
37GatewayAMajor Dept

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School of Information








P10000Informatics (BA)AUTA 5.202
P20000Informatics (BSI)AUTA 5.202

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School of Law




760500Doctor of JurisprudenceBTNH 2.116
760505Master of LawsBTNH 3.108
760506Law (LLM) (Global Energy, International Arbitration, and Environment)BTNH 3.108
760516Law/Business AdministrationPTNH 4.102
760521Law/Community and Regional PlanningBCCJ 1.326A
760541Law/Global Policy Studies (3-year program)BSRH 3.104
760540Law/Global Policy StudiesBJON 6.238
760541Law/Global Policy Studies (3-year program)BSRH 3.104
760550Law/Information StudiesBJON 2.212
760560Law/Latin American StudiesBJON 5.254
760570Law/Middle Eastern StudiesBCCJ 1.326A
760576Law/Russian, East European, and Eurasian StudiesBCCJ 1.326A
760580Law/Social WorkBCCJ 1.326A
760584Law/Public AffairsBJON 6.238
760585Law/Public Affairs (3-year program)BJON 6.238
760599Degree Holder, Nondegree SeekerATNH 3.108

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College of Liberal Arts




L00100UndeclaredAGEB 2.306
L00300Degree Holder, Nondegree SeekerBGEB 2.200
L00400Undeclared PACEAGEB 2.306
L03500African and African Diaspora StudiesFGWB 2.112
L05400American StudiesDBUR 436F
L06200AnthropologyDWCP 4.102D
L12100Asian StudiesDWCH 4.116
L12400Asian Cultures and LanguagesDWCH 4.116
L23300Classical LanguagesAGAR 1.140
L23400Classical StudiesAGAR 1.140
L31100Economics (BSEco)DBRB 1.114A
L31500EconomicsDBRB 1.114A
L39300EnglishDPAR 114
L39400English (Capstone)DPAR 114
L39500Environmental Science, Entry-Level (Geographical Sciences)YWCH 1.106
L39600Environmental Science, Geographical SciencesYRLP 1.216
L41200Ethnic Studies (Asian American)AGEB 2.306
L41300Ethnic Studies (Mexican American)AGWB 2.302
L41700European StudiesDBEN 2.108
L42800FrenchDBEN 2.108
L42900French StudiesDBEN 2.108
L44300GeographyDRLP 1.216
L46000GermanVBEN 2.108
L46100German, Scandinavian, and Dutch StudiesABEN 2.108
L47500GovernmentDBAT 2.102
L48500Health and SocietyDPAR 114
L50600HistoryMGAR 1.140
L53000HumanitiesARLP 2.104
L53500Human Dimensions of OrganizationsDGAR 1.140
L54000Iberian and Latin American Languages and CulturesDBEN 2.108
L55000International Relations and Global StudiesDRLP 1.216
L56000Islamic StudiesFCAL 512
L57400ItalianDBEN 2.108
L57500Italian StudiesDBEN 2.108
L58000Jewish StudiesFWAG 313
L59800Latin American StudiesDSRH 1.340
L61900LinguisticsDRLP 4.304C
L63000Mexican American and Latina/o StudiesAGWB 2.302
L64400Middle Eastern Languages and CultureFCAL 528
L64500Middle Eastern StudiesFCAL 528
L76400PhilosophyMWAG 313
L79500Plan II Honors ProgramHRLP 2.102
L81000Portuguese (BA)DBEN 2.108
L81500Portuguese (Spanish and Portuguese)DBEN 2.108
L83500Psychology (BA)DSEA 2.210
L84000Psychology (BSPsy)DSEA 2.210
L84700Race, Indigeneity, and Migration (BA)DBEL 220
L85000Religious StudiesVWAG 313
L85300Rhetoric and WritingDPAR 114
L90000Scandinavian StudiesABEN 2.108
L91700SociologyDRLP 1.216
L91800Sustainability StudiesDRLP 1.216
L92000Russian, East European, and Eurasian StudiesGGEB 2.306
L92400Spanish (BA)DBEN 2.108
L92500Spanish (Hispanic Studies)DBEN 2.108
L92600Spanish (Hispanic Linguistics)DBEN 2.108
L92700Spanish (Language/Teaching)DBEN 2.108
L92800Spanish (Literature)DBEN 2.108
L92900Spanish (Spanish and Portuguese)DBEN 2.108
L94000Urban StudiesDPAR 114
L96000Women's and Gender StudiesKBUR 540

<<Find your college

Special Advising Areas for Liberal Arts

12Cultural StudiesSee Dept.Major Dept.
14Premedical, Predental, PreveterinarySee Dept.Major Dept.
16UTeach-Liberal ArtsSee Dept.Major Dept.
17Allied Health ProfessionsSee Dept.Major Dept.
19PrelawSee Dept.Major Dept.
20Departmental HonorsSee Dept.Major Dept.
26Plan I Honors ProgramSee Dept.Major Dept.
28Department and College HonorsSee Dept.Major Dept.
32Business EconomicsSee Dept.Major Dept.
35Foundation ScholarsSee Dept.Major Dept.
36Texas Interdisciplinary PlanSee Dept.Major Dept.
37GatewaySee Dept.Major Dept.
38Western Civilization and American InstitutionsSee Dept.Major Dept.
47Liberal Arts Honors ProgramSee Dept.Major Dept.

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College of Natural Sciences




E00100UndeclaredAWCH 1.106
E00300Degree Holder, Nondegree SeekerBWCH 1.106
E00400Undeclared Major Planning (UMAP)AWCH 1.106
E00600Undeclared PACEBPAI 4.02
E00601Undeclared PACE, 2-yearAPAI 4.02
E10200Astronomy (BSA)APMA 4.101
E10300Biochemistry (BSA)MNHB 2.606
E10400Biology (BSA)MNHB 2.606
E10500Chemistry (BSA)AWEL 3.238
E10600Computer Science (BSA)JGDC 2.702
E10700Human Development and Family Sciences (BSA)AGEA 37
E10800Human Ecology (BSA)AGEA 37
E10900Nutrition (BSA)AGEA 37
E11000Mathematics (BSA)MPMA 4.101
E11100Neuroscience (BSA)MNHB 2.606
E11200Physics (BSA)APMA 4.101
E11400Astronomy (BSA) HonorsAPAI 5.39
E11500Biochemistry (BSA) HonorsMPAI 5.39
E11600Biology (BSA) HonorsMPAI 5.39
E11700Chemistry (BSA) HonorsAPAI 5.39
E11800Computer Science (BSA) HonorsJPAI 5.39
E11900Human Development and Family Sciences (BSA) HonorsAPAI 5.39
E12000Human Ecology (BSA) HonorsAPAI 5.39
E12100Astronomy, Entry-LevelAWCH 1.106
E12200Astronomy (BSAst) (Option: Astronomy)APMA 4.101
E12300Nutrition (BSA) HonorsAPAI 5.39
E12400Astronomy (BSAst) (Option: Astronomy Honors)APAI 5.39
E12500Mathematics (BSA) HonorsAPAI 5.39
E12700Neuroscience (BSA) HonorsMPAI 5.39
E12800Physics (BSA) HonorsAPAI 5.39
E12900Astronomy (BA)APMA 4.101
E13000Biology (BSBio), Microbiology and Infectious DiseasesMNHB 2.606
E13300Systems and Synthetic BiologyMNHB 2.606
E13400Biochemistry, Entry-LevelAWCH 1.106
E13500Biochemistry (BA)MNHB 2.606
E13600Biochemistry (BSBioch)MNHB 2.606
E13700Biochemistry (BSBioch) (Option: Computation)MNHB 2.606
E13800Biochemistry (BSBioch) (Option: Biochemistry Honors)MPAI 5.39
E13900Biology, Entry-LevelAWCH 1.106
E14100Biology (BSBio) (Option: Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior)MNHB 2.606
E14400Biology (BA)MNHB 2.606
E14500Biology (BSBio) (Option: Teaching)APAI 4.02
E14600Biology (BSBio) (Option: Human Biology)MNHB 2.606
E14700Biology (BSBio) (Option: Marine and Freshwater Biology)MNHB 2.606
E14800Biology (BSBio) (Option: Microbiology)MNHB 2.606
E14900Biology (BSBio) (Option: Cell and Molecular Biology)MNHB 2.606
E15000Biology (BSBio) (Option: Neurobiology)MNHB 2.606
E15100Biology (BSBio) (Option: Plant Biology)MNHB 2.606
E15400Biology (BSBio) (Option: Biology Honors)MPAI 5.39
E15500Biology (BSBio) (Option: Computational Biology)MNHB 2.606
E15600Environmental Science, Entry-Level (Biological Sciences)YWCH 1.106
E15700Environmental Science, Biological SciencesYNHB 2.606
E15800Environmental Science, Biological Sciences HonorsMPAI 5.39
E15900Biology (BSBio) (Option: Marine and Freshwater Science)MNHB 2.606
E16000Biology (BSBio) (Option: Biology)MNHB 2.606
E16100Biology (BSBio) (Option:Genetics and Genomics)MNHB 2.606
E16200Biology (BSBio) (Option: Marine Science)ANHB 2.606
E17000Chemistry, Focus: Chemical Physics and Instrumentation (BSCh)AWEL 3.238
E17100Chemistry, Focus: Molecular Theory and Simulation (BSCh)AWEL 3.238
E17200Chemistry, Focus: Materials Chemistry (BSCh)AWEL 3.238
E17300Chemistry, Focus: Synthesis and Chemical Biology (BSCh)AWEL 3.238
E17400Chemistry, Focus: Teaching (BSCh)APAI 4.02
E17500Chemistry, Focus: Honors (BSCh) APAI 5.39
E18000Computer Science, Option: Honors Computer Science and Business (BSCompSci/BBA)JGDC 2.702
E20500Chemistry, Entry-LevelAWCH 1.106
E20600Chemistry (BA)AWEL 3.238
E20900Chemistry (BSCh)AWEL 3.238
E21100Chemistry (BSCh) (Option: Teaching)APAI 4.02
E21200Chemistry (BSCh) (Option: Computation)AWEL 3.238
E21300Chemistry (BSCh) (Option: Chemistry Honors)APAI 5.39
E28400Computer Science, Entry-LevelAGDC 2.702
E28500Computer Science (BA)JGDC 2.702
E28600Computer Science (BSCS)JGDC 2.702
E28800Computer Science (BSCS) (Option: Turing Scholars Honors)JGDC 2.702
E28900Computer Science (BSCS) (Option: Computer Science Honors)APAI 5.39
E29000Computer Science (BSCS) (Option: Integrated Program)MGDC 2.702
E29100Computer Science Teaching (Senior Grades)APAI 4.02
E50000Textiles and Apparel, Entry-LevelAWCH 1.106
E50100Textiles and Apparel, Textiles and Apparel HonorsAPAI 5.39
E50200Textiles and Apparel, (Option: Apparel, Functional, and Technical Design)AGEA 37
E50300Textiles and Apparel (Option: Merchandising and Consumer Sciences)AGEA 37
E50400Textiles and Apparel (Option: Textile Conservation and Museum Studies)AGEA 37
E51000Human Ecology, Entry-LevelAWCH 1.106
E52300Human EcologyAGEA 37
E52400Nutrition (Option: Nutrition)AGEA 37
E52600Textiles and Apparel (Option: Apparel Design and Conservation)AGEA 37
E52700Textiles and Apparel (Option: Retail Merchandising)AGEA 37
E52800Human Development and Family Sciences (Option: Human Development)AGEA 37
E53500Human Development and Family Sciences (Option: Early Childhood)AGEA 37
E54000Human Development and Family Sciences (Option: Families and Personal Relationships)AGEA 37
E54500Human Development and Family Sciences (Option: Families and Society)AGEA 37
E55000Human Development and Family Sciences (Option: General Human Development and Family Sciences)AGEA 37
E55100Human Development and Family Sciences (Option: Human Development and Family Sciences Honors)APAI 5.39
E55200Human Development and Family Sciences Honors in Advanced Human Development and Family SciencesAGEA 39
E56000Human Development and Family Sciences, Entry-LevelAWCH 1.106
E60000Interdisciplinary Science (Option: Middle School Teaching in Mathematics and Science)APAI 4.02
E61000Interdisciplinary Science (Option: Secondary School Teaching in Computer Sciences and Mathematics)APAI 4.02
E64000Mathematics (BSMath) (Option: Mathematics)APMA 4.101
E65000Mathematics, Entry-LevelAWCH 1.106
E65100Mathematics (BA)APMA 4.101
E65300Mathematics (BA) (Option: Middle Grades and Secondary School Teaching)APAI 4.02
E65400Mathematics (BSMath) (Option: Actuarial Science)MPMA 4.101
E65500Mathematics (BSMath) (Option: Applied Mathematics)MPMA 4.101
E65600Mathematics (BSMath) (Option: Mathematical Sciences)MPMA 4.101
E65700Mathematics (BSMath) (Option: Pure Mathematics)MPMA 4.101
E65800Mathematics (BSMath) (Option: Teaching)APAI 4.02
E65900Mathematics (BSMath) (Option: Mathematics Honors)APAI 5.39
E66000Statistics and Data Science, Entry-Level (BSSDS)AWCH 1.106
E66100Statistics and Data Science (BSSDS)ADC 7.504
E66500Clinical Laboratory Science, Entry-LevelANHB 2.606
E66700Clinical Laboratory ScienceANHB 2.606
E66800Medical Laboratory Science, Entry-LevelANHB 2.606
E66900Medical Laboratory ScienceANHB 2.606
E67900Neuroscience, Entry-LevelAWCH 1.106
E68000NeuroscienceMNHB 2.606
E68200Neuroscience HonorsMPAI 5.39
E68300Neuroscience (BSNeuroSci) (Option: Neuroscience)MNHB 2.606
E68400Neuroscience (BSNeuroSci) (Option:Neuroscience Scholars)MNHB 2.606
E71800Nutrition (Option: Nutrition and Public Health)AGEA 37
E71900Nutrition, Entry-LevelAWCH 1.106
E72000Nutrition (Option: Dietetics: Didactic Program in Dietetics)AGEA 37
E72500Nutrition (Option: Dietetics: Coordinated Program in Dietetics)AGEA 37
E72600Nutrition, Integrated Coordinated Program in Diabetics (BSNtr/MSNS)AGEA 37
E73000Nutrition (Option: Nutritional Sciences)AGEA 37
E73500Nutrition (Option: Nutrition and Health)AGEA 37
E73600Nutrition (Option: Nutrition in Business)MGEA 37
E74000Nutrition (Option: Teaching)APAI 4.02
E75000Nutrition (Option: Nutrition Honors)APAI 5.39
E76000Nutrition (Option: International Nutrition)AGEA 37
E77000Nutrition, Honors in Advanced Nutritional SciencesAGEA 37
E78700Physics, Entry-LevelAWCH 1.106
E78800Physics (BA)APMA 4.101
E78900Physics (BSPhy)APMA 4.101
E79100Physics (BSPhy) (Option: Teaching)APAI 4.02
E80100Physics (BSPhy) (Option: Computation)APMA 4.101
E80200Physics (BSPhy) (Option: Radiation Physics)APMA 4.101
E80300Physics (BSPhy) (Option: Space Sciences)APMA 4.101
E80400Physics (BSPhy) (Option: Physics Honors)APAI 5.39
E80500Physics (BSPhy) (Option: Biophysics)APMA 4.101
E85000Public Health, Entry-LevelAWCH 1.106
E85100Public HealthAGEA 37
E85300Public Health, Advanced ProgramAGEA 37

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Special Advising Areas for Natural Sciences

12Cultural StudiesSee Dept.Major Dept.
14Premedical, Predental, PreveterinarySee Dept.Major Dept.
15International StudiesSee Dept.Major Dept.
17Allied Health ProfessionsSee Dept.Major Dept.
18PrepharmacySee Dept.Major Dept.
19PrelawSee Dept.Major Dept.
20Plan II Honors ProgramSee Dept.Major Dept.
24Plan II Honors Program/Allied Health ProfessionsSee Dept.Major Dept.
29Actuarial Studies (Mathematics majors only)BPMA 4.101
31Degree Holder, Math/Sciences Teacher CertificationSee Dept.Major Dept.
32Special ProgramsSee Dept.Major Dept.
33Emerging ScholarsSee Dept.Major Dept.
34UTeach-Natural SciencesAMajor Dept.
35Dean’s ScholarsMMajor Dept.
36Texas Interdisciplinary PlanSee Dept.Major Dept.
37GatewaySee Dept.Major Dept.
39Bridging DisciplinesSee Dept.Major Dept.

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School of Nursing




N00300Degree Holder, Nondegree SeekerANUR 2.416
N71600Nursing, ProfessionalANUR 2.416
N71605Nursing, PreprofessionalANUR 2.416
N71700Nursing, Professional, currently licensed RNANUR 2.416

<<Find your college

Special Advising Areas for Nursing

14Premedical, Predental, PreveterinaryAPAI 5.03
17Allied Health ProfessionsAPAI 5.03

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College of Pharmacy




800100UndeclaredAPHR 5.112
800300Degree Holder, Nondegree SeekerAPHR 5.112
875850Pharmacy, Professional, PharmDNPHR 5.112
875860Pharmacy, Professional Sequence, PharmD/MPHNPHR 5.112

<<Find your college

Special Advising Areas for Pharmacy

14Premedical, Predental, PreveterinarySee Dept.PAI 5.03
17Allied Health ProfessionsSee Dept.PAI 5.03

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Steve Hicks School of Social Work




S91300Social Work (premajor)ASSW 2.214
S92000Social WorkASSW 2.214

<<Find your college

Special Advising Areas for Social Work

14Premedical, Predental, PreveterinarySee Dept.PAI 5.03
19PrelawBMajor Dept.
20Plan II Honors ProgramBMajor Dept.

