Academic Advising | Summer 2024

This course schedule content is archived.

The University of Texas at Austin views sound academic advising as a significant responsibility in educating students, supports orderly and timely progress toward a degree, and encourages effective academic advising campus-wide.

Academic advisers help students:

  • develop intellectual potential
  • explore educational opportunities and life goals
  • learn about educational options, degree requirements, and academic policies and procedures
  • clarify educational objectives
  • plan and pursue programs consistent with abilities, interests, and goals
  • use all resources of the University to best advantage
  • stay up to date with current academic information
  • promote progress toward educational goals

Students are responsible for:

  • seeking academic advising
  • knowing and meeting degree requirements
  • enrolling in appropriate courses to ensure orderly and timely progress toward a degree

Academic advising may or may not be required to register for classes in a given major. See "Advising Note" in the table below to determine if your major requires academic advising:

Advising Required:   

Advising bars must be cleared by the major department online. Until the bar is cleared, you will not have access to the registration system.

No Advising Required:   

You can still choose to meet with an adviser at the advising locations listed below.

Undergraduates with Simultaneous Majors:   

Follow the advising procedures of both majors.

Special Advising Area Major Codes:   

First four digits correspond to a specific major code, and the last two digits represent the special advising area. For example: 240919 is the finance major code for the prelaw special advising area. The advising note is R and advising location is CBA 2.400.


Find your college:

Architecture | Undergrad Business | Communication | Education | Engineering | Fine Arts | Geosciences | School of Information | Law | Liberal Arts | Natural Sciences | Nursing | Pharmacy | Social Work | Graduate School | Graduate Business | Undergraduate Studies




Major Codes

School of Architecture




900300Degree Holder, Nondegree SeekerASUT 2.126
908000Architecture/Interior DesignASUT 2.126
908400Architectural StudiesASUT 2.126
908500Architectural Studies (architectural history emphasis)ASUT 2.126
909200ArchitectureASUT 2.126
909201Architecture/Architectural EngineeringASUT 2.126
909300Architecture/Plan II Honors ProgramASUT 2.126

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Red McCombs School of Business




200126Business Honors ProgramRCBA 2.312
200127Business Honors Program/Plan II Honors ProgramRCBA 2.312
200128Business Honors Program/PPABCBA 2.312
200300Degree Holder, Nondegree SeekerGCBA 2.400
200400Unspecified Business (Freshman)RCBA 2.400
200401Unspecified Business (Transfer)RCBA 2.400
200439Unspecified Business/McCombs Success ScholarsACBA 2.400
200455Unspecified Business (BBA Exchange Program)ACBA 2.400
200500Transitional StudentsACBA 2.400
200800AccountingGCBA 2.400
200801Accounting (PPA, year 3)GGSB 4.112C
 Accounting (PPA, years 4 and 5)GGSB 4.112C
235000Business Analytics GCBA 2.400
240900FinanceGCBA 2.400
253700ManagementGCBA 2.400
264000Management Information SystemsGCBA 2.400
264600MarketingGCBA 2.400
274000Science and Technology ManagementGCBA 2.400
275000Supply Chain ManagementGCBA 2.400
298000International BusinessGCBA 2.400

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Special Advising Areas for Business

14Premedical, Predental, PreveterinaryRPAI 5.03
17Allied Health ProfessionsRPAI 5.03
19PrelawRCBA 2.400
20Plan II Honors ProgramRCBA 2.400
26Business Honors ProgramRHonors Adv
27Business Honors Program/Plan II Honors ProgramRHonors Adv
28Business Honors Program/PPARHonors Adv
37GatewayRCBA 2.400
39McCombs Success ScholarsGCBA 2.400
40Honors Computer Science and Business (BSCompSci/BBA)JMajor Dept.
41Honors Computer Science and Business (BSCompSci/PPA)JMajor Dept.
42Honors Electrical and Computer Engineering and Business (BSECE/BBA) JMajor Dept.
43Honors Electrical and Computer Engineering and Business (BSECE/PPA) JMajor Dept.

