Payment procedures | Summer 2024

This course schedule content is archived.

In order to secure your registration each semester by the deadline, please take one of the following actions on the My Tuition Bill site:

  •        Make a payment
  •        Click the “Pay with Financial Aid” button
  •        Click the “Confirm Attendance” button if you have a zero bill

Once your registration is complete, you will see a sentence on My Tuition Bill in green which states “your registration is complete and your courses are secure”. If you do not see this, you still have action to take. If you do not complete your registration process by your deadline, your entire registration will be cancelled and you may incur late registration fees when you re-register.

You must take an action prior to the published deadline or your entire registration will be canceled. Any balance on My Tuition Bill must be paid in full. If a student opts for the installment plan they must sign the installment plan note prior to taking any other action on their tuition bill. Payments must be made before each installment deadline.

If you have a zero amount due, you must either click the "Confirm Attendance" or "Pay with Financial Aid" button on My Tuition Bill by the payment deadline to complete your registration. A zero bill does not mean zero responsibility. Failure to take action by the deadline will result in canceled registration and denied University services.

Learn about our accepted methods of payment and our payment plans under the "Installment Plan" section. If your registration is not complete by the steps described above by the payment due date, your registration will be canceled and you may incur a late registration fee to register again.

Summer Session I

Early registration for summer and fall 2024 is April 8th - April 19th. Summer tuition bills will be released to the students on May 7th. Summer tuition bills are due Thursday, May 23rd by 5:00 p.m. CST. The tuition deadline for graduate students and any undergraduate students who registered after May 23rd is Tuesday, June 11th by 5:00 p.m. CST. Any students who incur an additional tuition fee or “add bill” after their initial tuition payment will have a balance due Tuesday, June 11th by 11:59 p.m. CST.

Summer Session II

The registration and tuition due date for summer session II is Thursday, July 18th by 5:00 p.m. CST. Any students who incur an additional tuition fee or “add bill” after their initial tuition payment will have a balance due Thursday, July 18th by 11:59 p.m. CST.

If you do not receive your tuition bill it is still your responsibility to complete registration by the deadline posted on the Texas One Stop website.

Review accepted methods of payment. Remember — the final step in the registration process is making sure your “registration is complete and your courses are secure”. If you don’t complete this process by the payment deadline your registration will be canceled and you will lose all of your classes.


Tuition bills will not be sent. After you have completed your add/drop transactions, go to My Tuition Bill for an add bill quote the day after changes have been made. If the changes made in your schedule result in the assessment of additional tuition you must pay the amount due. Payment must be received and posted to student's account no later than 5:00 PMTuesday, June 11th. Failure to make payment by the appropriate deadline may result in the cancelation of your registration.

Review accepted methods of payment and our payment plans under the "Installment Plan" section.  Remember — the final step in the registration process is making sure your “registration is complete and your courses are secure”. If you don’t complete this process by the payment deadline your registration will be canceled and you will lose all of your classes.

Late registration

Tuition bills will not be sent for late registration. To make an online payment you must visit My Tuition Bill to take action on your bill. If you need to pay by check or money order please mail (mailing address below). You must include your name and UT EID on your check.

Payment must be received and posted to your account no later than 5:00 PM on the payment deadline. Tuition bills will not be distributed. If you do not pay your tuition bill, you will not be registered.

Review accepted methods of payment and our payment plans under the "Installment Plan" section. Remember — the final step in the registration process is making sure your “registration is complete and your courses are secure”. If you don’t complete this process by the payment deadline your registration will be canceled and you will lose all of your classes.

Payment plans

Please note: The installment plan is now available for summer session tuition payments.

Full Payment Plan. Full payment must be received and posted to your account no later than the payment deadline in the registration sequence table as shown on My Tuition Bill. Confirmation of attendance must be made if the student has a zero bill.

Installment plan. Tuition and required fees may be paid in installments. The first installment consists of:

  • The minimum payment due as displayed on My Tuition Bill
    • $1,500 for Texas Residents
    • $5,000 for Non-Residents

The first installment is due by the deadline specified in the registration sequence table or as shown on My Tuition Bill. No late initial installment payments will be accepted; failure to pay the first installment by the due date will result in cancelation of registration. The installment plan is not available to students who register after June 11th, 2024.

Students will electronically sign an installment plan promissory note when they sign the Financial Responsibility Statement.