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Graduate School




603900Aerospace EngineeringAASE 2.228
604200African and African Diaspora StudiesAGRG 234
604300African and African Diaspora Studies (PhD)ABEL 226B
604700American StudiesABUR 437
606200AnthropologyJEPS 1.130
606201Anthropology (Folklore and Public Culture)JEPS 1.130
606202Anthropology (Cultural Forms)JEPS 1.130
606203Sociocultural AnthropologyJEPS 1.130
607700Architectural EngineeringAECJ 4.202
608200Sustainable DesignHSUT 2.130A
608300Urban DesignHSUT 2.130A
608310Urban DesignHSUT 2.130A
608400Architectural StudiesHSUT 2.130A
608500Architectural HistoryHSUT 2.130A
608600Historic PreservationHSUT 2.130A
609200Architecture (First Professional Degree)HSUT 2.130A
609300Architecture (Postprofessional Degree)HSUT 2.130A
609310Advanced Architectural Design (MAAD)HSUT 2.130A
609400Architecture (PhD)HSUT 2.130A
609500Landscape Architecture (First Professional Degree)HSUT 2.130A
609501Landscape Architecture First Professional Degree, Advandced Standing (MLA)HSUT 2.130A
609600Landscape Architecture (Postprofessional Degree)HSUT 2.130A
609700Interior Design (First Professional)HSUT 2.130A
609800Interior Design (Postprofessional)HSUT 2.130A
609900Studio ArtAART 3.344
610700Art EducationAART 3.414
611400Art HistoryQDFA 2.124
611800Arabic StudiesAWMB 6.102
612100Asian StudiesAWCH 4.128
612200Asian Studies/Business AdministrationAWCH 4.128
612300Asian Studies/Public AffairsAWCH 4.128
612400Asian Cultures and LanguagesQWCH 4.128
612900AstronomyBPMA 15.204
613500BiochemistryBWEL 2.218
613600Biochemistry (PhD/MD)BWEL 2.218
614600Marine ScienceRBIO 12G
614800Biomedical EngineeringABME 3.308
614801Biomedical Engineering (PhD/MD)ABME 3.308
614839Biomedical Engineering (BSBME/MSE, Five-year Integrated Program)RBME 3.308
615400Cell and Molecular BiologyBMBB 1.220H
615401Cell and Molecular Biology (PhD/MD)BMBB 1.220H
615500Ecology, Evolution, and BehaviorBBIO 311A
615600Plant BiologyBBIO 311A
617000AccountingBCBA 4M.202
617050Energy Management (MSEMA Option III)BCBA 2.500
617100FinanceBCBA 6.222
617110Finance - Option IIIBGSB 5.153
617120Health Care Transformation (MSHCT Option III)BHDB 4.222
617130Information, Risk, and Operations ManagementQCBA 5.202
617160Information, Risk, and Operations Management - Option IIIBCBA 5.222
617170Business Analytics - Option IIIBCBA 5.222
617171Business Analytics (MSBA, Option III, hybrid online)BCBA 5.222
617180Information Technology Management - Option III BGSB 5.135
617300ManagementBCBA 4.202
617400MarketingQCBA 7.202
617500Marketing - Option IIIBCBA 7.208
620100Chemical EngineeringBCPE 2.706AA
620900ChemistryBWEL 2.218
621000Chemistry (PhD/MD)BWEL 2.218
621700Civil EngineeringAECJ 4.200
623200ClassicsQWAG 123
623960Advertising (PhD)ADMC 4.334
623962AdvertisingADMC 4.334
623963JournalismQDMC 3.340B
623965Communication StudiesQCMA 7.110
623966Communication Studies (MA)QCMA 7.110
623967Communication Studies, Strategic Communication (MA, Option III)BDMC 5.214
623970Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences (PhD)ACMA 4.114
623980Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences, Speech/Language Pathology (MSSLHS)ACMA 4.114
623990Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences, Audiology (AuD)ACMA 4.114
624000Communication Sciences and DisordersACMA 4.130
624005Speech Language PathologyACMA 2.112
624010AudiologyACMA 4.130
624012Radio-Television-Film (PhD)ACMA 6.116
624013Radio-Television-Film (MA)ACMA 6.116
624014Radio-Television-Film (MFA Film Production)ACMA 6.116
624015Radio-Television-Film (MFA Screenwriting)ACMA 6.116
624025Radio-Television-Film (MA, PhD)QCMAA6.116
624026Radio-Television-Film (MFA)QCMA 6.116
624030Advertising/Business AdministrationADMC 4.334
624060Advertising/Public AffairsADMC 4.334
624090Communication Studies/Business AdministrationQCMA 7.110
624120Communication Studies/Latin American StudiesQCMA 7.110
624150Communication Studies/Public AffairsQCMA 7.110
624160Journalism and Media (MA)QDMC 3.340B
624161Journalism/ Business AdministrationADMC 3.340B
624162Journalism and Media/Latin American Studies (MA/MA)ADMC 3.340B
624163Journalism/Middle Eastern StudiesADMC 3.340B
624164Journalism and Media (MA/MPAff)ADMC 3.340B
624168Journalism and Media, Research and Theory (MA)ADMC 3.340B
624169Journalism and Media, Professional (MA)ADMC 3.340B
624180Journalism/Business AdministrationACMA A6.144
624210Journalism/Latin American StudiesACMA A6.144
624240Journalism/Middle Eastern StudiesACMA A6.144
624270Journalism/Public AffairsACMA A6.144
624300Radio-Television-Film/Business AdministrationACMA A6.116
624330Radio-Television-Film/Latin American StudiesACMA A6.116
624360Radio-Television-Film/Middle Eastern StudiesACMA A6.116
624390Radio-Television-Film/Public AffairsACMA A6.116
624420Radio-Television-Film/Russian, East European, and Eurasian StudiesACMA A6.116
624450Communication Studies: Strategic Communication (NDS, Stackable Cert, Option III)BDMC 5.214
624451Communication Studies: Sports Communication (Nondegree, Stackable Certification, Option III)BDMC 5.214
625399Community and Regional Planning (PhD)HSUT 2.130A
625400Community and Regional PlanningHSUT 2.130A
625401Community and Regional Planning/GeographyHSUT 2.130A
625410Community and Regional Planning/Sustainable DesignHSUT 2.130A
625420Community and Regional Planning/Urban DesignHSUT 2.130A
626200Comparative LiteratureQCAL 217
627000Computational and Applied MathematicsAPOB 4.118
627100Computational Science, Engineering, and MathematicsAPOB 4.118
627200Computational Science, Engineering, and Mathematics (MSCSE, Five-year Integrated Program)APOB 4.118
627700Computer ScienceRGDC 2.702
627710Computer Science (MSCS, Five-year Integrated Program)RGDC 2.702
627800Computer ScienceRGDC 2.702
627810Computer Science (MSCS, Five-year Integrated Program)RGDC 2.702
627820Computer Science (MSCompSci, Option III)BGDC 2.702
627825Data Science (MSDS, Option III)BGDC 2.702
627830Artificial Intelligence (MSAI, Option III)BOnline Advising
630100DesignAART 1.218
630200Design (MA, Option III)BDFA 2.4
630700TheatreHWIN 2.158
630701Theatre (MFA - Acting)HWIN 2.158
630702Theatre (MFA - Directing)HWIN 2.158
630703Theatre (MFA - Theatrical Design)`HWIN 2.158
630704DanceHWIN 2.158
630705Theatre (MFA - Playwriting)HWIN 2.158
630706Theatre, Drama and Theatre for Youth and Communities (MFA)HWIN 2.158
630707Theatre, Live Design (MFA)HWIN 2.158
631500EconomicsQBRB 3.114
631510Economics (Option III)BBRB 2.134A
632332Curriculum and InstructionQSZB 406
632333Educational AdministrationASZB 310
632334Educational PsychologyASZB 5.708
632335Foreign Language EducationQSZB 528
632339Special EducationASZB 306
632341Educational Leadership and Policy (Option III, EdD)ASZB 348
632343Educational Psychology - SchoolASZB 504
632344Educational Psychology - CounselingASZB 504
632345Educational Psychology - Human Development, Culture, and Learning Sciences (PhD only)ASZB 504
632346Educational Psychology - Psychological and Educational Measurement, Statistics, Evolution, and Research Methodology (PhD only)ASZB 504
632349Special Education (EdD, PhD)ASZB 306
632350Educational Leadership and Policy, Educational Policy and Planning, (MEd or PhD)ASZB 3.308

Educational Leadership and Policy, Superintendency (EdD)

ASZB 3.308
632352Educational Leadership and Policy, Principalship (MEd)ASZB 3.308
632357Educational Psychology, Quantitative Methods (Ph.D.)ASZB 216
632370Curriculum and Instruction: Learning, Equity, Action and Design (Nondegree, Stackable Certificate)BSZB 4.708
632400Health EducationQBEL 710
632450Health Behavior and Health EducationQBEL 722
632500KinesiologyQBEL 710
632550Kinesiology - Option IIIAOnline  

632600Mathematics EducationQSZB 462
632800Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) EducationQSZB 462
632700Science EducationQSZB 462
632800Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) EducationQSZB 462
634600Electrical and Computer EngineeringAEER 2.884
634605Electrical and Computer Engineering (Option III)BCEE 2.206
634610Electrical and Computer Engineering (Computer Engineering)AUTA 7.320
634611Electrical and Computer Engineering (Software Engineering)AUTA 7.320
634612Electrical and Computer Engineering (Computer Architecture and Embedded Processors)AUTA 7.320
634613Electrical and Computer Engineering (Software Engineering and Systems)AUTA 7.324
634614Electrical and Computer Engineering (Architecture, Computer Systems and Embedded Systems )AUTA 7.324
634615Electrical and Computer Engineering (Circuit Design)AUTA 7.320
634620Electrical and Computer Engineering (Solid-State Electronics)AUTA 7.320
634630Electrical and Computer Engineering (Manufacturing Systems Engineering)AUTA 7.320
634640Electrical and Computer Engineering (Biomedical Engineering)AUTA 7.320
634650Electrical and Computer Engineering (Communications, Networks, and Systems)AUTA 7.320
634655Electrical and Computer Engineering (Decision, Information, and Communications Engineering)AUTA 7.324
634660Electrical and Computer Engineering (Electromagnetics and Acoustics)AUTA 7.320
634670Electrical and Computer Engineering (Plasma/Quantum Electronics and Optics)AUTA 7.320
634680Electrical and Computer Engineering (Energy Systems)AUTA 7.320
634682Electrical and Computer Engineering (Integrated Circuits and Systems)AUTA 7.320
634690Electrical and Computer Engineering (Circuit Design) - Option IIIBCEE 2.206
634695Electrical and Computer Engineering Integrated BSECE/MSE ProgramBEER 2.884
635000Electrical and Computer Engineering (Software Engineering) - Option IIIBCEE 2.206
634700Electrical and Computer Engineering (MSE/PhD)AEER 2.884
634701Electrical and Computer Engineering (MSE, Option III)BGLT 4.106
634702Electrical and Computer Engineering (BS/MS)AEER 2.884
634746Electrical and Computer Engineering, Software Engineering (MSE, Option III)BGLT 4.106
635010Electrical and Computer Engineering (Integrated Circuits and Systems) - Option IIIBCEE 2.206
635015Electrical and Computer Engineering (Biomedical Engineering) - Option IIIDCEE 2.206
635020Electrical and Computer Engineering (Decision, Information, and Communications Engineering Professional ) - Option IIIDCLEE/EERC
635025Electrical and Computer Engineering (Architecture, Computer Systems, and Embedded Systems Professional) - Option IIIDCEE/EERC
635030Electrical and Computer Engineering (Electromagnetics and Acoustics) - Option IIIDCEE 2.206
635035Electrical and Computer Engineering (Energy Systems) - Option IIIDCEE 2.206
635040Electrical and Computer Engineering (Integrated Circuits and Systems) - Option IIIDCEE 2.206
635045Electrical and Computer Engineering (Plasma/Quantum Electronics and Optics) - Option IIIDCEE 2.206
635050Electrical and Computer Engineering (Software Engineering and Systems Professional) - Option IIIDCLEE/EERC
635055Electrical and Computer Engineering (Solid State Electronics) - Option IIIDCEE 2.206
635085Energy and Earth Resources/Business AdministrationAEPS 1.146
635090Energy and Earth ResourcesBJGB 2.314
635200Engineering Management - Option IIIBCEE 2.206
637100Engineering MechanicsAASE 2.228
639300EnglishQCAL 210
639301English (Creative Writing)ACAL 210
639302Creative WritingACAL 210
640100Environmental and Water Resources EngineeringAECJ 4.200
644300GeographyQRLP 3.720
645200Geological SciencesAJGB 2.120
645202Geological Sciences: Machine Learning and Data Analytics (Nondegree, Stackable Certificate)AJGB 2.102
646000Germanic StudiesMBUR 336
647300Global Policy StudiesBSRH 3.107
647310Global Policy Studies/Energy and Earth ResourcesBJGB 2.314
647315Global Policy Studies/JournalismBSRH 3.107
647316Global Policy Studies/Journalism and Media (MPGS/MA)ALBJ 3.104
647320Global Policy Studies/Latin American StudiesBSRH 3.107
647330Global Policy Studies/Business AdministrationBSRH 3.107
647335Global Policy Studies/Russian, East European, and Eurasian StudiesBSRH 3.107
647340Global Policy Studies/Asian StudiesAWCH 4.128
647345Global Policy Studies/Middle Eastern StudiesASRH 3.107
647350Global Policy Studies/Public HealthBSRH 3.104
647355Global Policy Studies/Information ScienceBSRH 3.107
647370Global Policy Studies-DCBSRH 3.107
647500GovernmentBBAT 2.120A
649100Hebrew StudiesAWMB 6.102
650600HistoryAGAR 1.106C
652300Human Development and Family SciencesBSEA 1.432A
652500Humanities, Health, and Medicine (MA)APAR 130
652700Human Dimensions of OrganizationsBFAC 18
652800Identity Management and SecurityAPOB 5.402
652900Information Security and Privacy (MSISP, Option III)AEER 7.802
653000Information StudiesDUTA 5.202
653001Information Studies (PhD)BUTA 5.202
653002Information Studies (BA/MSIS)DUTA 5.202
653003Information Studies (BSI/MSIS)DUTA 5.202
653004Information Studies: School Librarian (Nondegree Seeker, Stackable Certificate)DUTA 5.202
653100Information Studies/Latin American StudiesDUTA 5.202
653200Information Studies/Computer Science (MSIS, Five-year Integrated Program)DUTA 5.202
653300Information Studies/EnglishAUTA 5.202,  

PAR 114D
653800Italian StudiesQHRH 3.112C
659000Latin American Studies/Business AdministrationPSRH 1.301
659800Latin American StudiesVSRH 1.301
659801Latin American Studies/Community and Regional PlanningHSRH 1.301
660000Latin American Studies/Public AffairsBSRH 1.301
661900LinguisticsQCAL 503
663300Materials Science and EngineeringAETC 9.158
665100MathematicsAPMA 8.100
665300StatisticsAWEL 5.216
665400Statistics (PhD)AWEL 5.216
665899Mechanical Engineering Nondegree Stackable Certificate Seeker (Option III)BMajor Depts.
665900Mechanical EngineeringAETC 5.204
665901Mechanical Engineering (BSME/MSE)AMajor Dept.
665910Mechanical Engineering (Advanced Manufacturing Engineering - Option III)BCEE 2.206
665950Mechanical Engineering - Option IIIBETC 5.146
666000Mechanical Engineering/Business AdministrationAETC 5.204
666500Medieval StudiesADFA 2.128
667000Mexican American StudiesAWMB 5.102
667100Mexican American and Latina/o StudiesAGWB 2.102D
667500MicrobiologyANMS 2.104
667800Middle Eastern Languages and CulturesQCAL 528
668000Middle Eastern StudiesACAL 528
668200Middle Eastern Studies/Public AffairsAMajor Depts.
668300Middle Eastern Studies/Business AdministrationAWMB 6.102
668650Middle Eastern Studies/Information StudiesASZB 564
670610Artist Diploma in Music PerformanceQMRH 3.704
670611ConductingQMRH 3.704
670654Music and Human LearningQMRH 3.704
670656CompositionQMRH 3.704
670657Music PerformanceQMRH 3.704
670659Music TheoryQMRH 3.704
671000Musicology/EthnomusicologyQMRH 3.704
671100NeuroscienceBNHB 2.504
671111Neuroscience (PhD/MD)BNHB 2.504
671499Nursing Nondegree Stackable Certificate Seeker (Option III)ANUR 2.414
671500Nursing (Post-Master of Science in Nursing)ANUR 2.408
671501Advanced Practice Nursing-Family Nurse Practitioner CertificateANUR 2.408
671502Advanced Practice Nursing-Pediatric Nurse Practitioner CertificateANUR 2.414
671503Advanced Practice Nursing-Family Psych-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner CertificateANUR 2.414
671504Advanced Practice Nursing-Adult-Gerontology Clinical Nurse Specialist CertificateANUR 2.414
671505Advanced Practice Nursing-Acute Care-Pediatric Nurse Practitioner CertificateANUR 2.414
671600NursingQNUR 2.408
671610Nursing (Master of Science in Nursing)ANUR 2.408
671620Nursing (Doctor of Philosophy)QNUR 2.408
671625Nursing Practice (Doctor of Nursing Practice)ANUR 2.414
671630Clinical Nurse Specialist (MSN)ANUR 2.414
671640Nurse Practitioner (MSN)ANUR 2.414
671650Leadership in Diverse Settings (MSN)ANUR 2.414
671700Nursing - Alternate EntryQNUR 2.414
671710Nursing - Alternate Entry (Master of Science in Nursing)ANUR 2.414
671720Nursing - Alternate Entry (Doctor of Philosophy)QNUR 2.414
671730Nursing Alternate Entry Clinical Nurse SpecialistANUR 2.414
671740Nursing Alternate Entry Nurse PractitionerANUR 2.414
671750Nursing Alternate Entry Leadership in Diverse SettingsANUR 2.414
671800Nursing/Business AdministrationANUR 2.408
671900Nutritional SciencesBPAI 5.56
671950Nutritional Sciences Option IIIAPAI 5.20
671960Nutritional Sciences, Integrated Coordinated Program in Dietetics (BSNtr/MSNS)AGEA 37
673600Operations Research and Industrial EngineeringAETC 5.204
674899Petroleum Engineering Nondegree Stackable Certificate Seeker (Option III)BMajor Depts.
674900Petroleum EngineeringACPE 3.118
674901Petroleum Engineering: Fundamentals (NDS, Stackable Certificate, Option III)BMajor Depts.
674902Petroleum Engineering: Unconventional Resources (NDS, Stackable Certificate, Option III)BMajor Depts.
675760Pharmaceutical SciencesQPHR 4.220A
676400PhilosophyQWAG 329
678500Applied PhysicsAPMA 5.224
678900PhysicsQPMA 5.224
683500PsychologyQSEA 3.214
683501Psychology - ClinicalQSEA 3.214
684600Public AffairsBSRH 3.107
684601Public Affairs/EngineeringBSRH 3.107
684602Public Affairs/Business AdministrationPSRH 3.107
684610Public Affairs/Community and Regional PlanningHSUT 2.130
684630Public Affairs/Energy and Earth ResourcesBJGB 2.314
684633Public Affairs/Medicine (MPAff/MD)ASRH 3.104
684635Public Affairs/Public HealthBSRH 3.104
684640Public Affairs/Social WorkBSRH 3.107
684650Public Affairs/Information StudiesBSRH 3.104
684670Public Affairs-DCBSRH 3.107
684680Public Affairs-Option IIIBSRH 3.107
684690Public PolicyBSRH 3.107
686000Persian StudiesAWMB 6.102
686400Religious StudiesABUR 406
686766FrenchQHRH 3.114C  


HRH 3.112B
686767Spanish/PortugueseABEN 2.128
686768Iberian and Latin American Languages and CulturesABEN 2.128
690500Slavic Languages and LiteraturesACAL 415
691100Social Work (PhD)ASSW 2.232
691200Social WorkASSW 2.242
691400Social Work (MSSW/MDiv)ASSW 2.242
691450Social Work (MSSW/MPH)ASSW 2.242
691500Social Work/Latin American Studies (MSSW/MA)ASSW 2.242
691600Social Work/Business Administration (MSSW/MBA)ASSW 2.242
692000Russian, East European, and Eurasian StudiesACAL 415
692500Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies/CommunicationACMA A4.130
693000Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies/Public AffairsBSRH 3.107
693200Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies/Business AdministrationPCBA 2.316
693250Textile and Apparel TechnologySee Dept.GEA 223
693300Women’s and Gender StudiesAWWH 401
693310Women’s and Gender Studies/Information StudiesAWWH 401
693320Women’s and Gender Studies/Public AffairsAWWH 401
693330Women's and Gender Studies (MA, Five-year Integrated Program)ABUR 540

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Red McCombs School of Business (graduate)




B00802Accounting - Professional Program, fifth yearBGSB 4.112C
B01100Professional Accounting (MPA)BGSB 4.112C
B15510Business Administration (MBA, First Year)GCBA 2.502
B15511Business Administration, Financial Mathematics (MBA) GRRH 2.350
B15512Business Administration, Quantitative Methods (MBA)GRRH 2.350
B15520Business Administration (MBA, Second Year)GCBA 2.502
B16101Business Administration (MBA International)GCBA 2.502
B16105Business Administration (MBA, Executive)AATT L078
B16109Business Administration (MBA, Mexico City)GCBA 3.422
B16115Business Administration (MBA, Dallas)BATT L078
B16120Business Administration (MBA, Evening)BATT L075
B16125Business Administration (MBA, Houston)BATT L078
B16130Technology Commercialization (Option III)BGSB 5.148

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School of Undergraduate Studies




U00100UndeclaredAJES A115
U00200Undeclared PACEAJES A115

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Key to advising notes above.


Advising is required.


Advising is not required.


Advising is required for students who are new to the major or on scholastic probation.


Advising is required for students who are new to the major, who are on scholastic probation, or whose total of hours completed plus hours in progress is 90 or more.


Advising is required for students who are on scholastic probation.


Advising is required for students who are new to the major or who have a University GPA of less than 3.25.


Advising is required for students who are new to the major, who have a GPA of less than 2.00, or whose total of hours completed plus hours in progress is less than 30.


Advising is required for students who are registering for their first or second semester in the major; who have completed 75 to 90 semester hours; who are on scholastic probation; or who are readmitted to the major after having been away from the University for at least one long-session semester.


Advising is required for students who are new to the major, who are on scholastic probation, who have been readmitted for this semester, or whose total of hours completed plus hours in progress is less than 30.


Advising is required for students who are on academic (College of Pharmacy) or scholastic (UT) probation, who are subject to academic or scholastic dismissal, or who are new to the major.


Advising is required for students who have a GPA of less than 3.00.


Advising is required for students except those who have been admitted to candidacy.


Advising is required for new first-semester students.


Advising is required for students who are on scholastic probation or whose total of hours completed plus hours in progress is 90 or more.


(See Dept.)

Advising for the special area is available but not mandatory. The student’s department (see major code) may or may not require advising.


Advising is required for students who are new to the major, who are on scholastic probation, or whose total of hours completed plus hours in progress is equal to or greater than 90 but less than 105.