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Moody College of Communication




C00100UndeclaredADMC 2.600
C00200Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences, Degree Holder Nondegree Seeker (BSSLHS)GDMC 2.600
C00300Degree Holder, Nondegree SeekerGDMC 2.600
C00301Communication Sciences and Disorders--Degree Holder/Nondegree SeekerADMC 2.600
C55200Communication and Leadership (BSComm&Lead)GDMC 2.600
C57100Advertising (BSAdv)GDMC 2.600
C59100Journalism (BJ)GDMC 2.600
C85100Radio-Television-Film (BSRTF)GDMC 2.600
C86100Public Relations (BSPR)GDMC 2.600
C94170Communication Studies – Human Relations (fewer than 60 hours)GDMC 2.600
C94270Communication Studies – Human Relations (at least 60 hours)GDMC 2.600
C94300Communication Studies, Interpersonal Communication (BSCommStds)GDMC 2.600
C94600Communication Studies – Corporate Communication (BSCommStds)GDMC 2.600
C94900Communication Studies - Political Communication (BSCommStds)GDMC 2.600
C95130Communication Sciences and Disorders - Education of the Deaf/Hearing-Impaired (fewer than 60 hours)GDMC 2.600
C95140Communication Sciences and Disorders - Speech/Language Pathology (fewer than 60 hours)GDMC 2.600
C95150Communication Sciences and Disorders - Audiology (fewer than 60 hours)GDMC 2.600
C95152Communication Sciences and Disorders, Audiology (under 60 hours, Moody College Honors Program)GDMC 2.600
C95230Communication Sciences and Disorders - Education of the Deaf/Hearing-Impaired (at least 60 hours)GDMC 2.600
C95240Communication Sciences and Disorders Speech/Language Pathology (at least 60 hours)GDMC 2.600
C95250Communication Sciences and Disorders - Audiology (at least 60 hours)GDMC 2.600
C96100Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences, Speech/Language Pathology (BSSLH)GDMC 2.600
C96200Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences, Audiology (BSSLH)GDMC 2.600
C96300Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences, Education of the Deaf/Hearing-Impaired (BSSLH)GDMC 2.600

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Special Advising Areas for Communication

2Moody College Honors ProgramGDMC 2.600
3Moody College Success ScholarsADMC 2.600
5Plan II Honors ProgramGMajor Dept
14Premedical, Predental, PreveterinaryGPAI 5.03
17Allied Health ProfessionsGPAI 5.03

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College of Education




300100UndeclaredBSZB 216
300300Degree Holder, Nondegree SeekerBSZB 216
300301Degree Holder, Secondary Certificate SeekerBSZB 216
300302Degree Holder, Elementary Certificate SeekerBSZB 216
300304Degree Holder, All-Level Certificate SeekerBSZB 216
335426Applied Learning and Development: Early Childhood through Grade Six Generalist CertificationGSZB 216
335427Applied Learning and Development: Early Childhood through Grade Six Bilingual Generalist CertificationGSZB 216
335428Applied Learning and Development - Generic All-Level Special Education CertificationGSZB 216
335701Applied Learning and Development - Youth and Community StudiesGSZB 216
353000Pre–Athletic TrainingGSZB 216
353200Athletic TrainingGSZB 216
372000Applied Movement ScienceGSZB 416
372500Exercise ScienceGSZB 216
373000Health PromotionGSZB 216
373500Physical Culture and SportsGSZB 216
374200Sport ManagementGSZB 216

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Special Advising Areas for Education

14Premedical, Predental, PreveterinarySee Dept.PAI 5.03
17Allied Health ProfessionsSee Dept.PAI 5.03
18PrepharmacySee Dept.PAI 5.03
52CoachingSee Dept.SZB 216
53Community Health and WellnessSee Dept.SZB 216
54Disability StudiesSee Dept.SZB 216
56Health Fitness InstructorSee Dept.SZB 216
58Medical Fitness and RehabilitationSee Dept.SZB 216
59Strength and Conditioning CoachingSee Dept.SZB 216
60Physical Education Teacher EducationSee Dept.SZB 216
61Urban Teachers Social StudiesSee Dept.SZB 216
62Urban Teachers English and Language ArtsSee Dept.SZB 216
63Education ScholarsSee Dept.SZB 216
79PrelawSee Dept.Major Dept.