Tuition and most required fees are payable in installments. The two-payment installment plan requires minimum payment of $1,500 for Texas residents and $5,000 for non-Texas residents. The remainder of deferrable fees is payable in one installment due June 11th, 2024. A $15 service charge to cover the cost of handling will be assessed to each student who has not paid their balance in full by 11:59 PM (CST) on June 11th, 2024, adjusted for adds and drops. Bills for these payments are sent to the student's e-mail address. Paper bills are not mailed.

By opting into the installment plan you agree to pay the remaining tuition and fees on time. A $25 late charge will be assessed for the final installment payment if received after July 18th, 2024 by 11:59pm CST. If you are enrolled in the installment plan and subsequently receive a financial aid award, your total tuition and fees will be deducted from your award at the time of disbursement.

Visit My Tuition Bill to receive an official tuition payment receipt.

Direct any questions about tuition bills to Texas One Stop. E-mail inquiries may be sent to



Methods of payment

Electronic Payment. There are two options available for paying online directly from your bank account. To select either option visit My Tuition Bill. Electronic payments that are returned to the University, regardless of the reason, will be treated the same as returned checks. Tuition and financial holds cannot be paid by electronic funds if you have a "no personal check" restriction with Student Accounts Receivable.

  • eCheck. You may pay online just as though you were using a traditional paper check. No authorization form is required. This option does not require an upgraded EID and can be used by anyone acting as an eProxy.
  • Electronic Funds Transfer. You may pay by direct transfer of funds from your bank using a pre-established account if you have completed an Electronic Funds Transfer Authorization form. Authorizations may be completed online. This payment method requires an upgraded EID and cannot be used by anyone acting as an eProxy.
  • Credit Card. Go to My Tuition Bill to pay with MasterCard, Discover, Visa, or American Express. A convenience fee of 2.3% will be charged at the time of payment for all tuition and mandatory fee payments made by credit card. (Rate is subject to change.)

If payment is approved, the registration system will give you an authorization code confirming the transaction.

Check or money order. All checks must be drawn on US banks in US dollars. Collection charges resulting from checks drawn otherwise will be charged to the student.

Checks must be mailed to UT Cashiers office. Your payment must be received and posted by the payment deadline or your registration will be canceled. Make checks payable to The University of Texas at Austin and include your UT EID on the check. Multiple checks must be sent together to ensure proper account posting. All checks must be drawn on a bank within the United States of America. 

Mailing Checks. Checks mailed using US Postal Service, including Express Mail overnight delivery and also commercial courier service, including FedEx, UPS, etc. should be mailed to the address below:

The University of Texas at Austin,

Student Accts Receivable Main 4

110 Inner Campus Dr. Stop K5308

Austin TX 78712-1669

Please contact the Texas One Stop regarding outside (non-UT) scholarships, as Student Accounts Receivable cannot process outside scholarship checks.

Tuition loan. You may apply for tuition loans online.  An upgraded EID and password are required to create the promissory note and electronically sign. Students who have not upgraded their UT EIDs to high assurance should follow the emergency process to do so.  Questions concerning tuition loans should be directed to Texas One Stop

If your payment is returned to the University, for any reason, your registration will be incomplete. If payment is not received within ten calendar days of the returned check notice, you will not be registered for classes. For additional information regarding returned payments and charges assessed please see Student Accounts Receivable Returned Checks.

Zero bill. If your tuition is zero, you must still confirm your attendance before the payment deadline. If a third party, such as the Texas Guaranteed Tuition Plan, pays your tuition bill you must confirm attendance before the payment deadline. You may do this via My Tuition Bill. For additional information contact Texas One Stop. If you do not plan to attend classes do not confirm attendance and we will cancel your registration. Student Accounts Receivable will not bill the agency, scholarship, or account for the fees. If you have confirmed attendance and later choose not to attend you must follow normal withdrawal procedures.

Financial aid. If you are eligible to pay all of your tuition bill with your financial aid, you must do so by clicking the "Pay with Financial Aid" button on My Tuition Bill or pay any remaining balance by the payment deadline.

Questions about eligibility and financial aid awards should be directed to Texas One Stop.

If you are eligible for financial aid and choose to have charges paid directly from your financial aid account by the payment deadline, you will be tentatively registered. If the expected financial aid is not available to pay all of your tuition bill by the twelfth class day, you must make other arrangements to pay your bill in full by that date.