Advising is required for students who are new to the major, who are on scholastic probation, or whose total hours completed is less than 30 or greater than 75.


Advising is required for students who are new to the major, who are on scholastic probation, or whose total hours completed is less than 60.

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Glossary of terms in the schedule | Summer 2024

This course schedule content is archived.

» to A thru E | F thru J | K thru O | P thru T | U thru Z

A thru E

Absence for military service

In accordance with Texas education code section 51.9111, a student is excused from attending classes or engaging in other required activities, including exams, if he or she is called to active military service of a reasonably brief duration. The student will be allowed a reasonable time after the absence to complete assignments and take exams. Policies affecting students who withdraw from the University for military service are given in the General Information Catalog.

Access period

The designated time period when a student may access the registration system. A student may access the registration system as many times as necessary during their scheduled and open periods. Consult the access periods printed in this Course Schedule or your online registration information sheet to determine when you are eligible. If a student attempts to access the system at a time when they are not eligible, access will be denied. Students are advised to access the system during the earliest period for which they are eligible. If a session is terminated before transactions are complete, the student may log back in to continue. All transactions completed prior to the termination are saved.


Changes that a student makes to their schedule after they have made payment towards their tuition and fee bill are considered adds and drops, and the period during which they make these changes is referred to as add/drop. The payment deadline for students participating in add/drop may be different from the payment deadline for students who are completing their initial registration.

Adding a class

When a student attempts to add a class, the registration action that results adds this class to a student's schedule. If any of the conditions below prevent you from adding the class, and you do not receive the waitlist option, you will be told. Common error messages include:

  • Requested unique number is invalid.
  • Requested class is canceled.
  • Requested class is filled to closing limit.
  • Requested class is reserved to certain majors or individuals.
  • Requested class creates a time conflict in your class schedule.
  • Requested class is a duplicate.
  • Requested class exceeds the registration limit for number of hours:
Maximum number of hours.
  • Fall/Spring   17
  • Summer      14
  • Fall/Spring  15
  • Summer      12
  • Fall/Spring  16
  • Summer      16
  • Requested class exceeds the limit of fifteen classes.
  • If the requested class is an upper-division course in the Moody College of Communication, you may not meet the upper-division GPA requirement.
  • If the requested class is RHE 306, you may be ineligible based on your month of birth. Only students with an even-numbered month of birth may register for RHE 306 in the fall; only students with an odd-numbered month of birth may register in the spring. There are no eligibility requirements based on month of birth in the summer session.
  • Student does not meet prerequisites for the requested class.

Advising hold

A restriction placed on the record of a student who is required to consult an academic adviser that prevents the student from accessing the registration system. The hold may only be removed by his or her major department. Also see advising and major codes or consult your registration information sheet to determine if advising is required for you.


Regular attendance at all class meetings is expected. Instructors are responsible for implementing attendance policies and must notify students of any special attendance requirements. Special regulations of colleges and schools, required by the unique nature of their programs of study, may be enacted through the normal approval process. These special regulations may not conflict with University regulations on class attendance and absence.

Cancelation of registration

The student's registration will be canceled if payment is not received by the deadline. Once payment has been made, the student must withdraw if they do not wish to continue at the University. (Also see "Withdrawal.")


The designation freshman, sophomore, junior, senior, or graduate. Undergraduates are classified based on the number of semester credit hours passed and transferred, regardless of the hours' applicability toward a degree. Semester hours used to determine classification include coursework completed in residence, transferred credit, and credit by examination, extension, and correspondence. Hours in progress and hours failed are not counted in determining classification.

Classification by semester credit hours.
Freshman0-29 hours of credit
Sophomore30-59 hours of credit
Junior60-89 hours of credit
Seniormore than 89 hours of credit

A graduate student is one who has been accepted to the Graduate School, a graduate program in the Red McCombs School of Business, or the School of Law. Degree-holding but non-degree seeking students are classified as a separate group for registration purposes in access period one.

A student's classification is listed on their registration information sheet. Classification may change as a result of additional credit hours earned at the end of a semester or summer session.

Class meeting time and place

The time and place a class meets is published in the Course Schedule and can change. The student is responsible for checking the time and meeting place of a class prior to the first class meeting.

Also see meeting time for standard meeting times and interval between classes.

The time or meeting place of a class may not be changed without notifying the registrar in advance. A class may not meet in a facility that was not assigned to it.

Class roster

An official list of students registered for a course accessible by faculty and staff. 

Faculty Members: If there are students attending your class (except auditors) whose names are not on your official class roster by the twelfth class day for long-session semesters, or fourth class day for summer terms, send them to the registrar's office to obtain official documentation of their registration. A student must be registered for a course to receive credit for it.

If a student is not on your class roster, they should not be allowed to attend until they are on the roster.

Errors in your class roster should be reported to the Office of the Registrar, Registration at 475-7656.

Class title

The class title appears to the right of the course number in the Course Schedule and applies to all of the class sections listed below it. In general, class titles are listed in alphabetical order for each course number except where preceded by a topic number.

Completing registration

In order to secure classes selected during registration, a student must take one of the following actions before the payment deadline to complete the registration process: The student must make a payment if there is an amount due; pay with financial aid if eligible; or confirm attendance if the entire tuition/fee bill is zero. Zero bills can occur when the entire bill is being paid by a grant or a third party such as the Texas Guaranteed Tuition Plan. Students must take these actions at My Tuition Bill. If a student fails to complete registration their classes will be dropped.

Continuing student

A student who was enrolled for the previous long session at the University. A student who receives an undergraduate degree from the University and enters the Graduate School is considered a new student. (Also see "New student" and "Readmitted student.")

Course abbreviation

Course abbreviations are listed with the names of the fields of study in the pull down menus on the search page in the Course Schedule. Within a department or program, courses are listed alphabetically by field of study.

Course number

The three to five digit number/letter combination that follows the course abbreviation. (also see Credit value and Letters) Courses with the same abbreviation are listed in numerical order by the last two digits of the course number and then alphabetically by any subsequent letters. For example, a course numbered 679K precedes one numbered 379L. In the summer session, course numbers are prefixed by a letter:

Summer session prefixes.
fFirst term
nNine-week term
wWhole session
sSecond term

Summer session courses prefixed by f, n, and w are listed together in numerical order; courses prefixed by s are listed separately in numerical order following the f, n, and w courses.

Credit card transactions

You may charge your tuition and fees to your credit card. A convenience charge is added to all housing, tuition and mandatory fee payments, or tuition loan payments, made by credit card. You may also use a credit card to clear most financial holds to gain access to the registration system. Because this process depends on agencies and technical systems other than those at the University, under some circumstances you may not be able to clear your holds by credit card and will therefore be denied access to the registration system. In most cases, financial holds can be paid at What I Owe or by cash or check at the cashiers in MAI 8.

Questions about credit card transactions should be directed to Student Accounts Receivable, (512) 475-7777.

Credit value

The credit value of courses is expressed in semester credit hours. Most courses are designed to require approximately three hours of work a week throughout the semester for each semester hour of credit given; that is, for each hour a class meets, an average of two additional hours of preparation is expected of the student. The time requirement in the laboratory, field, or studio varies with the nature of the subject and the aims of a course, so there is no fixed ratio of laboratory to class hours.

Most courses meet three hours a week in the fall and spring semesters and have a value of three semester hours. In a six-week summer term, courses meet seven and a half hours a week for three semester hours of credit.

Each field of study is identified by a name and a one-, two-, or three-letter abbreviation. Each course in the field is identified by a number made up of three digits or three digits and a letter. The first digit of a course number indicates the credit value of the course in semester hours. Courses numbered 201 through 299 have a value of two semester hours; 301 through 399, a value of three semester hours; and so on. A zero as the first digit indicates that the course is noncredit. If the course number ends with the letter A, B, X, Y, or Z, see letters below. A course with the single-word title Laboratory or Discussion is also noncredit, regardless of its course number; these sections are always taken concurrently with a credit-bearing lecture course.

Directory information

The following policies are taken from General Information Catalog, Appendix C.

Sec. 9-201. Directory information

(a) “Directory information” for a student is defined as the following:

  • name
  • local and permanent addresses
  • electronic mail addresses
  • public username (UT EID)
  • telephone listing
  • place of birth
  • major field(s) of study
  • participation in officially recognized activities and sports
  • weight and height if a member of an athletic team
  • dates of attendance
  • enrollment status
  • degrees
  • awards and honors received (including selection criteria)
  • most recent previous educational institution attended
  • classification and expected date of graduation
  • student parking permit information

(b) Directory information is public information and will be made available to the public unless the student has restricted it as described in subsection 9–201(c).

(c) A currently enrolled student may restrict access to all or some of their directory information or may remove all or some of their information from public directories through Restrict My Info during the first twelve class days of any semester or the first four class days of any summer term. A request to restrict information will remain in effect until revoked by the student.


Students who register during Period 1 will receive an electronic billing notification for tuition and fees. No paper bills will be mailed. Students are responsible for keeping their e-mail address current. Notices are sent to the e-mail address on the student's record as verified at the time of registration. Electronic billing notifications are also sent for tuition and emergency cash loans.


An online payment that functions like a traditional paper check. It does not require an upgraded EID and can be used by anyone acting as an eProxy. Transactions that are returned to the University, regardless of reason, will be treated as returned checks.

Electronic funds transfer

An electronic withdrawal of funds from your bank account using pre-established authorization. Account information is stored and can be used for money in (refunds, financial aid) or money out (payments). An upgraded EID is required. Transactions that are returned to the University, regardless of reason, will be treated as returned checks.

Emergency Contact Information

Per The University of Texas' Emergency Notification Policy in the General Information Catalog, at least one emergency contact person must be listed for each enrolled student. Additionally, a student's cell phone number is collected so that the University has the ability to contact that student about critical incidents on campus via text messaging technology. Information gathered remains confidential to the extent allowed by law.  

You must:

  • designate a Primary Emergency Contact and provide the contact's name, daytime phone number, and complete US address.
    • if under 18, list a parent or legal guardian as the primary emergency contact.
  • provide your cell phone number and provider OR indicate that you have no cell phone or would like to opt out of receiving campus text alerts via cell phone.

Each student must designate either or both of their emergency contacts as a missing persons contact. If a student is identified as missing, Student Emergency Services will notify the designated emergency contact within twenty-four hours of receiving the report.

This information must be reviewed annually. Even if there are no changes to your emergency contacts, you must indicate that this information is still correct.

Update Emergency Contact Information here

» to A thru E | F thru J | K thru O | P thru T | U thru Z

F thru J



Some classes will have lab, supplemental, or incidental fees associated with them. The pdf version of the Course Schedule will display the fee if there is one.

Financial hold

A restriction placed on the record of a student to deny access to the registration system because of a delinquent debt to the University. Holds incurred after your registration information sheet is created may be placed on your record prior to your access period(s). In most cases, financial holds may be paid at What I Owe or by check or cash at the cashiers in MAI 8. Some financial holds must be resolved in person at the administrative office that imposed the hold. Returned check holds cannot be paid by eCheck or electronic funds transfer.

If a student clears a hold by check and the check is returned to the University, the student's registration will be incomplete. If payment is not received within ten calendar days of the returned check notice, the student's registration will be canceled.


A notation in the Course Schedule that lists the administrative personnel for the area, along with their office addresses, phone numbers, and web sites. In many cases, important information about course prerequisites, descriptions, and registration reservations is given in the headnote.

In absentia registration

A candidate for a degree who has completed the requirements for graduation and needs to register only for the purpose of having a degree conferred may register in absentia.

  • Undergraduate students must initiate in absentia requests through their academic dean by the deadline. There is no fee for undergraduate students to register in absentia.
  • Graduate students may only register in absentia in the fall semester. There is no fee for graduate students to register in absentia.


A faculty member designated to a particular course. When academic units update the instructor of record, and if space allows, the instructor's last name and first initial are shown to the right of the meeting location.

» to A thru E | F thru J | K thru O | P thru T | U thru Z

K thru O


Two courses that have the same abbreviation and the same last two digits may not both be counted for credit unless the digits are followed by different letters. For example, Mechanical Engineering (M E) 136N and 236N may not both be counted; however English (E) 325 and 325K may both be counted.

The letter A following a course number designates the first half of the course; B, the second half. For example, Music (M) 612A is the first half of Music 612; Music 612B, the second half. The letter following a course number designates the first third of the course: Y, the second third; and Z, the last third. For example, Law 621XY means that the first two-thirds of the six-hour course, Law 621, is being given during one semester. Credit value for course numbers ending in A, B, X, Y, or Z is reduced accordingly. MUS 612B, for example, has a value of three semester hours rather than six.

Meeting place

The building and room or other meeting location is given after the meeting time. Buildings are identified by three-letter abbreviations, which can be interpreted using the list of buildings printed with the campus map.

Meeting time

The class meeting time is printed to the right of the unique number in the Course Schedule. Days of the week are listed by their initial letters:

  • M – Monday
  • T – Tuesday
  • W – Wednesday
  • TH – Thursday
  • F – Friday

The designation MWF, for instance, means that the class meets every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday throughout the semester. Occasionally, a note under the title indicates that the course meets on additional days, or that the course meets only on specific dates or for a part of the semester. Following the abbreviation for the day(s) of the week is the class meeting time. Standard meeting times are as follows:

Standard class meeting times.
  • MWF 8-9am, 9-10am, 10-11am, 11-12noon, 12-1pm, 1-2pm, 2-3pm, 3-4pm, 4-5pm

    (50 minutes with a ten-minute interval at the end of class)
  • TTH 8-9:30am, 9:30-11am, 11-12:30pm, 12:30-2pm, 2-3:30pm, 3:30-5pm

    (75 minutes with a fifteen-minute interval at the end of class)
  • MTWTHF 8:30-10am, 10-11:30am, 11:30-1pm, 1-2:30pm, 2:30-4pm

    (75 minutes with a fifteen-minute interval at the end of class)

Some classes have more than one meeting time that students must incorporate into their schedules. These additional times are printed immediately below the first meeting time.

My Tuition Bill

Secure site at where students can pay tuition, defer to Financial Aid, or confirm attendance. Tuition and fee bills are not mailed; students receive an electronic billing notification. Pay your tuition/fee bill using eCheck, credit card or by electronic funds transfer. UT EID and password are required. Because this process depends on agencies and technical systems other than those at the University, under some circumstances you may not be able to pay by credit card.

New student

A student who has not previously attended the University, or a student enrolling in the Graduate School for the first time.

Nonfinancial hold

A restriction placed on the record of a student to deny access to the registration system because a requirement of an administrative office has not been satisfied. A nonfinancial hold must be resolved in person at the administrative office that imposed the hold. Holds incurred after your Registration Information Sheet is created may be placed on your record prior to your access period(s). 


The text that appears below a class title in the detailed view of a class in the online Course Schedule. They may include a description, prerequisites, reservations, and cross-listed courses. Prerequisites and descriptions for all courses are given in the undergraduate, graduate, and law school catalogs.

Optional fee changes

You will purchase the individual optional fees from each department; if you wish to change a selection, you will need to contact the department.

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P thru T


A department may require that a student complete specific coursework before registering for a course. Course prerequisites listed in the Course Schedule and/or University Catalogs are checked during registration. Students may be allowed to enroll in these courses but are advised that it is still their responsibility to ensure that they meet the prerequisites, since these may be enforced at any time by the department offering the course.


Except in the School of Law and the College of Pharmacy, the last two digits of the course number indicate the rank of the course. If 01 through 19, the course is of lower-division rank; if 20 through 79, of upper-division rank; if 80 through 99, of graduate rank.

Readmitted student

A former student at the University who has applied for readmission and has been accepted for the next semester.

Registration by proxy

For registration transactions that must be completed in person, a student may designate another person to act on his or her behalf. However, federal law (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974) and University regulations do not permit the release of confidential information without written authorization. To designate someone to act as a proxy, the student must give a release to that person. The release must state the name of the proxy and what the proxy is authorized to do. It must also be signed and dated by the student. The release and the proxy's photo ID must be presented for each transaction. Note: The proxy may not sign a promissory note on the student's behalf.

Registration information sheet

Secure web site at Registration Information Sheet that lists personal information, advising information, access times, and financial and nonfinancial hold information. An EID and password are required to access the site.

Religious holy days

A student who misses classes or other required activities, including examinations, for the observance of a religious holy day should inform the instructor as far in advance of the absence as possible, so that arrangements can be made to complete an assignment within a reasonable time after the absence.

Retroactive withdrawal

Students are expected to follow the normal withdrawal procedure whenever possible. Requests to withdraw after the semester has ended are considered only if the student had urgent, substantiated, nonacademic reasons and was unable to withdraw by the deadline. Requests for retroactive withdrawal must be submitted to the student's dean before the end of the next long-session semester.


Faculty members are required to provide a syllabus to students by the first meeting day of the class and it must contain the following items:

  • course name and number
  • faculty member name
  • faculty member office location and office hours
  • TA name, office location and office hours if course has a TA
  • overview of course, including course prerequisites
  • grading policy for course, including whether class attendance is used in determining the grade
  • dates during semester for examinations and assignments that count 20% or more of the total course grade
  • final exam date and time
  • required materials for the course (textbooks, supplies, packets, etc.)
  • course web site
  • and this statement:

    "The University of Texas at Austin provides upon request appropriate academic accommodations for qualified students with disabilities. For more information, contact the Office of the Dean of Students at 471-6529, 471-6441 TTY."

» to A thru E | F thru J | K thru O | P thru T | U thru Z

U thru Z

Unique number

The five-digit number associated with a specific section of a course in a particular semester. The unique number is listed below each title in the Course Schedule and its associated information identifies each section of the course. This number is required to complete registration transactions.


An electronic identifier that allows a student to use secure services online. A student, guest, or parent may activate a UT EID and choose a password at


Students use online waitlists to indicate that they wish to be added to a class if a seat becomes available. Academic departments use online waitlists to manage registration in some classes. The online waitlist system adds eligible students to classes on a first-come, first-served basis. Students use their UT EIDs to access their Waitlists.

Web-based class sites

Password-protected class sites such as Canvas and CLIPs are associated with many University classes. Syllabi, handouts, assignments, and other resources may be available within these sites. Site activities may include exchanging e-mail, engaging in class discussions and chats, and exchanging files. In addition, electronic class rosters are a component of the sites. Students who do not want their names included in these electronic class rosters must restrict their directory information in the Office of the Registrar, MAI 16 or online.

For information on restricting directory information, see directory information.

What I Owe

Secure site at Pay most departmental charges and clear financial holds using eCheck, credit card or by electronic funds transfer. UT EID and password are required. Because this process depends on agencies and technical systems other than those at the University, under some circumstances you may not be able to pay by credit card.


To resign from the University as a student for the current semester. A student cannot withdraw from the University simply by not going to class or dropping all classes; he or she must follow the withdrawal procedure.

After tuition and fees have been paid, a student must apply to his or her dean for permission to withdraw. Refunds are processed according to the refund schedule on the Withdrawal Petition and Refund Request form. Students who withdraw prior to the first day of classes will receive a 100% refund of tuition and required fees, less a $15 matriculation fee. This is referred to as a cancelation. Refunds for students withdrawing after choosing the three-payment plan (not available during summer sessions) are based on the total tuition and fees, not the installment amount paid. Withdrawals for medical reasons must be approved by the associate director for clinical services of University Health Services, who will instruct the registrar to withdraw the student under specified conditions. The refund, if any, will be determined by the effective date on the withdrawal petition form.

Registration rules by dept | Summer 2024

This course schedule content is archived.

School of Architecture

includes ARI architectural interior design | ARC architecture | CRP community and regional planning | LAR landscape architecture | U D urban design

to top of rules »

Heather Woofter, dean, GOL 2.308, B7500, 471-1922 

Uli Dangel, associate dean, GOL 2.310, 471-5157 

Allan Shearer, associate dean, WMB 4.112A, 232-5286 

Charlton Lewis, assistant dean, GOL 2.310, 471-1922 

Undergraduate student matters 471-0109 or

Graduate student matters 471-0134 or

Course Descriptions: Detailed course descriptions are available at under the "About" tab.

Registration: Please visit the “Registration” modules in the Undergraduate Office or Graduate Office Canvas portals for detailed registration information. Please include your UT EID, course name(s), and unique number(s) in all registration emails.

Studio room assignments will be announced after the studio lottery.

Prerequisites: Students are expected to meet course prerequisites. A student who has not met the prerequisites listed in this Course Schedule may be dropped from the course.