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Cockrell School of Engineering




400100UndeclaredAEER 2.848
400300Degree Holder, Nondegree SeekerAEER 2.848
404100Aerospace EngineeringDASE 2.200B
404120Aerospace Engineering/Plan II HonorsDASE 4.224
404124Aerospace Engineering/Plan II Honors/PremedDASE 4.224
404126Aerospace Engineering/Engineering Honors ProgramDASE 4.224
404127Aerospace Engineering/Engineering Honors Program/Plan II Honors ProgramDASE 4.224
407700Architectural EngineeringDECJ 4.200
407701Architectural Engineering/ArchitectureDECJ 4.200
407800Architectural Engineering (conditional)AECJ 4.200
407801Architectural Engineering/Architecture (conditional)AECJ 4.200
407900Architectural Engineering (major sequence)DECJ 4.200
407901Architectural Engineering/Architecture (major sequence)AECJ 4.200
414700Biomedical EngineeringABME 3.308
414800Biomedical Engineering (conditional)ABME 3.308
414900Biomedical Engineering (major sequence)ABME 3.308
420100Chemical EngineeringACPE 2.706
420200Chemical Engineering (conditional)ACPE 2.706
420300Chemical Engineering (major sequence)ACPE 2.706
421700Civil EngineeringDECJ 4.200
421800Civil Engineering (conditional)AECJ 4.200
421900Civil Engineering (major sequence)AECJ 4.200
432100Computational EngineeringDASE 2.200B
434500Electrical EngineeringDEER 2.884
435500Electrical and Computer Engineering (BSECE)DEER 2.884
437700Environmental EngineeringDECJ 4.200
445500Geosystems Engineering and HydrogeologyACPE 3.168B
466100Mechanical EngineeringAETC 2.146
475100Petroleum EngineeringACPE 3.168B

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Special Advising Areas for Engineering

14Premedical, Predental, PreveterinarySee Dept.Major Dept.
17Allied Health ProfessionsSee Dept.Major Dept.
20Engineering/Plan II Honors ProgramSee Dept.Major Dept.
24Engineering/Plan II Honors Program/Premedical, Predental, PreveterinarySee Dept.Major Dept.
26Engineering Honors ProgramSee Dept.Major Dept.
27Engineering Honors Program/Plan II Honors ProgramSee Dept.Major Dept.
28Special StudentsSee Dept.Major Dept.
37GatewaySee Dept.Major Dept.
38Ramshorn Scholars ProgramAMajor Dept.
39MSE Integrated ProgramSee Dept.Major Dept.
41ECE HonorsDEER 2.884

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College of Fine Arts




500100Undeclared-Fine ArtsADFA 1.103
500200Arts and Entertainment TechnologiesADFA 1.103
507000Art Education (BFA)AART 3.334
509953Studio Art (BFA)AART 3.334
509954Design (BFA)AART 3.334
509956Visual Art StudiesAART 3.334
509960Degree Holder, Nondegree Seeker - ArtAART 3.334
511100Dance (BFA)AWIN 1.118
511160Degree Holder, Nondegree Seeker - DanceAWIN 1.118
530600Theatre Education (BFA)AWIN 1.118
530756Theatre Studies (Option A)AWIN 1.118
530757Theatre Studies (Option B)AWIN 1.118
530758Theatre Studies (Option C)AWIN 1.118
530759Theatre StudiesAWIN 1.118
530760Degree Holder, Nondegree Seeker - DramaAWIN 1.118
530900ActingAWIN 1.118
569000Unclassified MusicAMRH 3.836
569052Music TheoryAMRH 3.836
569053Music CompositionAMRH 3.836
569054Music Studies (Instrumental emphasis)AMRH 3.836
569055Music Studies (Choral emphasis)AMRH 3.836
569057Music PerformanceAMRH 3.836
569060Degree Holder, Nondegree Seeker - MusicAMRH 3.836
569100Jazz CompositionAMRH 3.836
569200Jazz PerformanceAMRH 3.836
569250JazzAMRH 3.836
569300Music BusinessAMRH 3.836
569400Recording TechnologyAMRH 3.836
570300Music (Bachelor of Arts in Music)AMRH 3.836
570301Bachelor of Arts in Music - Emphasis in MusicAMRH 3.836
570302Bachelor of Arts in Music - Emphasis in Music BusinessAMRH 3.836
570303Bachelor of Arts in Music - Emphasis in Music Recording TechnologyAMRH 3.836
570304Bachelor of Arts in Music - Emphasis in CompositionAMRH 3.836
570400BA in Theatre and DanceAWIN 1.118
510000Art History (BA)ADFA 2.530
510100Studio Art (BA)ADFA 2.530
510200Design (BA)ADFA 4.132A

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Special Advising Areas for Fine Arts

14Premedical, Predental, PreveterinarySee Dept.Major Dept.
17Allied Health ProfessionsSee Dept.Major Dept.
20Plan II Honors ProgramAMajor Dept.
37GatewayAMajor Dept.

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John A. and Katherine G. Jackson School of Geosciences




J00100UndeclaredYJGB 2.102
J00300Degree Holder but Nondegree SeekerYJGB 2.102
J45000Geological Sciences, Entry-LevelYJGB 2.102
J45200Geological Sciences (BAGeoSci)YJGB 2.102
J45300Geological Sciences (BSGeoSci) (Option: General Geology)YJGB 2.102
J45500Geological Sciences (BSGeoSci) (Option: Hydrogeology)YJGB 2.102
J45600Geological Sciences (BSGeoSci) (Option: Teaching)YJGB 2.102
J45800Geosystems Engineering and HydrogeologyYCPE 5.168B
J45900Geological Sciences (BSGeoSci) (Option: Geophysics)YJGB 2.102
J46000Environmental Science, Entry-Level (Geological Sciences)YJGB 2.102
J46100Environmental Science, Geological SciencesYJGB 2.102

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Special Advising Areas for Geosciences

14Premedical, Predental, PreveterinaryAJGB 2.102
17Allied Health ProfessionsAJGB 2.102
34UTeach-Natural SciencesAJGB 2.102
37GatewayAMajor Dept

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School of Information








P10000Informatics (BA)AUTA 5.202
P20000Informatics (BSI)AUTA 5.202

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School of Law




760500Doctor of JurisprudenceBTNH 2.116
760505Master of LawsBTNH 3.108
760506Law (LLM) (Global Energy, International Arbitration, and Environment)BTNH 3.108
760516Law/Business AdministrationPTNH 4.102
760521Law/Community and Regional PlanningBCCJ 1.326A
760541Law/Global Policy Studies (3-year program)BSRH 3.104
760540Law/Global Policy StudiesBJON 6.238
760541Law/Global Policy Studies (3-year program)BSRH 3.104
760550Law/Information StudiesBJON 2.212
760560Law/Latin American StudiesBJON 5.254
760570Law/Middle Eastern StudiesBCCJ 1.326A
760576Law/Russian, East European, and Eurasian StudiesBCCJ 1.326A
760580Law/Social WorkBCCJ 1.326A
760584Law/Public AffairsBJON 6.238
760585Law/Public Affairs (3-year program)BJON 6.238
760599Degree Holder, Nondegree SeekerATNH 3.108