Waitlists: Please add yourself to the waitlist for any full classes. For students not in the School of Architecture who are unable to add to a waitlist, please send your EID, unique number(s), and course name(s) to for undergraduate students or for graduate students to receive access to a waitlist.

Independent research courses: Students without approved proposals will be dropped from the course(s). Visit the Undergraduate Office or Graduate Office Canvas portals for proposal instructions.

Undergraduate Courses: All students must have documentation of faculty approval to add a class that is waitlisted/full. Students can only be added to classes listed as “Open, Reserved” in the Course Schedule. Instructor approval does not guarantee students will be added to a class and enrollment is based on course availability. After obtaining instructor permission, students may forward the permission email to, along with their own (the student’s) EID and the unique number of the course to be added. 

School of Architecture minors: Information is available at

Restricted graduate courses: Many graduate courses are restricted to students currently enrolled in SOA programs. Non-SOA graduate students may register for restricted SOA graduate courses with the approval of the course instructor and the Graduate Office. Please forward the course instructor permission-granting email(s) to the Graduate Program Coordinator along with your UT EID and unique number(s) to be eligible to enroll in the course.

Stackable Graduate Certificates: For information on Stackable Graduate Certificates, please contact 

Red McCombs School of Business

to top of rules »

Lillian Mills, dean, GSB 2.104, B6000, 471-5921 

Ethan Burris, sr associate dean for academic affairs, GSB 2.104, 471-5058 

Doug Morrice, associate dean, CBA 2.400, 471-0690

Ty Henderson, associate dean for undergraduate program, CBA 2.400, 471-0690 

Warren Joe Hahn, associate dean for graduate programs, RRH 2.350, 471-7698

BBA programs office, CBA 2.400, 471-0690 | 

MBA program office, RRH 2.350, 471-7698 | 

Business Foundations Program courses are designed for nonbusiness students and are not open to students enrolled in the McCombs School of Business. Nonbusiness students may register for the following Business Foundations Program courses: ACC 310F, B A 320F, FIN 320F, I B 320F, LEB 320F, MAN 320F, MIS 302F, and MKT 320F. Business Foundations Program courses may not be counted toward the Bachelor of Business Administration degree.

All undergraduate business courses (with the exception of Business Foundations Program courses) are restricted to students who are enrolled in the McCombs School of Business.

Exceptions. See the headnote for each department in the school for any exceptions to the restrictions listed above.

Students are expected to meet course prerequisites. A student who has not met the prerequisites listed in this Course Schedule may be dropped from the course.

Business Administration

includes B A business administration | to Sch of Business rules »

Internship. Prior to registering for B A 353, students must petition online at and receive consent from the BBA Internship Director.

All graduate business courses are restricted to students currently enrolled in the MBA Program. Non-MBA graduate students may register for graduate business courses with the approval of the course instructor and the MBA Program Office, RRH 2.350.

B A 391 and 691. To register for B A 391 or 691, students must submit consent forms to the MBA Program Office. Forms for non-McCombs students are available in RRH 2.350.

Department of Accounting

includes ACC accounting | to Sch of Business rules »

Steve Kachelmeier, chair, CBA 4M.202, B6400, 471-3517

Enrollment in undergraduate courses in the Department of Accounting is restricted to business students. Exceptions:

  • Nonbusiness majors whose degree programs specifically require an upper-division business course may take the required course. Students who find that they cannot add the course via the web should check with the BBA program office, CBA 2.400, for verification of eligibility to take the course. Enrollment exception petitions must be submitted prior to the fourth class day (second class day in summer).
  • ACC 310F (Business Foundations Program course) is open only to nonbusiness students. Business Foundations Program courses may not be counted toward the Bachelor of Business Administration degree.

Students are expected to meet course prerequisites. A student who has not met the stated prerequisites may be dropped from the course.

No student may register for any accounting course that requires consent of instructor or consent of the course coordinator without first receiving consent. Students without consent will be dropped from the course.

In addition to regularly scheduled classes, evening examinations lasting from one to three hours may be held at times announced in advance through the class syllabus, which the instructor must furnish the first week of regularly scheduled classes.

Graduate accounting classes are restricted to graduate students in the Red McCombs School of Business.

Independent Research courses. Prior to registering for ACC 179C or ACC 379C, students must contact a faculty member of their choice in this department to discuss registration for independent study. After doing so, students must obtain written approval in the department chair's office.

Department of Finance 

includes FIN finance | R E real estate | to Sch of Business rules »

Clemens Sialm, chair, CBA 6.222, B6600, 232-6835 

Will Way, associate chair, CBA 6.222, B6600, 471-4368

Enrollment in undergraduate courses in the Department of Finance is restricted to business students. Exceptions:

  • Nonbusiness majors whose degree programs specifically require an upper-division business course may take the required course. Students who find that they cannot add the course via the web should check with the BBA program office, CBA 2.400, for verification of eligibility to take the course. Enrollment exception petitions must be submitted prior to the fourth class day (second class day in summer).
  • FIN 320F (Business Foundations Program course) is open only to nonbusiness students. Business Foundations Program courses may not be counted toward the Bachelor of Business Administration degree.

Students are expected to meet course prerequisites. A student who has not met the stated prerequisites may be dropped from the course.

In addition to regularly scheduled classes, evening examinations lasting from one to three hours may be held at times announced in advance through the class syllabus, which the instructor must furnish the first week of regularly scheduled classes.

Independent Research courses. Prior to registering for FIN 179C or FIN 379C students must contact a faculty member of their choice in this department to discuss registration for independent study. After doing so, students must obtain written approval in the department chair's office.

Department of Business, Government, and Society

includes BGS business, government and society | LEB legal environment of business | to Sch of Business rules »

Kishore Gawande, chair, CBA 5.202, B6500, 471-5246

Enrollment in undergraduate courses in the Department of Business, Government and Society is restricted to business students. Exceptions:

  • Nonbusiness majors whose degree programs specifically require an upper-division business course may take the required course. Students who find that they cannot add the course via the web should contact the Department of Business, Government and Society office for verification of eligibility to take the course.
  • LEB 320F (Business Foundations Program course) is open only to nonbusiness students. Business Foundations Program courses may not be counted toward the Bachelor of Business Administration degree.

Students are expected to meet course prerequisites. A student who has not met the stated prerequisites may be dropped from the course.

In addition to regularly scheduled classes, evening examinations lasting from one to three hours may be held at times announced in advance through the class syllabus, which the instructor must furnish the first week of regularly scheduled classes.

Independent Research courses. Prior to registering for BGS 179, BGS 379, LEB 179, or LEB 379 students must contact a faculty member of their choice in this department to discuss registration for independent study. After doing so, students must obtain written approval in the department chair's office.

Department of Information, Risk, and Operations Management

includes BAX business analytics | D S decision science | MIS management information systems | O M operations management |     R M risk management | STA statistics | to Sch of Business rules »

Anitesh Barua, chair, CBA 5.202, B6500, 471-3322 

Christopher Burke, assistant chair, CBA 5.202, B6500, 471-3322

Enrollment in undergraduate courses in the Department of Information, Risk, and Operations Management is restricted to business students. Exceptions:

  • Nonbusiness majors whose degree programs specifically require an upper-division business course may take the required course. Students who find that they cannot add the course via the web should check with the BBA program office, CBA 2.400, for verification of eligibility to take the course. Enrollment exception petitions must be submitted prior to the fourth class day (second class day in summer).
  • MIS 302F Business Foundations Program course is open only to nonbusiness students. Business Foundations Program courses may not be counted toward the Bachelor of Business Administration degree.
  • O M courses are open to engineering students.
  • R M 357E is open to all upper-division business and engineering students and to economics and actuarial science majors.

Students are expected to meet course prerequisites. A student who has not met the stated prerequisites may be dropped from the course.

In addition to regularly scheduled classes, evening examinations lasting from one to three hours may be held at times announced in advance through the class syllabus, which the instructor must furnish the first week of regularly scheduled classes.

Independent Research courses. Prior to registering for MIS 179, MIS 379, O M 179, O M 379, or R M 379, students must contact a faculty member of their choice in this department to discuss registration for independent study. Students registering for these courses must obtain written approval in the department chair's office.

Department of Management

includes MAN management | to Sch of Business rules »

Caroline Bartel, chair, CBA 4.202, B6300, 471-4803

Enrollment in undergraduate courses in the Department of Management is restricted to business students. Exceptions:

  • Nonbusiness majors whose degree programs specifically require an upper-division business course may take the required course. Students who find that they cannot add the course via the web should check with the BBA program office, CBA 2.400, for verification of eligibility to take the course. Enrollment exception petitions must be submitted prior to the fourth class day (second class day in summer).
  • MAN 320F (Business Foundations Program course) is open only to nonbusiness students. Business Foundations Program courses may not be counted toward the Bachelor of Business Administration degree.

Students are expected to meet course prerequisites. A student who has not met the stated prerequisites may be dropped from the course.

In addition to regularly scheduled classes, evening examinations lasting from one to three hours may be held at times announced in advance through the class syllabus, which the instructor must furnish the first week of regularly scheduled classes.

Independent Research courses. Prior to registering for MAN 179C or MAN 379C, students must contact a faculty member of their choice in this department to discuss registration for independent study. Students registering for these courses must obtain written approval in the department chair's office.

Department of Marketing

MKT marketing | to Sch of Business rules »

Andrew Gershoff, chair, CBA 7.202, B6700, 471-1128

Enrollment in undergraduate courses in the Department of Marketing is restricted to business students. Exceptions:

  • Nonbusiness majors whose degree programs specifically require an upper-division business course may take the required course. Students who find that they cannot add the course via the web should check with the BBA program office, CBA 2.400, for verification of eligibility to take the course. Enrollment exception petitions must be submitted prior to the fourth class day (second class day in summer).
  • MKT 320F and I B 320F (Business Foundations Program courses) are open only to nonbusiness students. Business Foundations Program courses may not be counted toward the Bachelor of Business Administration degree.

Students are expected to meet course prerequisites. A student who has not met the stated prerequisites may be dropped from the course.

In addition to regularly scheduled classes, evening examinations lasting from one to three hours may be held at times announced in advance through the class syllabus, which the instructor must furnish the first week of regularly scheduled classes.

Independent Research courses. Prior to registering for MKT 179C, MKT 379C, I B 179C or I B 379C, students must contact a faculty member of their choice in this department to discuss registration for independent study. After doing so, students must obtain written approval in the department chair's office.

Mellie Price, director 

MSTC Program, Red McCombs School of Business, 1 University Station, B6004, 495-5123 |

The McCombs School of Business at The University of Texas at Austin offers a one-year executive Master of Science degree in Technology Commercialization. Courses on the management of technology and innovation, technology transfer, and technology commercialization are offered both on campus and via the web. These courses are restricted to students enrolled in the MSTC program. The fee for the executive MSTC degree program includes tuition, fees, lodging and most meals during the international trip, textbooks, software, and other course materials.

Moody College of Communication

to top of rules »

Rachel Davis Mersey, interim dean, DMC 5.312, 512-471-8100 

Cassandre G. Alvarado, associate dean, undergraduate education, DMC 2.600, 512-471-1553

Course descriptions for Moody College Honors Program classes may be found at

Course descriptions for the UT in Los Angeles program may be found at

Course descriptions for the UT in New York program may be found at

Instructions to register for a Moody internship course may be found at

Through the 4th class day (2nd class day in a summer session), students may only add a class if a seat opens on the online registration system, or they are promoted from a waitlist. Students will not and cannot be added to closed courses.

On the 5th-6th class days (3rd class day in a summer session), students may only late add an open class by visiting the Moody Help Desk queue. Students who wish to late add an available class must meet all prerequisites and course restrictions. Students will not and cannot be added to closed courses. Students should only request to add a class after the 4th class day for rare and extenuating circumstances. 

No late adds after the 6th class day. No exceptions. 

Moody College instructors may not give permission to individual students to add their class, and they will not allow anyone who is not officially registered for their class to attend a class meeting, whether it be in-person or online. 


includes COM communication| Moody College rules »

Moody College students: Meet with your advisor to determine how COM courses will count toward your Moody College degree.

Internship. Registration for a COM internship requires the completion of the Moody College Internship Application, which may be found at (this excludes the UT in Los Angeles Program).

Communication and Leadership

includes CLD communication and leadership | Moody College rules»

Minette Drumwright, director, DMC 4.338, 512-471-1101

Department of Advertising and Public Relations

includes ADV advertising | P R public relations | Moody College rules»

Natalie Tindall, director & chair, DMC 4.338

Departmental requirements. It is the student's responsibility to be aware before registering of course prerequisites and degree requirements published in the catalog. Changes to prerequisites and requirements published in the catalog are listed on information sheets available to students in the departmental office prior to registration. Students who fail to meet course prerequisites or to secure required consent prior to registering for a course may be dropped from that course.

Graduate consent procedure. Prior to registering for ADV 189, 389, 489, 698A, 698B, 398R, 399R, 699R, 999R, 399W, 699W, or 999W, graduate students must turn in a consent form to the graduate advisor with the written consent of the supervising professor. Contact the departmental office for consent application deadlines. Students who have not submitted consent forms prior to the first class day will be automatically dropped from these classes. Students who take ADV 189 must register for a topic of 189 for three consecutive semesters.

Undergraduate consent procedure. Some ADV and P R courses require consent of the instructor prior to registering. To be able to register for such a course, a student must first ask for and receive the instructor’s consent. The student may be invited to an interview with the instructor or may be asked to provide supporting materials, such as an application or an essay. The student is responsible for knowing the deadline to apply. Consent forms are available from the student’s advisor and in the Department of Advertising & Public Relations.

Independent study courses. Prior to registering for ADV 379H, 179J, 279J, 379J, 479J, P R 179, 279, 379, 379H, or any other independent study course, students must contact the faculty member of their choice in the department to discuss registration in these independent study courses. Students and faculty members will work together to plan the individual course material. After an agreement is reached, students must follow the procedure stated on

Advertising internship. When taking ADV 650, 350, 151, P R 650, 350, or 151, students must arrange their own internship. The Moody College internship application and detailed information are available at

Department of Communication Studies

includes CMS communication studies | Moody College rules »

Craig R. Scott, chair, CMA 7.112, 512-232-1714

School of Journalism and Media

includes J journalism | Moody College rules »

David Ryfe, director 

main office, DMC 3.338, 512-471-1845; fax 512-471-7979

graduate office, DMC 3.340B, 512-471-5933

undergraduate advising office DMC 2.600, 512-471-1553

Non-journalism majors must request permission to enroll in restricted journalism courses. Access will only be considered pending available space after all journalism majors have been accommodated. A student who registers for any upper-division course in the School of Journalism and Media without the required prerequisites will be dropped from the course.

Instructions on how to register for J 360F, 660F, and 160G are found at: 

Department of Radio-Television-Film

includes RTF radio-television-film | Moody College rules »

Cindy McCreery, interim chair 

main office: CMA 6.120, 512-471-4071 

graduate office, CMA 6.116, 512-471-3532 

undergraduate advising office, DMC 2.600, 512-471-1153

Undergraduate program information. The Department of Radio-Television-Film offers a multidisciplinary undergraduate curriculum designed to suit the particular needs of students in the various fields of creative production in the entertainment media industries and in film and media studies. Prerequisites are listed with specific courses in the Course Schedule. Detailed course descriptions are available at and

Consent information. Consent of instructor and/or the department is required for certain upper-division classes. Information about the consent process will be made available prior to registration.

Students must earn a C- or better (or CR for courses offered only on a pass/fail basis) in all RTF courses that count toward the degree, unless otherwise noted.

Enrollment in upper-division RTF classes is usually restricted to RTF majors. Enrollment in lower-division classes may be limited to RTF majors during certain registration periods.

Upper-division courses in any area of RTF may be used to fulfill the degree requirement for 21 semester hours of upper-division coursework in RTF.

It is the student's responsibility to be aware of all degree requirements published in the "Moody College of Communication" section of the Undergraduate Catalog. Students are also expected to maintain and check regularly an mail address, and to review periodically the department website for updates on policies and other important information.

Equipment check-in/-out procedure. Check-in and check-out of equipment for RTF production courses is by appointment only in HSM 2.102, 512-471-6565.

Instructions to register for RTF internship courses may be found at:

Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences

includes SLH speech, language, and hearing sciences | Moody College rules »

Rajinder Koul, chair, CMA 4.114, 512-471-4119

College of Education

to top of rules »

Charles Martinez, Jr., dean 

Beth Maloch, associate dean for teacher education, student affairs, and administration 

Student Services Division, SZB 216, D5001, 471-3223

Melissa Wetzel, chair

Janice Todd, interim chair

Certification. Students who are seeking teacher certification should select from the following options:

early childhood thru grade 6generalist or bilingual generalist
grades 4-8math, science, English/language arts/reading, social studies
grades 8-12math, science, computer science, English/language arts/reading, history, social studies, languages other than English
grades All-levelspecial education, art, music, theatre, kinesiology
  • Grades 4-8, 8-12, and all-level certification require an academic major in the subject to be taught.

Advising. Students interested in pursuing teacher certification in special education, kinesiology, or early childhood to grade six should consult an adviser in the College of Education Student Division, SZB 216. Students interested in pursuing teacher certification in English/language arts/reading, history, social studies, or languages other than English should consult an adviser in the UTeach Liberal Arts program, BEL 224. Students interested in pursuing teacher certification in math, science, or computer science should consult an adviser in the UTeach Natural Sciences program, PAI 4.02. Students interested in pursuing teacher certification in art, music, or theatre should consult an adviser in that department.

Grade policy. For students seeking early childhood through grade six or all-level generic special education certification, admission to the Professional Development Sequence requires a University grade point average of at least 2.5 and a grade of at least C in each prerequisite course in the major. To progress within the sequence, the student must maintain a University grade point average of at least 2.5 and earn a grade of at least C in each course in the sequence.

Applied Learning and Development

includes ALD applied learning and development | to Col of Ed rules »

Richard Hogeda, SZB 216, D5001, 471-3223

Specific coursework related to applied learning and development is required of students seeking teacher certification before they begin their professional development sequence. Courses vary depending on which level of certification is being sought. Students seeking teacher certification will be given priority in registering for applied learning and development courses.

Department of Curriculum and Instruction

includes EDC curriculum and instruction | FLE foreign language education | STM science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education | to Col of Ed rules »

Cynthia Salinas, chair, SZB 406G, D5700, 471-5942 

Anthony Brown, graduate adviser

Admission to the professional development sequence of upper-division courses for teacher certification requires formal acceptance. See an academic adviser in SZB 216 for admission requirements.

Students who do not meet the prerequisite for a course may be dropped from that course.

Department of Educational Leadership and Policy

includes ELP educational leadership and policy | to Col of Ed rules »

Victor Saenz, chair, SZB 3.308D, D5700, 232-7519

Department of Educational Psychology

includes EDP educational psychology | to Col of Ed rules »

Tiffany Whittaker, chair, SZB 5.708, D5800, 471-4155

Students enrolled in undergraduate EDP courses must complete a research requirement consisting of either four hours of participation as subjects in educational psychology research studies or an alternate research assignment.

Departmental approval is required to register for most graduate EDP courses. See individual course notelines. Call 471-4155 or 471-0500 for registration assistance.

Department of Kinesiology and Health Education

includes HED health education | KIN kinesiology | PED physical education | to Col of Ed rules »

Janice S. Todd, interim chair, BEL 718AN, D3700, 471-0993 

undergraduate advising and career services, SZB 216, D5001, 471-3223 

graduate advising office, BEL 722, D3700, 232-6015

Physical education for the general college student. PED 101C-108S courses are physical activity courses provided on an elective basis to the general college student. Hours earned by taking physical activity courses may be counted in the lower-division hours required for a degree as approved in the degree programs of the various colleges and schools.

Those classes not designated for men or for women are coeducational and may be selected by both men and women.

The meeting times listed in this Course Schedule include any time necessary prior to and following the activity period of one hour.

The classification "beginning" or "basic" indicates that the instruction will be based on the assumption that the students enrolled have very little or no prior formal instruction or equivalent experience in the activity. To qualify for an intermediate- or advanced-level course, a student must have completed a semester or the equivalent of beginning- or intermediate-level instruction, respectively.

Students with health problems or other limitations on physical activity should consult with the medical staff of the Student Health Center for health grade classification and advice regarding participation in physical activity courses.

Science Education Center

includes SCI science | to Col of Ed rules »

James P. Barufaldi, SZB 3.318B, D5700, 471-7354

Science-Mathematics Education Program

includes SME science-mathematics education | to Col of Ed rules »

Catherine Riegle-Crumb, graduate adviser, SZB 346B, D5700

Department of Special Education

includes SED special education | to Col of Ed rules »

Mark F. O'Reilly, chair, SZB 3.708, D5300, 471-4161

Cockrell School of Engineering

to top of rules »

Roger T. Bonnecaze, interim dean, ECJ 10.310, C2100, 471-1166 

Gerald E. Speitel Jr., associate dean for academic affairs, ECJ 10.322, 471-7995 

John G. Ekerdt, associate dean for research, ECJ 10.334, 471-2125 

Michele Meyer, assistant dean for student services and advising, EER 2.828, 471-4321 |

Courses for first-semester engineering majors

A Credit by Examination. If you are eligible for credit by examination from Advanced Placement Examinations, SAT II: Subject Tests, etc., contact the Student Testing Services to receive appropriate credit: |

B Placement in Mathematics. Your mathematics course sequence depends on your score for the SAT II Subject Test in Mathematics (Level 1 or 2). Scores for Level 2 are shown in parentheses.

  • 1 If your score is 560 to 590 (530 to 550), you are eligible to enroll in M 408C but are encouraged to enroll in M 408K.
  • 2 If your score is 600(560) or greater, you may enroll in M 408C

C Placement in Chemistry. Your chemistry course sequence depends upon the following:

  • 1 If your score on the College Board SAT II Subject Test in Mathematics Level 1 is 560 or greater or if you have credit for M 305G with a grade of at least C, you may enroll in CH 301.
  • 2 If you have credit for CH 301 with a grade of at least C, you may enroll in CH 302.
  • Note The University of Texas at Austin Test for Credit in Chemistry 301 is required for chemical engineering majors who have studied chemistry in high school and who do not have credit for CH 301 or the equivalent. 

    If you received credit for CH 301 by passing the University of Texas at Austin Test for Credit in Chemistry 301 and are a chemical, biomedical, civil, or petroleum engineering major, you should enroll in CH 302. This course is optional in other degree programs.

D Placement in Physics. Your physics course sequence depends upon the following:

  • 1 If you completed a course in high school physics and have credit for M 408C or 408K, enroll in PHY 303K and 103M.
  • 2 If you did not complete a course in high school physics, enroll in PHY 306. To enroll in PHY 306 you must have credit for M 305G and it is assumed that you will be concurrently enrolled in either M 408C or 408K.


Admission and readmission of undergraduate students to the University is the responsibility of the director of admissions. All students who wish to major in engineering must be admitted to the University according to the procedures given in General Information.

Information is available from the The University of Texas at Austin, Engineering Student Services, Cockrell School of Engineering, EER 2.828, C2108, Austin, TX 78712, 512-471-7321.

Students who have questions about the requirements of a specific degree plan should contact the appropriate departmental advising office. Additional information about academic advising can be found at

Engineering Studies

includes E S engineering studies | to Cockrell Sch of Engr rules »

Gerald E. Speitel, Jr., C2108, EER, 471-4321

General Engineering

includes G E general engineering | to Cockrell Sch of Engr rules »

Gerald E. Speitel, Jr., C2108, EER, 471-4321 |

Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics

includes ASE aerospace engineering | COE computational engineering | E M engineering mechanics | to Cockrell Sch of Engr rules »

Clint Dawson, chair, ASE 2.200A, C0600, 471-7593 

undergraduate affairs, ASE 2.224, 471-7594 

graduate affairs, ASE 2.228, 471-7595

Department of Biomedical Engineering

includes BME biomedical engineering | to Cockrell Sch of Engr rules »

Tyrone Porter, chair, BME 3.110, C0800, 471-3604 

undergraduate advising office, BME 3.308, 471-4254 

graduate advising office, BME 3.308, 475-8500 |

Biomedical engineering is focused on the development of clinically translatable solutions for human health and educating the next generation of biomedical engineers through the integration of science, engineering, and medicine in a discovery-centered environment. In our state-of-the-art facility, students have access to the very latest in laboratory equipment, research facilities, and technology. Our department offers interested students the opportunity to participate in faculty research while pursuing their undergraduate degrees.

John J. McKetta Jr. Department of Chemical Engineering

includes CHE chemical engineering | to Cockrell Sch of Engr rules »

Delia Milliron, chair, CPE 2.802E, C0400, 471-5238 

graduate affairs, CPE 5.404, 471-6991 

undergraduate affairs, CPE 2.706, 471-6443 |

The University of Texas at Austin Test for Credit in Chemistry 301 is required for chemical engineering majors who have studied chemistry in high school and who do not have credit for CH 301 or the equivalent. Contact Student Testing Services for further information:

Department of Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering

includes ARE architectural engineering | C E civil engineering | EVE environmental engineering | to Cockrell Sch of Engr rules »

Robert Gilbert, chair, ECJ 4.200, C1700, 471-4921 

undergraduate affairs, ECJ 4.200, 471-4921 

graduate affairs, ECJ 4.200, 471-4921 |

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

to Cockrell Sch of Engr rules » 

Diana Marculescu, chair, EER 2.876, C0803, 471-6179 

undergraduate student office, EER 2.884, 471-1851 

graduate student office, EER 2.892, 471-8511

Undergraduate courses in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering are generally restricted to Electrical and Computer Engineering students; however, certain courses are open to other majors when the course is part of a required or optional sequence in the degree program.

Graduate courses in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering are available to all graduate students enrolled at UT Austin with the exception of the Option III courses.

Courses denoted by the suffix -SE are restricted to students in the Option III Software Engineering Program. Classes meet all day on Friday and Saturday one weekend per month. Fees include tuition, orientation, summer projects courses, lab fees, course materials, software, master's report courses, and graduation. Fees are subject to change.

Engineering Management

includes ENM engineering management | to Cockrell Sch of Engr rules »

Steven Nichols, director, P O Box H, 78713-8908, CEE 1.204, A2800, 232-5172 |

Engineering Management is a two-year Option III program offered by the Cockrell School of Engineering. The program enables special scheduling so that professionals may remain close to their technical careers in industry while earning a Master of Science degree with a major in engineering management. Courses include project management, risk analysis, system design metrics, managing organizations, and legal issues.

ENM courses are restricted to students in the Engineering Management program. Classes meet all day Friday and Saturday one weekend per month. Fees include tuition, orientation, summer projects courses, lab fees, course materials, software, master’s thesis courses, and graduation.

Manufacturing Systems Engineering

includes MFG manufacturing systems engineering | to Cockrell Sch of Engr rules »

Richard Neptune, chair, ETC 5.208A, C2200, 471-0796 

graduate affairs, ETC 5.224, 471-1136 |

Materials Science and Engineering

includes MSE materials science and engineering | to Cockrell Sch of Engr rules »

Arumugam Manthiram, director, ETC 9.104, C2201, 471-1791

Materials Science and Engineering is an interdisciplinary program offered by the Cockrell School of Engineering and the College of Natural Sciences. Appropriate course offerings for the program are listed in the Departments of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, Chemical Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Chemistry and Biochemistry, and Physics.

J. Mike Walker Department of Mechanical Engineering

includes M E mechanical engineering | ORI operations research and industrial engineering | to Cockrell Sch of Engr rules »

Richard Neptune, chair, ETC 5.208A, C2200, 471-0796 

undergraduate affairs, ETC 5.224, 471-1136 

graduate affairs, ETC 5.224, 471-1136 |

Operations Research and Industrial Engineering 

J. Eric Bickel, program coordinator, ETC 5.128C, C2200, 232-8316 

graduate affairs, ETC 5.224, 471-1136 |

Hildebrand Department of Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering

includes PGE petroleum and geosystems engineering | to Cockrell Sch of Engr rules »

Matthew Balhoff, chair, CPE 2.502G, C0300, 471-7375 

Graduate affairs, CPE 3.168B, 471-3258  

Undergraduate affairs, CPE 3.168B 471-1259|


College of Fine Arts

to top of rules »

Ramón Rivera-Servera, dean, DFA 1.103, D1400, 471-1655

Fine Arts

includes F A fine arts | to Col of Fine Arts rules»

John Turci-Escobar, Assistant Dean of Undergraduate Studies

Brad Humphries, Director of Student Affairs

School of Design and Creative Technologies

Doreen Lorenzo, asst. dean

includes AET arts and entertainment technologies | DES design | ITD integrated design | to Col of Fine Arts rules»

Michael Baker, chair, Arts and Entertainment Technologies, DFA 2.400, D1400, 471-1655 

undergraduate student office, DFA 1.103F, D1400, 475-7993

Katherine Canales, chair, Design

Monica Penick, chair, 

Department of Art and Art History

includes AED art education | ARH art history | ART studio art | to Col of Fine Arts rules»

Susan Rather, chair 

undergraduate academic adviser: DFA 2.530, D1300, 475-7718 

graduate coordinator: DFA 2.504, D1300, 232-2047

Students registering for studio art, art history, or art education, courses must meet undergraduate admissions and course prerequisites specified in chapter 8 of the Undergraduate Catalog and graduate admission and course prerequisites specified in chapter 4 of the Graduate Catalog.

Art education. Non-departmental majors interested in registering for undergraduate AED courses are eligible to enroll in AED 321C.

Art history: Non-departmental students can enroll in all ARH courses except for ARH 304, ARH 321, ARH 375, ARH 376, and ARH 379H. No prerequisites are required for art history courses (unless otherwise stated.)

Studio art. Non-departmental majors interested in registering for studio art (ART) courses are eligible to enroll in ART 352C, 352D, 352F, 352G, and ART 352J. If seats are available on the fourth class day of the fall or spring semesters or the second class day of either summer session, non-departmental majors may register for undergraduate studio art major courses with the approval of the course instructor.

Sarah and Ernest Butler School of Music

includes CON conducting | MUS music | MBU music business | MRT music recording technology | ENS ensemble | PRF performance | BSN bassoon | CLA clarinet | D B double bass | DRS drum set | EUP euphonium | FLU flute | F H French horn | GUI guitar | HAR harp | HRC harpsichord | OBO oboe | OPR opera | ORG organ | PER percussion | PIA piano | REC recorder | SAX saxophone | TRO trombone | TRU trumpet | TBA tuba | VIB vibraphone | VIA viola | VIO violin | V C violoncello | VOI voice | to Col of Fine Arts rules »

Susan Thomas, director 

student office, MRH 3.836, E3100 |

Approval from the Butler School of Music and confirmation of the instructor to whom a student has been assigned must be obtained before a student may register for or add any of the following music performance courses: BSN Bassoon; CLA Clarinet; CON Conducting; D B Double Bass; DRS Drum Set; EUP Euphonium; FLU Flute; F H French Horn; GUI Guitar; HAR Harp; HRC harpsichord; OBO Oboe; OPR Opera; ORG Organ; PER Percussion; PIA Piano; REC recorder; SAX Saxophone; TRO Trombone; TRU Trumpet; TBA Tuba; VIB vibraphone; VIA Viola; VIO Violin; V C Violoncello; VOI Voice.

All performance courses may be repeated for credit.

For non-music majors, specific information about auditions and music performance and ensemble courses is available at

All ensemble courses are open to any University student who qualifies by audition, and all may be repeated for credit. More information about ensembles and conductors is available at

Department of Theatre and Dance

includes T D theatre and dance | to Col of Fine Arts rules »

Peter Carpenter, chair, WIN 1.142, D3900, 471-5793 

undergraduate advising office, WIN 1.142A, D3900, 232-2741 

graduate student office, WIN 1.142A, D3900, 232-2741

General Statements: For all T D 302T, T D 303, T D 303C and T D 306 courses and sections any student who does not attend the first class meeting may be dropped from the course.  

For more information on topics courses, please visit our course description page at

Jackson School of Geosciences

to top of rules »

Claudia Mora, dean, JGB 6.218, 505-629-8381

Veronica Vasquez, executive director of academics and student affairs, JGB 6.218, 471-5379

Energy and Earth Resources Graduate Program

includes EER energy and earth resources | to Sch of Geosci rules » 

Fred Beach, director, EPS 2.204, 512-471-2696
Charles Kerans, graduate adviser, JGB 6.106, 471-4282

Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences

includes EVS environmental science | GEO geosciences | to Sch of Geosci rules »

Danny Stockli, chair, JGB 2.112, 475-6037 

Richard Ketcham, graduate adviser, JGB 3.316, 471-0260

Earth and Planetary Sciences Administrative Offices, JGB 2.112, C9000, 512-471-5172

undergraduate office JGB 2.102, 512-232-4544 

graduate office JGB 2.102, 512-232-4544

School of Information

includes I Informatics | INF information studies | ISP information security and privacy | to top of rules »

Eric Meyer, dean, UTA 5.334, 471-3828 

Soo Young Rieh, senior associate dean for academic affairs, UTA 5.328, 471-2371 

Carla Criner, assistant dean for education and student affairs, UTA 5.308, 471-5654
Doug Jansen, graduate program coordinator, UTA 5.202, 471-2416,
Amelia Acker, graduate advisor for INF, UTA 5.434,471-8487,
Natasha Saldaña, assistant director of undergraduate student services, FAC 18, 471-2701,               
Jeffery Willett, senior undergraduate advisor and admissions coordinator, FAC 18, 232-9257,

Farzana Tasnim, undergraduate advisor and student life coordinator, FAC 18,                              

Aaron Ulmer, registration and course schedule administrator, UTA 5.312, 471-2297,        
Suzanne Barber, director/graduate adviser for MSISP 

Stephanie Bell, education program manager for MSISP, (for ISP registration and admission questions)

The School of Information (iSchool) offers: a PhD in Information Studies, a Master of Science in Information Studies (MSIS), a Master of Science in Information Security and Privacy (MSISP); and both a Bachelor of Science in Informatics (BSI) and a Bachelor of Arts (BA) with a Major in Informatics. The iSchool also offers an undergraduate minor in Informatics.

All courses in Information Security and Privacy are restricted to students admitted to the MSISP option III program. Admission and registration for this program is managed by the UT Center for Identity.

Please see your academic advisor or our website for more information about iSchool degree program requirements and registration rules.

School of Law

includes LAW law | to top of rules »

Robert Chesney, dean, TNH 2.118, D1800, 471-5151

Non-law graduate students may not register for law classes until after the law school early registration period, and then only with the approval of the assistant dean for student affairs of the School of Law. Undergraduate students may not take law classes.

For requirements for the Doctor of Jurisprudence degree, see the Law School Catalog.

College of Liberal Arts

to top of rules »

Ann Huff Stevens, dean, GEB 3.200, G6000, 471-4141 

Steven Hoelscher, associate dean for academic affairs, GEB 3.200, G6000, 471-4141 

Robert Crosnoe, associate dean for research, GEB 3.200, G6000, 471-4141 

Mia Carter, associate dean for student affairs, GEB 2.200, G6100, 471-4271

Liberal Arts

includes L A liberal arts | to Col of Lib Arts rules »

Tatem Oldham, director, FAC 2.106, G6200, 471-7900 

Liberal Arts Career Services

Research Apprenticeship Program


Liberal Arts Honors

includes LAH liberal arts honors | to Col of Lib Arts rules »

Marc A. Musick, director, RLP 2.104, G6210, 471-3458 |

The College of Liberal Arts offers upper-division honors courses for students in the college who are pursuing the Bachelor of Arts, Plan I. Plan I students who have completed at least sixty semester hours of coursework and have earned a University grade point average of at least 3.50 are eligible to enroll in these courses. To find complete course descriptions, please go to

The requirements for graduation with liberal arts honors are (1) graduation from the College of Liberal Arts with a Bachelor of Arts, Plan I or a Bachelor of Science in Psychology; (2) a University grade point average of at least 3.50 at graduation; (3) completion of at least three upper-division liberal arts honors (LAH) courses with grades of A in two of the courses and a grade of at least B in the third; and (4) completion in residence at the University of at least sixty semester hours of coursework counted toward the degree. The statement "Liberal Arts Honors" appears on the academic record of each graduate who fulfills these requirements. The student may earn both liberal arts honors and special honors in his or her major department.

Language Teaching Coordination

includes LTC language teaching coordination | to Col of Lib Arts rules »

Thomas J. Garza, director, BUR 572, B7800, 471-6574 |

Department of African and African Diaspora Studies

includes AFR African and African American studies | SWA Swahili | YOR Yoruba | to Col of Lib Arts rules »

Kevin Foster, chair, GWB 2.100, E3400, 471-4362; fax 471-7351

The Department of African and African Diaspora Studies will add students to open classes through the fourth class day. For the fifth through twelfth class days, students will need to obtain the instructor's approval to be added.

Department of Air Force Science

includes AFS air force science | to Col of Lib Arts rules »

David A. Haase, Colonel, USAF, chair 

RLP 5.726, C3600, 471-1776

Department of American Studies

includes AMS American studies | to Col of Lib Arts rules »

Steven Hoelscher, chair, BUR 437, B7100, 471-7277 |

The Department of American Studies will add students to open classes through the fourth class day. A late add form, with permission from the instructor, is required during the fifth through twelfth class days; instructors are not required to add students to their classes, even if seats are available.

For American studies course descriptions please visit

Upper-division standing is strongly recommended for registration in all upper-division courses in American studies.

AMS 370 is a small upper-division substantial writing component seminar course in which students are required to contribute to discussions, conduct research, and complete a considerable amount of readings. Since American studies majors are required to take nine hours of AMS 370, the majority of seats are restricted to American studies majors.

Student may not register for more than two sections of AMS 370 in one semester. The department may drop students from AMS 370 if they enroll in more than two sections in one semester or have completed less than 60 hours of college coursework.

Department of Anthropology

includes ANT anthropology | STS science, technology, and society | ARY archaeology | to Col of Lib Arts rules »


Kamran Ali, chair, WCP 4.102, C3200, 471-3550 

undergraduate office, 232-2181 

graduate office, 232-2180

Science, Technology, and Society

Science, Technology, and Society is an interdisciplinary program in the College of Liberal Arts designed to prepare students to become leaders in the humane, intelligent, and critical uses of emerging technologies.

Archaeological Studies 

Fred Valdez, director, WCP 4.102, C3200, 471-0060 

undergraduate office, 232-2181

Department of Military Science

includes M S military science | to Col of Lib Arts rules »

Matthew S. O'Neill, Lieutenant Colonel, USA, chair 

RLP 5.412C, C3603, 512-232-5395 |

Center for Asian American Studies

includes AAS Asian American studies| to Col of Lib Arts rules »

Eric Tang, director, BUR 556, A2200, 232-9468 |

Department of Asian Studies

includes ANS Asian studies | BEN Bengali | CHI Chinese | HIN Hindi | JPN Japanese | KOR Korean | MAL Malayalam | PSH Pashto | SAN Sanskrit | SAL South Asian languages | TAM Tamil | TEL Telugu | URD Urdu | VTN Vietnamese | to Col of Lib Arts rules »

Donald Davis, chair 

WCH 4.134, G9300, 475-6040

Lower-division language course sequences.
level 1506 or 601D
2507 or 610D
combined 1 and 2604 (for students who can already understand or speak the language, but need to learn reading and writing)
3312K or 412K or 611D
4312L or 412L or 316C as a bridge course to upper-division classes
combined 3 and 4612 (only students who have taken 604 or placed out of levels 1 and 2 should take 612; the option of 604 and 612 is currently available for CHI, HIN, and KOR courses only)

Registration for Chinese language courses. With the exception of students who have previously completed one or more Chinese courses at the University level, all students with some knowledge of Chinese who enroll for the first time in a University of Texas at Austin Chinese course must take the Chinese placement test to determine the appropriate course for which they should register. Students with University-level credit for Chinese should contact the department to discuss which course is most appropriate for them.

Registration for Bengali, Hindi, Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu language courses. All students with some knowledge of Bengali, Hindi, Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, or Urdu, however acquired, who enroll for the first time in a University of Texas at Austin lower-division Bengali, Hindi, Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, or Urdu course must take the placement test to determine the appropriate course for which they should register.

Registration for Japanese language courses. With the exception of students who have previously completed one or more Japanese courses at the university level, all students with some knowledge of Japanese who enroll for the first time in a University of Texas at Austin Japanese course must take the Japanese placement test to determine the appropriate course for which they should register. Students with university-level credit for Japanese should contact the department to discuss which course is most appropriate for them.

Registration for Korean language courses. All students with some knowledge of Korean, however acquired, who enroll for the first time in a University of Texas at Austin Korean course must take the UT Austin placement exam for Korean to determine the appropriate course for which they should register. Accelerated KOR 604 and 612 are designed for students who understand and speak but do not read or write Korean; these students may not take KOR 506, 507, 412K, or 412L. To enroll in KOR 604, a student must have taken the placement exam and the results must indicate that the student is ineligible to receive credit for KOR 507. Students registering for KOR 604 must not claim credit for KOR 506.