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College of Liberal Arts




L00100UndeclaredAGEB 2.306
L00300Degree Holder, Nondegree SeekerBGEB 2.200
L00400Undeclared PACEAGEB 2.306
L03500African and African Diaspora StudiesFGWB 2.112
L05400American StudiesDBUR 436F
L06200AnthropologyDWCP 4.102D
L12100Asian StudiesDWCH 4.116
L12400Asian Cultures and LanguagesDWCH 4.116
L23300Classical LanguagesAGAR 1.140
L23400Classical StudiesAGAR 1.140
L31100Economics (BSEco)DBRB 1.114A
L31500EconomicsDBRB 1.114A
L39300EnglishDPAR 114
L39400English (Capstone)DPAR 114
L39500Environmental Science, Entry-Level (Geographical Sciences)YWCH 1.106
L39600Environmental Science, Geographical SciencesYRLP 1.216
L41200Ethnic Studies (Asian American)AGEB 2.306
L41300Ethnic Studies (Mexican American)AGWB 2.302
L41700European StudiesDBEN 2.108
L42800FrenchDBEN 2.108
L42900French StudiesDBEN 2.108
L44300GeographyDRLP 1.216
L46000GermanVBEN 2.108
L46100German, Scandinavian, and Dutch StudiesABEN 2.108
L47500GovernmentDBAT 2.102
L48500Health and SocietyDPAR 114
L50600HistoryMGAR 1.140
L53000HumanitiesARLP 2.104
L53500Human Dimensions of OrganizationsDGAR 1.140
L54000Iberian and Latin American Languages and CulturesDBEN 2.108
L55000International Relations and Global StudiesDRLP 1.216
L56000Islamic StudiesFCAL 512
L57400ItalianDBEN 2.108
L57500Italian StudiesDBEN 2.108
L58000Jewish StudiesFWAG 313
L59800Latin American StudiesDSRH 1.340
L61900LinguisticsDRLP 4.304C
L63000Mexican American and Latina/o StudiesAGWB 2.302
L64400Middle Eastern Languages and CultureFCAL 528
L64500Middle Eastern StudiesFCAL 528
L76400PhilosophyMWAG 313
L79500Plan II Honors ProgramHRLP 2.102
L81000Portuguese (BA)DBEN 2.108
L81500Portuguese (Spanish and Portuguese)DBEN 2.108
L83500Psychology (BA)DSEA 2.210
L84000Psychology (BSPsy)DSEA 2.210
L84700Race, Indigeneity, and Migration (BA)DBEL 220
L85000Religious StudiesVWAG 313
L85300Rhetoric and WritingDPAR 114
L90000Scandinavian StudiesABEN 2.108
L91700SociologyDRLP 1.216
L91800Sustainability StudiesDRLP 1.216
L92000Russian, East European, and Eurasian StudiesGGEB 2.306
L92400Spanish (BA)DBEN 2.108
L92500Spanish (Hispanic Studies)DBEN 2.108
L92600Spanish (Hispanic Linguistics)DBEN 2.108
L92700Spanish (Language/Teaching)DBEN 2.108
L92800Spanish (Literature)DBEN 2.108
L92900Spanish (Spanish and Portuguese)DBEN 2.108
L94000Urban StudiesDPAR 114
L96000Women's and Gender StudiesKBUR 540

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Special Advising Areas for Liberal Arts

12Cultural StudiesSee Dept.Major Dept.
14Premedical, Predental, PreveterinarySee Dept.Major Dept.
16UTeach-Liberal ArtsSee Dept.Major Dept.
17Allied Health ProfessionsSee Dept.Major Dept.
19PrelawSee Dept.Major Dept.
20Departmental HonorsSee Dept.Major Dept.
26Plan I Honors ProgramSee Dept.Major Dept.
28Department and College HonorsSee Dept.Major Dept.
32Business EconomicsSee Dept.Major Dept.
35Foundation ScholarsSee Dept.Major Dept.
36Texas Interdisciplinary PlanSee Dept.Major Dept.
37GatewaySee Dept.Major Dept.
38Western Civilization and American InstitutionsSee Dept.Major Dept.
47Liberal Arts Honors ProgramSee Dept.Major Dept.