Language placement tests. Chinese, Hindi, Japanese, and Korean placement tests are administered by Student Testing Services and are given only at scheduled times immediately prior to registration. Contact Student Testing Services for a schedule of test dates: 

Bengali, Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu credit tests are administered and scheduled annually or semesterly through the Department of Asian Studies. Contact the Asian Studies academic adviser ( to schedule a test.

Catalogs, degree requirements, advising. Students should consult the Asian Studies adviser to determine under which catalog they are eligible to graduate. The adviser will determine which courses will satisfy the major, minor, and degree requirements specified in the catalog the student will follow.

Department of Classics

includes AHC ancient history and classical civilization | C C classical civilization | GK Greek | LAT Latin | to Col of Lib Arts rules »

Sean Gurd, chair, WAG 123, C3400, 471-5742 

undergraduate advising, GAR 1.140, 471-7670 

graduate office, WAG 115, 471-1693 |

Classical civilization. No knowledge of Latin or Greek is required for courses in classical civilization (C C) or ancient history and classical civilization (AHC). The only exceptions are the senior seminars in classical civilizations and ancient history, C C 375 and AHC 378, which have many or all seats restricted to majors. AHC and C C courses may not be counted as foreign language credit.

Unless otherwise indicated, all Greek courses are ancient Greek (including New Testament Greek).

Greek for degree requirements. Greek courses may be used to satisfy the foreign language requirement for the Bachelor of Arts, Plan I. For further information, see the Undergraduate Catalog.

Greek lower-division sequences. The standard lower-division Greek sequence is as follows: GK 506, 507, 311, 312K. The sequence may be started only in the fall semester. Students may also begin Greek through our summer intensive program: GK 804, 412, 311, 312K.

Latin for degree requirements. Latin courses may be used to satisfy the foreign language requirement for the Bachelor of Arts, Plan I. For further information, see the Undergraduate Catalog.

Latin lower-division sequences. The standard Latin sequence is as follows: LAT 506, 507, 511K. The Latin sequence may be started in fall, spring, or summer. 

Placement tests.  The UT Austin exam for credit Latin is administered prior to the fall and spring semesters (in August and January, respectively). Any student who has prior knowledge of Latin but who has not earned college credit in Latin should take the exam. For further information, consult the undergraduate adviser or Student Testing Services: 

Cognitive Science

includes CGS cognitive science | to Col of Lib Arts rules »

David I. Beaver, CAL 414, B5100, 471-9028

Program in Comparative Literature

includes C L comparative literature | to Col of Lib Arts rules »

Hannah Wojciehowski, director, CAL 217, B5003, 471-1925 |

No student may register for a graduate course in comparative literature without the approval of the graduate adviser in comparative literature, CAL 217.

Thomas Jefferson Center for the Study of Core Texts and Ideas

includes CTI core texts and ideas | to Col of Lib Arts rules »

Lorraine S. Pangle and Thomas L. Pangle, co-directors, MEZ 3.150, C4100, 232-1447 

undergraduate office, 471-6648 |

Américo Paredes Center for Cultural Studies

includes CLS cultural studies | to Col of Lib Arts rules »

John Hartigan, director, EPS 1.130E, C3200, 471-5689

Department of Economics

includes ECO economics | to Col of Lib Arts rules »

Thomas Wiseman, chair, BRB 1.116, C3100, 471-3211 

undergraduate advising office, BRB 1.114A, 471-2973 

graduate coordinator, BRB 1.114F, 475-8510

Prerequisites. Prior to enrollment in any Economics course, students should be certain that they meet the stated prerequisite. Students who do not meet listed prerequisites for a course will be dropped from that course. For those economics courses requiring calculus: M 403K, 403L, and their equivalents may not be substituted for M408C and M 408D or M 408K and 408L.

Restrictions. Registration priority is given to declared economics majors for the following courses: ECO 420K, 320L, 329, and 341K. Others may seek assistance in registration for these courses through the undergraduate advising office. Enrollment in these courses will be handled on a space-available basis.

Students may only take one of the following Health Economic courses to be counted toward their degree: Economics 330T (Topic: Health Economics), 330T (Topic 1: Economics of Health), 350K (Topic: Health Economics), 350K (Topic 9: Health Economics).

Students may not attempt more than 10 hours of economics coursework in a semester.

Students seeking to register in an economics course after the 4th class day in a long semester (or the 2nd class day in a Summer session) must contact the undergraduate advising office.

For updates to course offerings and information regarding course availability, please consult the class listings in this Course Schedule.

Department of English

includes E English | CRW creative writing | to Col of Lib Arts rules »

John Gonzalez, chair, CAL 226, B5000, 471-4991 

undergraduate advising office, PAR 114, 471-5736 

graduate office, CAL 210, 475-6356

General statements.

No English classes may be added after the fifth class day in a fall or spring semester; no English class may be added after the fourth class day in a summer session.

No student may take more than nine semester hours of coursework in English in a semester.

Course descriptions can be found at

Center for European Studies

includes EUS European studies | to Col of Lib Arts rules »

Douglas G. Biow, director, MEZ 3.126, center office 232-3470 | 

EUS 375 is restricted to students pursuing the major in European Studies. Consent of the director is required prior to registering.

Department of French and Italian

includes FR French | F C French civilization | ITL Italian | ITC Italian civilization | to Col of Lib Arts rules »

Paola Bonifazio, chair, HRH 2.122, B7600, 471-1561

All students with high school French but no college credit who wish to enroll for the first time in a University of Texas at Austin French course must take a placement test. A schedule of administration dates for the placement test may be obtained from the Student Testing Services, or at

All students without prior knowledge of Italian must take ITL 601C. All students with some knowledge of Italian, however acquired, who enroll for the first time in a University of Texas at Austin course in Italian must have taken a placement test in Italian prior to registration to determine the appropriate course for which they should register. For information, inquire at HRH 2.114A.

Information regarding the foreign language requirement for the Bachelor of Arts, Plan I, may be found in the Undergraduate Catalog.

Types of courses. Courses in this department are designated French (FR), French civilization (F C), Italian (ITL), and Italian civilization (ITC).

French civilization courses may not be counted toward a major in French or toward fulfillment of the foreign language requirement for any bachelor's degree.

Courses with both lectures and readings in English include all French civilization (F C) and Italian civilization (ITC) courses.

The only course with lectures in English and readings in the foreign language is FR 301.

All other courses are conducted primarily in the foreign language.

All classes in FR and ITL are designed to accommodate 35 or fewer students unless otherwise stated.

Course levels and placement. For students who have taken FR or ITL 601C, the second course in the sequence is FR or ITL 611C. Students who have previously taken FR or ITL 507 will progress to FR or ITL 612.

Department of Geography and the Environment

includes GRG geography | URB urban studies | SUS sustainability studies | to Col of Lib Arts rules »

Jennifer Miller, chair, RLP 3.306, A3100, 232-1595 

Craig Gilden, senior academic adviser, RLP 1.216, 232-6344 |

In addition to any other prerequisites listed all graduate courses require graduate standing.

Paul Adams, director, RLP 3.306, A3100 

Katie Bland, undergraduate advising office, PAR 114, 471-5736 |

All urban studies courses are restricted to students who have been admitted to the urban studies major. URB 301, 315, 360, and 370 are requirements for the urban studies major.

Department of Germanic Studies

includes DAN Danish | DCH Dutch | FNH Finnish | GER German | GSD German, Scandinavian, and Dutch Studies | NOR Norwegian | SWE Swedish | YID Yiddish | to Col of Lib Arts rules »

Marc Pierce, chair, BUR 336, C3300, 471-4123

All students with some knowledge of German, however acquired, who enroll for the first time in a University of Texas at Austin German course should take the UT German Placement Test to determine the appropriate course for which they should register. Test results also serve as the basis for awarding credit in one or more of the following courses: GER 506, 507, 612. Placement tests, which are administered by Student Testing Services, will be given only at scheduled times immediately prior to registration and during summer orientation sessions. Contact the Student Testing Services for a schedule of test dates:

Foreign language requirement. Under provisions of the most recent Undergraduate Catalog, the foreign language requirement for the Bachelor of Arts, Plan I, is the attainment of a fourth-semester proficiency in the foreign language. The courses normally used to satisfy this proficiency in German are 612 or 312L. 

For all languages taught in the department (Danish, Dutch, German, Norwegian, Swedish, and Yiddish) a two-semester sequence, 604 and 612, is available. These accelerated courses enable the student to fulfill the foreign language requirement in two semesters. For information about upper-division courses in these languages, contact the undergraduate adviser.

Intensive programs.

  • A. Fall-semester 604. Highly motivated students may enroll for this one-semester intensive course that provides the content of first-year foreign language. Class meets six hours a week.
  • B. Spring-semester 612. Highly motivated students who have completed 604, 507, or the equivalent may enroll for this one-semester intensive course that provides the content of second-year foreign language. Class meets six hours a week.

German, Scandinavian, and Dutch Studies courses. All German, Scandinavian, and Dutch Studies courses are taught in English with English-language texts. GSD courses are offered on both the lower-division and upper-division levels. German, Scandinavian, and Dutch Studies courses may not be counted toward a major in German or toward fulfillment of the foreign language requirement for any bachelor's degree. GSD courses frequently count toward both the writing and the global cultures flag requirement.

Department of Government

includes GOV government | to Col of Lib Arts rules »

Daniel Brinks, chair 

undergraduate advising office, BAT 2.112, 232-7283 

graduate office, BAT 2.120A, 232-7261 

main office, BAT 2.116, A1800, 471-5121; fax 471-1061

The Department of Government offers in residence only one major sequence to satisfy the legislative requirement of six hours of American government. Please see the University Catalogs >Undergraduate>College of Liberal Arts>Courses>Department of Government to identify these courses as well as for course titles, descriptions, and prerequisites.

  • GOV 310L. An honors section of GOV 310L designed specifically for Plan I honors and Plan II students, is offered once a year, usually in the fall semester. Credit for the first three hours of the legislative requirement can be earned by eligible students who make a satisfactory score on the College Board Advanced Placement Examination and CLEP American Government Subject Examination with supplemental test items in Texas government. Information about this test may be obtained from Student Testing Services. Only those students who meet all of the following requirements are eligible to receive credit by examination for GOV 310L: 1) have neither a passing nor failing grade for GOV 310L; 2) are not currently enrolled in GOV 310L; 3) have not taken the CLEP American Government Subject Examination within the past six months.
  • GOV 312L. An honors section of GOV 312L designed specifically for Plan I Honors and Plan II students, is offered once a year, usually in the spring semester. For information regarding credit by examination for GOV 312L, contact Student Testing Services:
  • GOV 105. This course, offered only by correspondence, is designed for transfer students who need only one hour of Texas government to fulfill the legislative requirement.

No student may enroll in any government course requiring consent of instructor, consent of the undergraduate adviser, or consent of the graduate adviser without first having received that consent.

Health and Society 

includes H S health society | to Col of Lib Arts rules »

Pamela Paxton, director, RLP 3.738, A1700 

Undergraduate Advising Office, PAR 114, 471-5736 |

Department of History

includes HIS history | to Col of Lib Arts rules »

Martha Newman, interim chair 

Madeline Hsu, associate chair 

undergraduate advising office, GAR 1.140, 471-7670 

graduate office, GAR 1.132, 232-8513 

main office, GAR 1.104, B7000, 471-3261, fax 475-7222

HIS 350L and 350R are small, upper-division seminar courses that require intensive reading, research, and writing. Students in these courses are also required to attend and participate in discussions regularly. Sections of HIS 350L cover a variety of non-U.S. history topics; sections of HIS 350R cover only U.S. history topics. Both courses are offered only in the fall and spring semesters, and may be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Students are limited to one section of HIS 350L or 350R per semester. For the prerequisites, click on a section unique number for details. The department reserves the right to drop students from these sections who do not meet these registration requirements. During the early registration periods, many sections of HIS 350L and 350R are restricted to history majors.

HIS 320W and 378W are required courses for the history major beginning with the 2018-20 Undergraduate Catalog. These courses are restricted to history majors unless seats are still available by the first class day, at which point they will be released to any student who meets the prerequisite. 

Human Dimensions of Organization 

includes HDO human dimensions of organization | to Col of Lib Arts rules »

Arthur Markman, director  

FAC 18, G6200, 232-7343, fax 471-1798 |

Mary Rose, academic program director

Humanities Program

includes HMN humanities | to Col of Lib Arts rules »

Marc A. Musick, director, GEB 1.206, G6210, 471-3458 |

For admission to the Bachelor of Arts degree program with a major in humanities, inquire in RLP 2.104.

To find complete course descriptions, please go to

International Relations and Global Studies

includes IRG international relations and global studies | to Col of Lib Arts rules »

Michael R. Anderson, director 

undergraduate advising office, RLP 1.216 |

Schusterman Center for Jewish Studies

includes J S jewish studies | to Col of Lib Arts rules »

Jonathan Kaplan, director 

Galit Pedahzur, senior program coordinator 

RLP 2.402, B3600, 475-6178 |

Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies

includes LAL indigenous languages of Latin America | LAS Latin American studies | to Col of Lib Arts rules »

Adela Pineda, director, SRH 1.310, D0800, 471-5551 |

Students who wish to register for LAS 379 must obtain the consent of the undergraduate adviser (SRH 1.303); those who wish to register for LAS 679HA or 679HB must obtain the written consent of the Honors Program adviser (SRH 1.303), and those who wish to register for LAS 382, 397R, 698A, 698B, or 398R must obtain the consent of the graduate adviser (SRH 1.301). Students who have not obtained the appropriate consent before registering will be dropped from the class.

It is imperative that students registering for LAS 379, 679HA, 679HB, 382, 397R, 698A, 698B, or 398R inform the student office in SRH 1.301 of the name of the instructor with whom they will be studying. This should be done during registration or by the second week of classes at the latest; otherwise, a grade cannot be assigned for the course.

Department of Linguistics

includes ASL American Sign Language | LIN linguistics | to Col of Lib Arts rules »

John Beavers, chair, RLP 4.720, B5100, 471-1701

To find complete course descriptions, please go to

American Sign Language (ASL). Most commonly, ASL 601D and 311D are offered fall and first summer term only, and ASL 610D is offered spring and second summer term only. Consult the course schedule for any exceptions to this pattern.

Any student with some knowledge of American Sign Language (ASL), however acquired, who wishes to enroll for the first time in an ASL course at the University of Texas at Austin should complete an assessment in our department to determine the appropriate course for which to register. See the Program's homepage for more information or contact Keyanna Maxwell at 471-1701 or by email,

A student with proficiency in ASL could also be eligible for credit for ASL 601D, 610D, or 311D. At the current time, Student Testing Services administers an exam for assessing proficiency in ASL 601D If a student would like to be considered for credit for ASL 610D or ASL 311D, they should see the ASL homepage for more information.

Foreign language requirement. Under provisions of the Undergraduate Catalog, the foreign language requirement for the Bachelor of Arts is the attainment of a fourth-semester proficiency in a foreign language. The course normally used to satisfy this proficiency in ASL is ASL 311D. If you are a student in a college other than Liberal Arts, please consult your adviser with regard to the foreign language requirements of your degree program.

Department of Mexican American and Latina/o Studies

includes MAS Mexican American Studies| to Col of Lib Arts rules »

Karma Chavez, chair, F9200, 471-4557 |

Medieval Studies Program

includes MDV medieval studies | to Col of Lib Arts rules »

Joan Holladay, director, DFA 2.128, D1300, 232-2546

No student may register for a course in Medieval Studies without the approval of the director or graduate advisers.

Department of Middle Eastern Studies

includes ARA Arabic | HEB Hebrew | ISL Islamic studies | MEL Middle Eastern languages and cultures | PRS Persian | TUR Turkish | to Col of Lib Arts rules »

Na'ama Pat-el, chair 

CAL 528, F9400, 471-3881

Center for Middle Eastern Studies

includes MES Middle Eastern studies | to Col of Lib Arts rules »

Karen Grumberg, director, CAL 528, F9400, 471-3881

Honors program. A Bachelor of Arts degree with honors in Islamic Studies, Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures, or Middle Eastern Studies is available to students who meet certain qualifications. Consult the appropriate undergraduate advisers in Middle Eastern Studies and the College of Liberal Arts section of the Undergraduate Catalog.

Department of Naval Science

includes N S naval science | to Col of Lib Arts rules »

John G. Eden, Captain, USN, chair 

RLP 5.602, C3604, 471-7649 |

Department of Philosophy

includes PHL philosophy | to Col of Lib Arts rules »

Cory Juhl, chair, WAG 316, C3500, 471-4857 

undergraduate office, WAG 313, 475-9185 

graduate office, WAG 329, 471-6093

General Statements: PHL 313, Introduction to Symbolic Logic, is a requirement for the Philosophy major and thus has many seats restricted to Philosophy majors in the early registration periods. Remaining seats in PHL 313 will be released by the first class day.

PHL 321K, 323K, 323M, 325K, and 332 are requirements for the Philosophy major and are completely restricted to Philosophy majors during the long semesters. No exceptions are made to this rule unless a dedicated non-majors section of a course is offered. If these courses are offered in a summer session, they are opened to any students who meets the prerequisites.

Plan II Honors Program

includes S S social science | T C tutorial course | to Col of Lib Arts rules »

John Gonzalez, director, RLP 2.102, G3600, 471-1442

Detailed course descriptions can be found online in the College of Liberal Arts course descriptions database:

Additional Plan II courses are found in the listings of the departments indicated below; these courses can be identified by the statement, "Restricted to students under Plan II for the BA degree" or "Designed for Plan I Honors and Plan II students."

BIO 310E Problems in Modern Biology 

E 303C & E 303D Plan II World Literature Part 1 and Part 2 

M 310P Modern Mathematics: Plan II 

PHL 610Q Problems of Knowledge and Valuation 

PHL 313Q Logic and Scientific Reasoning 

PHY 321 Modern Physics-Plan: II

Department of Psychology

includes PSY psychology | to Col of Lib Arts rules »

David Schnyer, chair, SEA 4.212, A8000 

Frances Champagne, associate chair for faculty and student affairs, SEA 4.212, A8000 

Marie Monfils, associate chair for research and operations, SEA 6.104, A8000 

undergraduate office, BUR 230, 471-4410 

graduate office, SEA 3.214, 471-6398

PSY 301 research requirement. Students enrolled in PSY 301 must fulfill a research requirement consisting of either participation in psychological research studies as a subject or writing a paper on psychological research, in addition to class work.

For Drs. Harden and Gosling's computer-intensive online PSY 301 course please visit for more information. 

Prerequisites for psychology courses.

  • All courses. All students must have credit for PSY 301 with a grade of at least C before taking any other psychology course, except PSY 306, PSY 317L and PSY 352.
  • PSY 317L or PSY 120R with transfer credit for PSY 317. Students may not 

    enroll in PSY 317L or PSY 120R a second time without permission of a 

    departmental adviser. Students may not enroll in PSY 317L or PSY 120R a third 

  • PSY 420M. Enrollment in PSY 420M is limited to majors and double majors in psychology who have completed the Liberal Arts math requirement. Students may not enroll in PSY 420M a second time without written permission of a departmental adviser. Students may not enroll in PSY 420M a third time.
  • Psychology majors. For all students under the 2022-2024 catalog, the statistics 

    requirements must be fulfilled by completion of PSY 317L or PSY 120R with 

    transfer credit for PSY 317 and PSY 420M 418 with a grade of at least C. For 

    students on earlier catalogs the statistics requirement must be fulfilled by completion of PSY 420M 418 with a grade of at least C.
  • Upper-division courses. For psychology majors, upper-division standing and Psychology 301 and 418 or 420M with a grade of at least C in each; for others, upper-division standing, Psychology 301 with a grade of at least C, and one of the following with a grade of at least C: 

    African and African Diaspora Studies 302M, 350, Biomedical Engineering 335, Civil Engineering 311S, Economics 329, Educational Psychology 308, 371, Electrical Engineering 351K, Government 350K, Mathematics 316, 362K, Mechanical Engineering 335, Psychology 317, 317L, Sociology 317L, Social Work 318, Statistics 309, Statistics and Data Sciences 301, 302, 302F, 303, 304, 305, 306, 318, 320E, 321, 325H, or 328M. 

    All Psychology Writing Flag courses. Enrollment in psychology writing flag courses is limited to majors and double majors in psychology. 

    Ten hours of psychology course work per semester. Enrollment in more than ten hours of psychology courses is limited to majors and double majors by special permission of a departmental adviser.

General statements. Priority to register for upper-division psychology courses is given to psychology majors. Course prerequisites are strictly monitored. Students will be dropped from courses for which they are not eligible.

No undergraduate psychology class may be added after the sixth class day of a fall or spring semester, or after the fourth class day of a summer term or session.

PSY 357 and 359 are offered on the pass/fail basis only and may not be counted toward the twenty-eight semester hours required for a major in psychology.

Department of Religious Studies

includes R S religious studies | to Col of Lib Arts rules »

Azfar Moin, chair, 232-7224 

Michelle Escalante, academic adviser, WAG 313, 475-9185

Department of Rhetoric and Writing

includes RHE rhetoric and writing | to Col of Lib Arts rules »

D Davis, chair, PAR 3, B5500, 471-6109 

undergraduate advising office, PAR 114, 471-5736

RHE 306. Students are encouraged to register for RHE 306 during their first year enrolled at UT Austin. Registration priority is given to freshman students.

Students must either take RHE 306 or claim placement credit for it. To be eligible for placement credit, students must have earned a score of 33 or higher on the College Board SAT Writing and Language Test, a 9 or higher on the ACT Writing Test, or a 3 or higher on the College Board Advanced Placement Examination in English Language and Composition. To petition for placement credit, or for more information about petitioning, contact Student Testing Services:

RHE 309J. (formerly E 309K and RHE 309K). Topics vary each semester in RHE 309K. Students registering for this course should consult the topic descriptions posted outside PAR 3 during academic advising and registration each semester. Topic descriptions are also posted online at

General statements. Students who miss the first two meetings of a class will be dropped by the Department.

Students may not be added to RHE classes after the second class meeting.

Before registering for any class in the Department of Rhetoric and Writing, students should be certain that they meet the prerequisites for the course. Students who do not meet course prerequisites will be dropped from the class.

Upper-division RHE courses are open to all students with the normal prerequisites, although priority to register is given to rhetoric and writing majors.

Students are discouraged from taking more than six semester hours of coursework in rhetoric and writing in a semester. No student may take more than nine semester hours of coursework in rhetoric and writing in a semester.

Center for Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies

includes REE Russian, East European, and Eurasian studies | to Col of Lib Arts rules »

Mary Neuberger, director, BUR 452, F3600, 471-3607

For admission to the Bachelor of Arts degree program, the undergraduate honors program, or the Master of Arts degree program, inquire in BUR 452.

Department of Slavic and Eurasian Studies

includes CZ Czech | POL Polish | RUS Russian | S C Serbian/Croatian | SLA Slavic | SEL Slavic and Eurasian languages| to Col of Lib Arts rules »

Mary Neuburger, chair, BUR 452, F3600, 471-3607

Before enrolling for the first time in any language offered by the Department of Slavic and Eurasian Studies, all students with any knowledge of the language, however acquired, must take a placement test to determine the course for which they should register. Information on placement tests for Polish and Russian is available from Student Testing Services. Information about testing in other languages is available from the Department of Slavic and Eurasian Studies office, Burdine Hall 452 (471-3607).

The normal two-year sequence of lower-division courses in Russian is either 406, 407, and 412K or 601C and 611C. In Czech it is 506, 507, 412K, and 412L. In Polish and Serbian/Croatian it is 506, 507, 312K, and 312L.

Department of Sociology

includes SOC sociology | to Col of Lib Arts rules »

Shannon Cavanagh, chair 

department office, RLP 3.306, A1700, 232-6300 

undergraduate advising, PAR 114-120, 471-5736 

graduate office, RLP 3.732, 232-6304 

Population Research Center, G1800, 471-5514

General statements. The Sociology Department uses the University online waitlist system to manage undergraduate course enrollments. In the case of closed courses, students seeking special consideration for registration or who wish to late add any undergraduate Sociology course beginning on the fifth class day must submit a petition to the undergraduate advisors. Priority will be given first to Sociology majors and then to graduating seniors.

  • All students must have completed 60 semester hours of coursework before attempting upper-division level (320-379) coursework. Priority to register for upper-division Sociology courses, especially writing component courses, is given to Sociology majors.
  • SOC 327M and 379M are requirements for the major. Enrollment in these courses is restricted to students who have officially declared Sociology as a major.
  • Students may not enroll in SOC 327M more than twice. Students enrolled in SOC 327M for the second time must receive permission from the Sociology undergraduate advisers prior to the first class meeting or they will be dropped from the course.
  • SOC 384L, 385L, 387J, 394K (topic 2), and 394K (topic 3) are required of all first-year Sociology graduate majors. Non-majors may only register for these classes if space allows. SOC 180, 280, 380, 190K, 290K, 390K, 690K, and 990K require permission forms prior to registration, available from the department url. Unless stated, prior permission is NOT required for other graduate courses.

Department of Spanish and Portuguese

includes ILA Iberian and Latin American languages and cultures | PRC Portuguese civilization | POR Portuguese | SPC Spanish civilization | SPN Spanish | to Col of Lib Arts rules »

Jorge Perez, acting chair, BEN 2.116, B3700, 471-4936, fax 471-8073 

undergraduate advisers, BEN 2.108, 232-7100, 232-4503, 232-4506 or 

graduate office, BEN 2.128, 232-4502

General statements.

  • A student enrolled in lower-division Spanish or Portuguese who does not attend the first two class meetings of the semester will be dropped from the course.
  • Spanish and Portuguese courses may not be added after the fifth class day.
  • As of Fall 2014, our two main majors in Spanish and in Portuguese will be consolidated. The new major is called "Iberian and Latin American Languages and Cultures".

Spanish. If a student with no college credit in Spanish would like to enroll in a course higher than SPN 601D, he or she must take the University of Texas Spanish Examination with Writing Exercise. Students may take the placement exam only one time, and the exam must be taken on UT campus.

  • Lower-division courses in Spanish are taught in a three course sequence except for accelerated courses for Heritage learners.
Lower-division Spanish courses satisfying the general education requirement.
level 1SPN 601D
2SPN 610D, SPN 604 (for Heritage learners)
3SPN 611D, SPN 612 (for Heritage learners)
  • SPN 315N (Readings in Hispanic Literature), 318 (Conversation and Composition) and 319 (Advanced Oral Expression) are lower-division electives that may not be used to fulfill the general education requirement, and may not be counted toward a major in Spanish. These courses are designed to give students additional practice and preparation before moving on to upper-division courses.
  • Note: Final exams for lower-division Spanish courses will be held during the regular final examination period, but not necessarily according to the index of final examination times printed in this Course Schedule.
  • All SPN courses are conducted in Spanish.
  • Priority to register for upper-division Spanish courses is given to Spanish majors. Course prerequisites are strictly enforced. Students will be administratively dropped from courses for which they are not eligible.
  • Spanish civilization (SPC) courses are conducted in English and may not be counted toward fulfillment of the foreign language requirement for any bachelor's degree.

Portuguese. If a student with no college credit in Portuguese would like to enroll in a course higher than POR 601D or POR 610S, he or she must take a placement examination administered by the Department of Spanish and Portuguese prior to registration to determine the appropriate course for which they should register. Students interested in the Portuguese Placement Exam should contact the undergraduate adviser in BEN 2.108.

  • Lower-division courses in Portuguese are taught in a three course sequence except for Portuguese for Spanish speakers and accelerated Portuguese.
Portuguese lower-division courses.
level 1POR 601D, 604
2POR 610D, 610S (for Spanish speakers I)
3POR 611D, 611S (for Spanish speakers II), 612
  • All POR courses are conducted primarily in Portuguese.
  • Portuguese civilization (PRC) courses are conducted in English and may not be counted toward fulfillment of the foreign language requirement for any bachelor's degree.

No student may register for a graduate course in Spanish or Portuguese without consent of the graduate adviser, dean's office, and instructor of record.

UTeach Liberal Arts

includes UTL UTeach-Liberal Arts | to Col of Lib Arts rules »

Carlos E. Bowles, director, BEL 224, E3900, 232-3480

Center for Women's and Gender Studies

includes WGS women's and gender studies | to Col of Lib Arts rules »

Jackie Cuevas, interim director 

general office, BUR 536, A4900

Lisa Moore, department chair 

academic advising:

Classes are restricted during early registration to WGS undergraduate, graduate, and portfolio students only. A portion of seats in WGS classes will remain reserved for WGS majors throughout registration and add/drop periods. When contacting us with questions about a class, please include your UT EID and the unique number of the class.

Individual instruction (internship, thesis, supervised research, and conference course) classes will require a consent form in order to register.

Undergraduate program information. The Center for Women's and Gender Studies offers an interdisciplinary undergraduate curriculum. Care should be taken in planning undergraduate coursework. It is strongly recommended that students declare their major as early as possible. Undergraduate students interested in majoring in women's and gender studies should contact the program office for advising. The Center for Women's and Gender Studies also offers an integrated program to enable currently enrolled WGS majors to earn a Bachelor of Arts in Women's and Gender Studies and a Master of Arts in Women's and Gender Studies within a five-year period.

Graduate programs.

  • MA: The Center for Women's and Gender Studies only offers fall admission for the MA program. All materials must be postmarked by December 1st.
  • Dual degree Programs: The Center for Women’s and Gender Studies also offers fall admission to their dual degree programs: MA/MSInfoStds in conjunction with the School of Information, and MA/MPAff with the LBJ School of Public Affairs.
  • PORTFOLIO: Graduate students from other departments may participate in the WGS Portfolio Program. Students are responsible for their application and Portfolio Program requirements. Applications are accepted year-round.
  • Please visit our website for more information on the WGS graduate programs.

College of Natural Sciences

to top of rules »

David Vanden Bout, dean, WCH 3.104, G2500, 471-3285 

Dean Appling, associate dean for research and facilities, WCH 3.104, G2500, 471-3285 

student division, dean's office, WCH 1.106, G2500, 471-4536 

Natural Sciences

includes NSC natural sciences | to Col of Nat Sci rules »

FIG first-year interest groups - UGS 016, WCH 1.106, G2500, 471-3796

CNS Honors Center - NSC 109, NSC 110H, NSC 323, NSC 371 

Sara Corson, director, PAI 5.39, G2550, 232-1048 |

Women in Natural Sciences - NSC 115 

Elizabeth Morgan, program coordinator, PAI 5.60, G2500, 471-3796

Texas Interdisciplinary Plan - NSC 109, NSC 209 

Tepera Holman, director, FAC 2.110, F2500, 232-6493 |

Texas Institute for Discovery Education in Science 

Lynda Gonzales, director for student programs, PAI 3.04, G2550, 232-9358 |

Department of Astronomy

includes AST astronomy | to Col of Nat Sci rules »

Volker Bromm, chair, PMA 15.218, C1400, 471-3302 

student office, PMA 15.204, 471-0481 

undergraduate advising center, PMA 4.101, C1650, 471-0900 |

The following courses are designed for nonscience majors who are satisfying their science requirements: AST 301, 309C, 309G, 309N, 309R, 309S, and 350L.

AST 301 is an introductory course for nonscience majors, and AST 307 is an introductory course for science and engineering majors; only one of these courses may be counted.

Students registering for AST 301, or any course in the 309 series, are invited to supplement the course with an optional laboratory section of AST 103L.

Biology Instructional Office

includes BIO biology | to Col of Nat Sci rules »

Janice Fischer, director, NHB 2.606, A6500, 471-4882; fax 232-3699 

biology instructional office, NHB 2.600, A6500, 471-4882; fax 471-3699 

biology advising center, NHB 2.606, G2530, 471-4920

Biology courses. During the fall and spring semesters, a computer check will be run during the first week of classes to verify that all students enrolled in BIO 311C, 311D, and all upper-division courses meet the course prerequisite. Students who do not meet the prerequisite or who do not furnish proof of meeting the prerequisite may be dropped from the course.

  • The lecture courses BIO 311C, 311D, and 325 are required for all biology majors. The prerequisites for BIO 325, Genetics, are BIO 311C and 311D with a grade of at least C- in each. BIO 325 with a grade of at least C- is a prerequisite for all upper-division biology and biochemistry courses.
  • Enrollment in most upper-division courses in biology is restricted to biology majors (not entry-level biology students) currently declared in specific degree options. Restricted courses will be so designated in the Course Schedule.
  • Beginning spring of 2015 there will be a competitive admissions process for the BS in Neuroscience degree. For information regarding the admissions process please consult the University of Texas Undergraduate Catalog, College of Natural Sciences, Admission and Registration section:
  • Course capacity is not determined solely by the number of physical seats or space in a classroom or lab. Therefore, at the discretion of the Biology Instructional Office, non-majors may be dropped from an upper-division course to accommodate graduating seniors. Biology majors who are not graduating in the upcoming semester may also be dropped to accommodate students closer to their graduation dates.
  • Graduate degrees in biology are administered by their respective Graduate Studies Committees in Ecology, Evolution and Behavior; Microbiology; Biochemistry; and Plant Biology.
  • The abbreviations EEB Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior, MIC Microbiology, BCH Biochemistry, and PB Plant Biology are included in the course descriptions of appropriate graduate courses to identify the programs in biology with which the course is most closely associated.

Department of Chemistry

includes CH chemistry | to Col of Nat Sci rules »

Jennifer S Brodbelt, chair, administrative offices, WEL 3.212, A5300, 471-3949 

student services office, WEL 2.302, 471-1567

The Department of Chemistry offers introductory courses designed to meet the educational requirements of distinct groups of students. The goals and prerequisites of each of the introductory tracks are summarized below.

  • Students are encouraged to carefully check that they meet the prerequisites prior to enrolling in a course. Students who do not meet course prerequisites are subject to being dropped from the course by the department. Contact the Department of Chemistry Student Services office, WEL 2.302 (471-1567; or visit “undergraduates” at the department URL listed above) with questions about prerequisites or for information about how to provide proof of meeting a prerequisite.
  • CH 301/302 is intended for students in technical areas. CH 301C/CH 302C is an alternative to CH 301/302 for chemistry majors and other honors program students. These are the only two sequences that provide the prerequisites for advanced chemistry courses. Prerequisites for CH 301/302 and CH 301C/302C are listed in the Course Schedule.
  • CH 204 and 317 are laboratory courses at the first-year level. CH 204 is the introductory laboratory course to be taken by students in most technical areas, and provides the laboratory prerequisite for advanced chemistry courses. CH 204 requires four laboratory hours and one hour of discussion a week for one semester. CH 317 is required for Bachelor of Science in Chemistry majors. CH 317 requires one lecture hour and six laboratory hours a week for one semester. CH 204 and 317 may not both be counted.
  • CH 301N followed by CH 302N is a two-semester sequence designed for nonscience majors. CH 301N is not intended as a preparatory course for CH 301. For students who do not need CH 301 or 302, the 301N/302N sequence (or 301/302N) may be used to satisfy the six-hour science requirement for some degree plans; check with the dean's office of the college or school in which you are registered to determine whether these courses meet the requirements for your degree plan. CH 301N and CH 302N may not be counted toward a degree in the College of Natural Sciences. CH 301N has no prerequisite. The prerequisite for CH 302N is CH 301 or 301N.

The University of Texas at Austin offers credit by exam for CH 301 and 302. The test in CH 301 is recommended for engineering majors (with the exception of electrical and computer engineering majors) and physics majors who have studied chemistry in high school and who do not have credit for CH 301 or its equivalent. Contact Student Testing Services, for further information on tests for CH 301, 302, 301N, or 302N.

In addition to regularly scheduled classes, hour quizzes and midterm examinations may be held at times to be announced in the following courses: CH 301, 301C, 302, 302C, 204, 301N, 302N, 320M, 320N, 220C, 317, 328M, 328N, 431, 353, 153K, 354, 154K, 354L, 455, 456, 380L, 381M, 382K, 382L, 386J, 387K, 390K, 390L, 391, 392C, 392E, and 392J.

Department of Computer Science

includes C S computer science | to Col of Nat Sci rules »

Donald Fussell, chair, GDC 2.308, D9500, 471-7316 

undergraduate office, GDC 2.702, 471-9509 

graduate office, GDC 2.702, 471-9503

The Department of Computer Science offers a variety of courses for students wishing to major in computer science or simply to obtain some knowledge of computing.

  • C S 302 is an introductory course for students wishing to learn concepts of computer science. It contains a small amount of programming (just to see how it works). C S 320N is an upper-division topics course for non-C S majors that may be repeated for credit when the topics vary. There are no prerequisites for C S 302. Prerequisites for C S 320N vary with the topic and are listed in the Course Schedule; some topics of C S 320N do not have prerequisites. C S 302 and 320N count toward satisfying the science requirement for nonscience majors in most degree plans.
  • C S 303E is an introductory course in programming and computer science concepts for students who have had little or no exposure to computer programming. C S 303E is one of two entry points into the Elements of Computing certification sequence (see below) designed specifically to complement non-C S degrees. There are no prerequisites for this class.

Elements of Computing sequence. The goal of the Elements of Computing program is to offer students who are not computer science majors the opportunity to gain exposure to computing concepts and skills necessary to be computer literate in today’s society, or to acquire a more substantial computing background. The program is a 12-hour curriculum that can fit into almost any degree program at the University. Students with no programming experience take C S 303E as the first Elements course. After taking C S 303E a student may earn a certificate by taking three or more of the following classes of which two must be upper-division: C S 301K, 302, 313E, 320N, 323E, 324E, 326E, 327E, 329E. After taking C S 313E a student may earn a certificate by taking three or more of the following classes of which two must be upper-division: C S 301K, 320N, 323E, 324E, 326E, 327E, 329E. For more information on the Elements program see

Undergraduates may not enroll in any computer science course more than once if they receive a grade of C- or better. A student may not take the same class more than once for credit. No student may take more than three upper-division computer science courses in a semester without the written consent of an undergraduate adviser in computer science.

School of Human Ecology

includes HDF human development and family sciences | H E human ecology | NTR nutrition | PBH public health | TXA textiles and apparel | to Col of Nat Sci rules »

Stephen Russell, director, GEA 113, A2700, 471-4276 

undergraduate advising center, GEA 37, 471-7219 |

Human Development and Family Sciences 

Stephen Russell, chair, SEA 2.444, A2702, 471-0753 

Graduate Coordinator, SEA 1.432A, A2702, 475-7504 | 

Priscilla Pond Flawn Child and Family Laboratory, SEA 1.440, A2701, 471-3974 | 

undergraduate advising center, GEA 37, 471-7219 |

Prior to enrollment in any HDF class, students should be certain that they meet the stated prerequisites. Students who do not meet listed prerequisites for a class will be dropped from that class.

Registration priority is given to declared human development and family sciences majors for all upper-division courses. Others may seek assistance in registration for these classes through the undergraduate advising office. Enrollment in these classes will be handled on a space-available basis.

Department of Nutritional Sciences 

Molly S. Bray, chair, GEA 313D, A2700, 471-3958 

Main Office, GEA 313, A2700, 471-0337 or 471-5190 

Option III Graduate Coordinator, GEA 313, A2700, 471-0337 

Dietetics, GEA 30, A2700, 471-0511 

undergraduate advising center, GEA 37, 471-7219 |

Prior to enrollment in any NTR class, students should be certain that they meet the stated prerequisites. Students who do not meet listed prerequisites for a class will be dropped from that class.

Registration priority is given to declared nutritional sciences majors for all upper-division courses. Others may seek assistance in registration for these classes through the undergraduate advising office. Enrollment in these classes will be handled on a space-available basis.

Public Health 

Sonia Gonzalez, program director, GEA 317, A2700, 475-8897 

undergraduate advising center, GEA 37, 471-7219 |

Prior to enrollment in any PBH class, students should be certain that they meet the stated prerequisites. Students who do not meet listed prerequisites will be dropped from that class.

Upper Division Public Health classes are restricted to students majoring in Public Health.

Textiles and Apparel 

Sara Stewart Stevens, program director, GEA 202, A2700, 

Undergraduate Advising Center, GEA 37, 471-7219 | 

Historical Textiles and Apparel Collection, GEA 325, A2700, 471-5906

Prior to enrollment in any TXA class, students should be certain that they meet the stated prerequisites. Students who do not meet listed prerequisites for a class will be dropped from that class.

Registration priority is given to declared textiles and apparel majors for all upper-division courses. Others may seek assistance in registration for these classes through the undergraduate advising office. Enrollment in these classes will be handled on a space-available basis.