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College of Natural Sciences




E00100UndeclaredAWCH 1.106
E00300Degree Holder, Nondegree SeekerBWCH 1.106
E00400Undeclared Major Planning (UMAP)AWCH 1.106
E00600Undeclared PACEBPAI 4.02
E00601Undeclared PACE, 2-yearAPAI 4.02
E10200Astronomy (BSA)APMA 4.101
E10300Biochemistry (BSA)MNHB 2.606
E10400Biology (BSA)MNHB 2.606
E10500Chemistry (BSA)AWEL 3.238
E10600Computer Science (BSA)JGDC 2.702
E10700Human Development and Family Sciences (BSA)AGEA 37
E10800Human Ecology (BSA)AGEA 37
E10900Nutrition (BSA)AGEA 37
E11000Mathematics (BSA)MPMA 4.101
E11100Neuroscience (BSA)MNHB 2.606
E11200Physics (BSA)APMA 4.101
E11400Astronomy (BSA) HonorsAPAI 5.39
E11500Biochemistry (BSA) HonorsMPAI 5.39
E11600Biology (BSA) HonorsMPAI 5.39
E11700Chemistry (BSA) HonorsAPAI 5.39
E11800Computer Science (BSA) HonorsJPAI 5.39
E11900Human Development and Family Sciences (BSA) HonorsAPAI 5.39
E12000Human Ecology (BSA) HonorsAPAI 5.39
E12100Astronomy, Entry-LevelAWCH 1.106
E12200Astronomy (BSAst) (Option: Astronomy)APMA 4.101
E12300Nutrition (BSA) HonorsAPAI 5.39
E12400Astronomy (BSAst) (Option: Astronomy Honors)APAI 5.39
E12500Mathematics (BSA) HonorsAPAI 5.39
E12700Neuroscience (BSA) HonorsMPAI 5.39
E12800Physics (BSA) HonorsAPAI 5.39
E12900Astronomy (BA)APMA 4.101
E13000Biology (BSBio), Microbiology and Infectious DiseasesMNHB 2.606
E13300Systems and Synthetic BiologyMNHB 2.606
E13400Biochemistry, Entry-LevelAWCH 1.106
E13500Biochemistry (BA)MNHB 2.606
E13600Biochemistry (BSBioch)MNHB 2.606
E13700Biochemistry (BSBioch) (Option: Computation)MNHB 2.606
E13800Biochemistry (BSBioch) (Option: Biochemistry Honors)MPAI 5.39
E13900Biology, Entry-LevelAWCH 1.106
E14100Biology (BSBio) (Option: Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior)MNHB 2.606
E14400Biology (BA)MNHB 2.606
E14500Biology (BSBio) (Option: Teaching)APAI 4.02
E14600Biology (BSBio) (Option: Human Biology)MNHB 2.606
E14700Biology (BSBio) (Option: Marine and Freshwater Biology)MNHB 2.606
E14800Biology (BSBio) (Option: Microbiology)MNHB 2.606
E14900Biology (BSBio) (Option: Cell and Molecular Biology)MNHB 2.606
E15000Biology (BSBio) (Option: Neurobiology)MNHB 2.606
E15100Biology (BSBio) (Option: Plant Biology)MNHB 2.606
E15400Biology (BSBio) (Option: Biology Honors)MPAI 5.39
E15500Biology (BSBio) (Option: Computational Biology)MNHB 2.606
E15600Environmental Science, Entry-Level (Biological Sciences)YWCH 1.106
E15700Environmental Science, Biological SciencesYNHB 2.606
E15800Environmental Science, Biological Sciences HonorsMPAI 5.39
E15900Biology (BSBio) (Option: Marine and Freshwater Science)MNHB 2.606
E16000Biology (BSBio) (Option: Biology)MNHB 2.606
E16100Biology (BSBio) (Option:Genetics and Genomics)MNHB 2.606
E16200Biology (BSBio) (Option: Marine Science)ANHB 2.606
E17000Chemistry, Focus: Chemical Physics and Instrumentation (BSCh)AWEL 3.238
E17100Chemistry, Focus: Molecular Theory and Simulation (BSCh)AWEL 3.238
E17200Chemistry, Focus: Materials Chemistry (BSCh)AWEL 3.238
E17300Chemistry, Focus: Synthesis and Chemical Biology (BSCh)AWEL 3.238
E17400Chemistry, Focus: Teaching (BSCh)APAI 4.02
E17500Chemistry, Focus: Honors (BSCh) APAI 5.39
E18000Computer Science, Option: Honors Computer Science and Business (BSCompSci/BBA)JGDC 2.702
E20500Chemistry, Entry-LevelAWCH 1.106
E20600Chemistry (BA)AWEL 3.238
E20900Chemistry (BSCh)AWEL 3.238
E21100Chemistry (BSCh) (Option: Teaching)APAI 4.02
E21200Chemistry (BSCh) (Option: Computation)AWEL 3.238
E21300Chemistry (BSCh) (Option: Chemistry Honors)APAI 5.39
E28400Computer Science, Entry-LevelAGDC 2.702
E28500Computer Science (BA)JGDC 2.702
E28600Computer Science (BSCS)JGDC 2.702
E28800Computer Science (BSCS) (Option: Turing Scholars Honors)JGDC 2.702
E28900Computer Science (BSCS) (Option: Computer Science Honors)APAI 5.39
E29000Computer Science (BSCS) (Option: Integrated Program)MGDC 2.702
E29100Computer Science Teaching (Senior Grades)APAI 4.02
E50000Textiles and Apparel, Entry-LevelAWCH 1.106
E50100Textiles and Apparel, Textiles and Apparel HonorsAPAI 5.39
E50200Textiles and Apparel, (Option: Apparel, Functional, and Technical Design)AGEA 37
E50300Textiles and Apparel (Option: Merchandising and Consumer Sciences)AGEA 37
E50400Textiles and Apparel (Option: Textile Conservation and Museum Studies)AGEA 37
E51000Human Ecology, Entry-LevelAWCH 1.106
E52300Human EcologyAGEA 37
E52400Nutrition (Option: Nutrition)AGEA 37
E52600Textiles and Apparel (Option: Apparel Design and Conservation)AGEA 37
E52700Textiles and Apparel (Option: Retail Merchandising)AGEA 37
E52800Human Development and Family Sciences (Option: Human Development)AGEA 37
E53500Human Development and Family Sciences (Option: Early Childhood)AGEA 37
E54000Human Development and Family Sciences (Option: Families and Personal Relationships)AGEA 37
E54500Human Development and Family Sciences (Option: Families and Society)AGEA 37
E55000Human Development and Family Sciences (Option: General Human Development and Family Sciences)AGEA 37
E55100Human Development and Family Sciences (Option: Human Development and Family Sciences Honors)APAI 5.39
E55200Human Development and Family Sciences Honors in Advanced Human Development and Family SciencesAGEA 39
E56000Human Development and Family Sciences, Entry-LevelAWCH 1.106
E60000Interdisciplinary Science (Option: Middle School Teaching in Mathematics and Science)APAI 4.02
E61000Interdisciplinary Science (Option: Secondary School Teaching in Computer Sciences and Mathematics)APAI 4.02
E64000Mathematics (BSMath) (Option: Mathematics)APMA 4.101
E65000Mathematics, Entry-LevelAWCH 1.106
E65100Mathematics (BA)APMA 4.101
E65300Mathematics (BA) (Option: Middle Grades and Secondary School Teaching)APAI 4.02
E65400Mathematics (BSMath) (Option: Actuarial Science)MPMA 4.101
E65500Mathematics (BSMath) (Option: Applied Mathematics)MPMA 4.101
E65600Mathematics (BSMath) (Option: Mathematical Sciences)MPMA 4.101
E65700Mathematics (BSMath) (Option: Pure Mathematics)MPMA 4.101
E65800Mathematics (BSMath) (Option: Teaching)APAI 4.02
E65900Mathematics (BSMath) (Option: Mathematics Honors)APAI 5.39
E66000Statistics and Data Science, Entry-Level (BSSDS)AWCH 1.106
E66100Statistics and Data Science (BSSDS)ADC 7.504
E66500Clinical Laboratory Science, Entry-LevelANHB 2.606
E66700Clinical Laboratory ScienceANHB 2.606
E66800Medical Laboratory Science, Entry-LevelANHB 2.606
E66900Medical Laboratory ScienceANHB 2.606
E67900Neuroscience, Entry-LevelAWCH 1.106
E68000NeuroscienceMNHB 2.606
E68200Neuroscience HonorsMPAI 5.39
E68300Neuroscience (BSNeuroSci) (Option: Neuroscience)MNHB 2.606
E68400Neuroscience (BSNeuroSci) (Option:Neuroscience Scholars)MNHB 2.606
E71800Nutrition (Option: Nutrition and Public Health)AGEA 37
E71900Nutrition, Entry-LevelAWCH 1.106
E72000Nutrition (Option: Dietetics: Didactic Program in Dietetics)AGEA 37
E72500Nutrition (Option: Dietetics: Coordinated Program in Dietetics)AGEA 37
E72600Nutrition, Integrated Coordinated Program in Diabetics (BSNtr/MSNS)AGEA 37
E73000Nutrition (Option: Nutritional Sciences)AGEA 37
E73500Nutrition (Option: Nutrition and Health)AGEA 37
E73600Nutrition (Option: Nutrition in Business)MGEA 37
E74000Nutrition (Option: Teaching)APAI 4.02
E75000Nutrition (Option: Nutrition Honors)APAI 5.39
E76000Nutrition (Option: International Nutrition)AGEA 37
E77000Nutrition, Honors in Advanced Nutritional SciencesAGEA 37
E78700Physics, Entry-LevelAWCH 1.106
E78800Physics (BA)APMA 4.101
E78900Physics (BSPhy)APMA 4.101
E79100Physics (BSPhy) (Option: Teaching)APAI 4.02
E80100Physics (BSPhy) (Option: Computation)APMA 4.101
E80200Physics (BSPhy) (Option: Radiation Physics)APMA 4.101
E80300Physics (BSPhy) (Option: Space Sciences)APMA 4.101
E80400Physics (BSPhy) (Option: Physics Honors)APAI 5.39
E80500Physics (BSPhy) (Option: Biophysics)APMA 4.101
E85000Public Health, Entry-LevelAWCH 1.106
E85100Public HealthAGEA 37
E85300Public Health, Advanced ProgramAGEA 37