Department of Marine Science

includes MNS Marine Science | to Col of Nat Sci rules »

Edward Buskey, chair, Port Aransas, TX, 

Kenneth H. Dunton, graduate and undergraduate adviser, Port Aransas, TX (361) 749-6744 

Jamey L. Pelfrey, graduate program administrator, Port Aransas, TX (361) 749-6801

Jared East, administrative associate, Port Aransas, TX (361) 749-6721 

Address: Department of Marine Science, The University of Texas at Austin, Marine Science Institute, 750 Channel View Drive, Port Aransas, Texas 78373-5015

The Department of Marine Science offers graduate degrees in marine science at the master's and PhD level.

Undergraduate courses are offered at Austin and Port Aransas, Texas, and may be used in partial fulfillment of degree requirements for the BS in Biology (Option III: Marine Science), Marine Science Certificate, electives, or supporting courses in other degree plans.

Department of Mathematics

includes ACF actuarial foundations | M mathematics | to Col of Nat Sci rules »

Thomas Chen, chair, PMA 10.172, C1200, 471-7711 

undergraduate advising center PMA 4.101, C1650, 471-0900 | |

Almost all lower-division mathematics courses require the following:

1. credit for a specific college mathematics course with a grade of at least C-

2. OR a sufficiently high score on a Calculus AP test

3. OR an appropriate UT Math Assessment

Prerequisites for lower-division mathematics courses can be found here:

The UT Math Assessment (UTMA) is administered through the College of Natural Sciences. For questions on UT Math Assessments, please contact the Math, Physics, and Astronomy Advising Center at 471-0900 or visit

Advice on which entry-level mathematics course to take, based on a student's UT Mathematics Readiness Exam scores, is available from the Mathematics, Physics, and Astronomy Advising Center, PMA 4.101, or from Testing and Evaluation Services.

Early in the fall and spring semesters, a computer check will be run to verify that all students enrolled in 305G, 408C, 408D, 408K, 408L, 408M, 408N, 408Q, 408R, 408S, 316K, 316L, 427J, 427K, 427L, and 362M meet the course prerequisite. Students who do not have the prerequisite on record prior to registering or who do not bring proof of meeting the prerequisite to the mathematics department by the fifth class day will be immediately dropped from the course. During the summer session, the prerequisite checks and drops will be done on the second class day.

In all other courses, the instructor is responsible for verifying that the students have the necessary prerequisites.

The Department of Mathematics offers coursework designed to meet the educational requirements of specific groups of students. Each track has its own goals and prerequisites.

The courses and prerequisites are listed below.

  • M 302 is an introduction to mathematical ideas. It fulfills the general education requirement in mathematics. The prerequisite is Texas Success Initiative (TSI) exemption or a TSI Mathematics Assessment score of 350 of higher. A student may not earn credit for M 302 after having received credit for any calculus course.
  • M 305G is a precalculus course that emphasizes trigonometric and other elementary functions, as well as slopes and limits. The prerequisite for M 305G is an appropriate score on the mathematics placement exam. Credit for M 305G may not be earned after a student has received credit for any calculus course with a grade of C- or better.
  • Calculus is offered in multiple sequences. There are single-semester calculus courses, M 408Q or M 408R, a two-semester sequence, M 408C and 408D, and three-semester sequences, M 408K/408L/408M or M 408N/408S/408M. For some degrees, the two-semester sequences M 408K and 408L or M 408N/S satisfy the calculus requirement. The two-semester sequences M 408K/L or 408N/S are also a valid prerequisite for some upper-division mathematics courses, including M 427K, 340L, and 362K.
  • M 408C and 408D is a two-semester treatment of the techniques used in differential and integral calculus of functions of one or more variables. Each course requires three lecture hours with regular faculty members and two discussion meetings with teaching assistants each week. The prerequisite for M 408C is an appropriate score on the departmental placement examination or M 305G with a grade of at least B-. Only one of the following may be counted: M 403K, 408C, 408K (or 308K), 408N, 408Q, 408R. The prerequisite for M 408D is Mathematics 408C, 408L, or 408S with a grade of at least C-. Only one of the following may be counted: M 403L, 408D, 408M (or 308M).
  • In the fall semester, some sections of M 408D are reserved for students with a score of at least 5 on the College Board Calculus AB Examination or a score of 4 or 5 on the Calculus BC Examination. Students with a score of 4 or 5 on the Calculus BC Examination may enroll in a reserved advanced placement section of M 427L in lieu of M 408D. The advanced placement sections of M 408D and 427L are honors sections and are designed for students with above-average mathematical aptitude and a desire to study in greater depth the material of these courses.
  • M 408K/L/M and 408N/S/M are three-semester treatments of the techniques used in differential and integral calculus of functions of one or more variables. Each course requires three lecture hours a week with faculty members and two discussion meetings a week with teaching assistants. For M 408K the prerequisite is an appropriate score on the departmental placement examination or M 305G with a grade of at least B-; and only one of the following may be counted: M 403K, 408C, 408K (or 308K), 408N, 408Q, 408R. For M 408N the prerequisite is an appropriate score on the departmental placement examination or M 305G with a grade of at least B-. For M 408L the prerequisite is a grade of at least C- in M 408C, 408K, or 408N or a grade of at least B in M 408R or 408Q; and only one of the following may be counted: 403L or 408L (or 308L), 408S. For M 408S the prerequisite is a grade of at least C- in M 408C, 408K, or 408N or a grade of at least B in M 408R or 408Q. For M 408M the prerequisite is a grade of at least C- in M 408L or 408S; and only one of the following may be counted: M 403L, 408D, 408M (or 308M).
  • M 408K/408L will have uniform final and make-up examinations given on dates designated by the Office of the Registrar. Generally, these final examinations are given at times other than the regular examination times.
  • M 316K is an analysis from an advanced perspective of the foundations of arithmetic and is required for prospective elementary teachers. The prerequisite is M 302, 303D, 305G, or 505G with a grade of at least C-.
  • M 408Q is a one-semester treatment of the key concepts from differential and integral calculus that is offered to business students. Each course requires three lecture hours with regular faculty members and two discussion meetings with teaching assistants each week. The prerequisite for M 408Q is an appropriate score on the departmental placement examination or M 305G with a grade of at least B-. Only one of the following may be counted: M 403K, 408C, 408K (or 308K), 408N, 408Q, 408R.
  • M 408R is a one-semester treatment of the key concepts from differential and integral calculus that is offered to students in the life sciences. Each course requires three lecture hours with regular faculty members and two discussion meetings with teaching assistants each week. The prerequisite for M 408R is an appropriate score on the departmental placement examination or M 305G with a grade of at least B-. Only one of the following may be counted: M 403K, 408C, 408K (or 308K), 408N, 408Q, 408R.
  • M 316L is an analysis from an advanced perspective of the foundations of geometry, statistics, and probability. The prerequisite is M 316K with a grade of at least C.
  • There are two basic linear algebra classes. M 341 is taught from a theoretical perspective and enrollment is restricted to mathematics majors. M 340L is taught from an applied perspective and enrollment is restricted to non-mathematics majors. 

Conference courses. Unless a conference course lists a specific time and topic, it is an individual instruction course. To register for an individual instruction course, the student must make arrangements for the course with a faculty member and follow the approval process found here:

Teacher certification. Students seeking certification to teach secondary school mathematics should consult the UTeach advisor in PAI 4.02 concerning their choice of courses.

Statistics. The following courses are probability and statistics courses offered by the mathematics department: M 339G, 339J, 349P, 349R, 358K, 362K, 362M, 374G, 378K, 378N, 378P, 384C, 384D, 384E, 384G, 385C, 385D, 389G, 389J, 389P, and 394C.

Actuarial studies. The following special actuarial studies courses are frequently offered by the mathematics department in addition to standard mathematics classes needed for actuarial work: M 329F, M 339C, 339D, 339G, 339J, 339U, 339V, 349P, 349R, 389C, 389D, 389F, 389G, 389J, 389P, 189S, 389U, and 389V. Questions should be directed to Professor Mark Maxwell, actuarial studies director, in PMA 11.168 at 471-7169.

Department of Molecular Biosciences

includes BCH biochemistry | MOL molecular biology | SSB systems and synthetic biology | to Col of Nat Sci rules »

Daniel Leahy, chair 

graduate office, MBB 1.220H, A4810, 471-2150 |

The Cell and Molecular Biology Graduate Program is a multi-departmental program with coursework drawn primarily from the College of Natural Sciences. Graduate students in this program should consult the graduate adviser concerning courses.

Department of Neuroscience 

includes NEU neuroscience | to Col of Nat Sci rules »

Robert O. Messing M.D., chair 

undergraduate office, MBB 1.220, 471-4920 | 

Nace Golding, graduate program director 

Krystal Phu, graduate coordinator, NHB 2.504, C7000, 471-3640

Neuroscience is an interdisciplinary PhD program taught by faculty in the Colleges of Pharmacy, Natural Sciences, Liberal Arts, Engineering, Education, and Communication. A PhD/MD degree program in Neuroscience is offered in conjunction with the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston. Consult the advisers listed above or the Institute for Neuroscience website for more information.

Department of Physics

includes P S physical science | PHY physics | to Col of Nat Sci rules »

Ken Gentle 

student office RLM 5.214, C1600, 471-8856

Physical science courses 303, 304, and 367M are conducted by the inquiry laboratory method of instruction. In this method, the student makes direct observations of nature and is led by questions to infer the conclusions logically permitted by the observations. The instructor is carefully trained NOT to tell students what to expect or conclude, but, instead, to ask other leading questions or to suggest further tests of a student's tentative conclusion. These courses are especially recommended for future teachers.

Enrollment is limited to twenty-four students per section to allow the instructor to interact adequately with each student. Students who fail to attend the first two days of class without making special arrangements with the instructor will be immediately dropped from the class.

Grades in inquiry laboratory courses are determined by students' scores on quizzes and the final examination and the instructor's evaluation of student's deductive reasoning ability, class participation, and performance of required class activities.

Students who prefer a more traditional presentation of physical science subject matter (i.e., the normal lecture method) should choose a course such as PHY 309K, 309L, or one of the PHY 341 topics. Students with a background in trigonometry should consider enrolling in PHY 302K and 302L.

Students with credit for any physics course will not be allowed to take P S 303 without the prior approval of the undergraduate adviser. Students with credit for any physics course except PHY 309K will not be allowed to take P S 304 without the prior approval of the undergraduate adviser.

Jack Ritchie, chair, RLM 5.204, C1600 

undergraduate office, RLM 5.214, 471-8856 

undergraduate advising center, RLM 4.101, C1650, 471-0900 

graduate office, RLM 5.224, 471-1664

For all Bachelor of Science in Physics degree majors who have studied chemistry in high school and who do not have credit for CH 301 or its equivalent, the University of Texas at Austin Test for Credit in Chemistry 301 is required. Contact Student Testing Services for further information.

The Department of Physics offers the following introductory course sequences.

  • PHY 301/315/316/319 is a calculus-based course sequence for physics majors and students in other scientific disciplines. A background in physics at the high school level is strongly recommended. 

    Note all introductory physics courses, with the exception of PHY 108, 309K, 309L, and 110C have accompanying laboratories which must be taken concurrently with these courses unless the student has already received credit for the laboratory.
  • PHY 302K/302L is a noncalculus-based technical course sequence for students who need to fulfill a general physics requirement. A mathematics proficiency at the level of M 305G is required.
  • PHY 303K/303L is a calculus-based introductory course sequence for engineering students. A background in physics at the high school level is strongly recommended. Four evening exams will be scheduled during the semester: Monday evenings for PHY 303K and Thursday evenings for PHY 303L. Students who register for either of these courses should not register for any other Monday or Thursday evening classes to avoid time conflicts. There are mandatory recitation sections with each course. Some sections of PHY 303K and 303L use the non-traditional textbook, Matter and Interactions I: Modern Mechanics and Matter, and Matter and Interactions II: Electric and Magnetic Interactions.
  • PHY 309K/309L is an introduction to physics for students with a high-school-level algebra proficiency who do not intend to do further work in natural sciences, engineering, mathematics, or medicine.
  • PHY 317K/317L is a calculus-based general introductory physics course sequence. It is especially recommended for premedical and chemistry students and others in the biomedical sciences.

Only one of the following first-semester courses may be counted toward any degree without prior approval of the department: PHY 301, 302K, 303K, 309K, 317K. Only one of the following second-semester courses may be counted toward any degree without prior approval of the department: PHY 302L, 303L, 309L, 316, 317L.

Complete prerequisites for undergraduate physics courses are given in chapter 12 of the Undergraduate Catalog; prerequisites for graduate physics courses are given in the Graduate Catalog.

Department of Statistics and Data Sciences

includes SDS statistics and data sciences | to Col of Nat Sci rules »

Catherine "Kate" Calder, chair 

main office: WEL 5.126, D9800, (512) 232-0693 |

No SDS classes may be added after the fifth class day in a fall or spring semester or after the fourth class day in a summer session. See course descriptions for pre-requisites for individual courses.

The department’s introductory statistics courses, SDS 301, 302F, 320E, and 320H are open to non-majors, but a portion of seats may be reserved for specific majors during the long semesters. Most seats for SDS 302F in the Fall are reserved for incoming students. Any unused reserved seats are released to the general student population shortly after the semester begins.

SDS 313 and 315 are restricted to SDS majors only.

SDS offers two undergraduate certificate programs. A limited number of seats in SDS classes are reserved for students who are officially enrolled in the certificates; contact the department for assistance with registering for classes.

Registration priority for most graduate courses is given to students enrolled in M.S. in Statistics and Ph.D. in Statistics.

SDS 383C requires written consent of instructor prior to registration Approvals may be forwarded with the student EID and course unique to

UTeach Natural Sciences

includes UTS UTeach-natural sciences | to Col of Nat Sci rules »

Michael P. Marder, director, UTeach Program, PAI 4.02, G2550, 232-2770 

advising office, PAI 4.02

The UTeach Program certifies students in mathematics, science, and computer science at the secondary level. Degree holders must apply and be admitted before they begin the program. Information for current and prospective students may be found under the Students tab on the UTeach home page:

UTeach Natural Sciences includes a sequence of courses taught in a specific order, beginning with UTS 101 (Step 1) and ending with the Apprentice Teaching Semester (EDC 650S and UTS 170). Several classes, including Step 1, include a hands-on field experience that allows Uteach students to find out what teaching is like in the classroom. More information may be found under the Students tab on the UTeach home page: All courses taken for certification must be taken for a letter grade. Students must earn a grade of at least a C- in each course.

For admission to Apprentice Teaching, students must have a 2.5 GPA and achieve a grade of C- or better in EDC 365E. Students must also submit and pass a preliminary portfolio, apply to the State Board of Educator Certification by the required deadline, and attend an orientation session. Details can be found on the Apprentice Teaching page of the UTeach website: teaching/.

School of Nursing

includes N nursing | to top of rules »

Alexa Stuifbergen, dean, NUR 2.102F, D0100, 471-4100 

Ana Todd, asst dean for undergraduate programs, 232-4789 

Vinh Nguyen, assoc dean for student services, 232-6577  

undergraduate student advising office, NUR 2.416, 232-4780

Gayle Timmerman, senior assoc dean for academic affairs, 471-9087 

Alexandra Garcia, asst dean for graduate programs, 475-7334 

Alexandra Garcia, graduate adviser, 232-4784 

graduate student advising office, NUR 2.416, 232-4780

College of Pharmacy

includes | PGS pharmacy graduate studies | PHM pharmacy pharmd | to top of rules »

Samuel Poloyac, dean, PHR 5.112, A1900, 471-1737

W. Renee' Acosta, associate dean for academic affairs

John H. Richburg, associate dean for research and graduate studies

Pharm.D. Student Affairs,PHR 5.112, A1900, 471-1737

Research and Graduate Studies, PHR 4.220, A1900, 471-4486

LBJ School of Public Affairs

includes P A public affairs | to top of rules »

Angela Evans, dean 

Cynthia Osborne, associate dean 

Sherri Greenberg, MPAff graduate adviser, SRH 3.252, E2700, 471-8324 

Donald Kettl, PhD graduate adviser, SRH 3.382, E2700, 232-6993 


Lorinc Redei, MGPS graduate adviser, SRH 3.281, E2700, 471-7566

Steve Hicks School of Social Work

includes PSF public safety | S W social work | to top of rules »

Luis H. Zayas, dean, SSW 2.202, D3500, 471-1937 

graduate program, SSW 2.214, 471-5457 

undergraduate program, SSW 2.214, 471-5457 |

School of Undergraduate Studies

to top of rules »

Brent L. Iverson, dean, MAI 202, G8000, 475-7000 

undergraduate advising office, JES a115, 232-8400 |

The School of Undergraduate Studies provides a diverse set of academic programs and resources that traverse boundaries between colleges and disciplines and that enhance the quality of undergraduate education.

Bridging Disciplines Programs

includes BDP bridging disciplines | to Dean of Undergrad Stds rules »

232-7564 |

Bridging Disciplines Programs offer courses and interdisciplinary academic programs designed to traverse the boundaries between colleges and disciplines and to enhance the quality of undergraduate education. Students may take courses and earn certificates in the following areas: children and society; conflict resolution and peace studies; cultural studies; digital arts and media; environment; ethics and leadership; global studies; human rights and social justice; innovation, creativity, and entrepreneurship; public policy; social entrepreneurship and nonprofits; and social inequality, health, and policy.

Developmental Studies

includes DEV developmental studies | to Dean of Undergrad Stds rules »

Hillary Procknow, coordinator 

Texas Success Initiative office, CRD 23, F6000, 232-7146 |

Developmental studies courses are designed for students who have a below-passing score on the Texas Success Initiative Assessment (TSIA) or another test approved for the Texas Success Initiative program. These students are required to register for one or more developmental studies courses. A student who registers for any developmental studies course also must register for at least three semester hours of graded college-level courses at the University. Registration for developmental studies courses must be approved by the Texas Success Initiative office.

All developmental studies courses are taken for credit, and are included in determining the student's course load to satisfy Veterans Administration, NCAA, housing, and financial aid regulations. These courses require payment of the normal tuition and fees for undergraduate courses at the University, but may not be counted toward any degree.

Undergraduate Studies

includes UGS undergraduate studies | to Dean of Undergrad Stds rules »

first-year interest groups (FIGs): 471-4421 

Texas Success Initiative (TSI): 232-7146 

signature courses: 471-4421 

undergraduate research: 471-7152

Courses in undergraduate studies provide students with the opportunity to explore undergraduate education through lectures, discussion and experiential learning focusing on various contemporary issues, with an emphasis on multidisciplinary perspectives and critical discourse.

Signature courses are the cornerstone of the University’s curriculum reform and are required for all students. Signature courses connect students with distinguished faculty members in unique learning environments. By way of this rigorous intellectual experience, students develop college-level skills in research, writing, speaking, and discussion through an approach that is both interdisciplinary and contemporary.

Intercollegial programs

to top of rules »

Computational Science, Engineering, and Mathematics Program

includes CSE computational science, engineering, and mathematics | to Intercollegial Programs »

Karen Willcox, director, POB 4.102, C0200 

George Biros, graduate adviser, POB 5.234, 232-9566

Computational Science, Engineering, and Mathematics is an interdisciplinary program taught by faculty in Natural Sciences, Engineering, Geosciences, Business, and the Medical School. Consult the graduate adviser listed above.

James A. Michener Center for Writers

includes WRT writing | to Intercollegial Programs »

James L. Magnuson, director 

FDH, 702 E. Dean Keeton St, A3400, 471-1601

The graduate seminars and conference courses offered by the Michener Center for Writers are restricted to graduate writing students enrolled in the Center or in the Departments of English, Theatre and Dance, and Radio-Television-Film.

Other graduate students may register only with the approval of the graduate adviser.

International Office

includes ESL English as a second language | to top of rules »

Michael T. Smith, director 

English as a Second Language Services, 2222 Rio Grande Suite 2.201C, A7000, 471-2482 |

ESL (English as a Second Language) courses are designed for international graduate students who have a below-passing score on the International Teaching Assistant English Assessment or the J-bar English Assessment. Student performance in ESL courses is graded as credit/no credit, but the courses are not included in grade point average calculations. A student who registers for an ESL course must also register for at least three semester hours of graded college-level coursework at the University. Registration for ESL courses must be approved by English as a Second Language Services.

All ESL courses are credit courses that are included in determining the student’s course load to satisfy immigration, employment, housing, and financial aid regulations. These courses require the payment of the normal tuition for graduate courses at the University, but they may not be counted toward any degree.