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Special Advising Areas for Natural Sciences

12Cultural StudiesSee Dept.Major Dept.
14Premedical, Predental, PreveterinarySee Dept.Major Dept.
15International StudiesSee Dept.Major Dept.
17Allied Health ProfessionsSee Dept.Major Dept.
18PrepharmacySee Dept.Major Dept.
19PrelawSee Dept.Major Dept.
20Plan II Honors ProgramSee Dept.Major Dept.
24Plan II Honors Program/Allied Health ProfessionsSee Dept.Major Dept.
29Actuarial Studies (Mathematics majors only)BPMA 4.101
31Degree Holder, Math/Sciences Teacher CertificationSee Dept.Major Dept.
32Special ProgramsSee Dept.Major Dept.
33Emerging ScholarsSee Dept.Major Dept.
34UTeach-Natural SciencesAMajor Dept.
35Dean’s ScholarsMMajor Dept.
36Texas Interdisciplinary PlanSee Dept.Major Dept.
37GatewaySee Dept.Major Dept.
39Bridging DisciplinesSee Dept.Major Dept.

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School of Nursing




N00300Degree Holder, Nondegree SeekerANUR 2.416
N71600Nursing, ProfessionalANUR 2.416
N71605Nursing, PreprofessionalANUR 2.416
N71700Nursing, Professional, currently licensed RNANUR 2.416

<<Find your college

Special Advising Areas for Nursing

14Premedical, Predental, PreveterinaryAPAI 5.03
17Allied Health ProfessionsAPAI 5.03

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College of Pharmacy




800100UndeclaredAPHR 5.112
800300Degree Holder, Nondegree SeekerAPHR 5.112
875850Pharmacy, Professional, PharmDNPHR 5.112
875860Pharmacy, Professional Sequence, PharmD/MPHNPHR 5.112

<<Find your college

Special Advising Areas for Pharmacy

14Premedical, Predental, PreveterinarySee Dept.PAI 5.03
17Allied Health ProfessionsSee Dept.PAI 5.03

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Steve Hicks School of Social Work




S91300Social Work (premajor)ASSW 2.214
S92000Social WorkASSW 2.214

<<Find your college

Special Advising Areas for Social Work

14Premedical, Predental, PreveterinarySee Dept.PAI 5.03
19PrelawBMajor Dept.
20Plan II Honors ProgramBMajor Dept.

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Graduate School




603900Aerospace EngineeringAASE 2.228
604200African and African Diaspora StudiesAGRG 234
604300African and African Diaspora Studies (PhD)ABEL 226B
604700American StudiesABUR 437
606200AnthropologyJEPS 1.130
606201Anthropology (Folklore and Public Culture)JEPS 1.130
606202Anthropology (Cultural Forms)JEPS 1.130
606203Sociocultural AnthropologyJEPS 1.130
607700Architectural EngineeringAECJ 4.202
608200Sustainable DesignHSUT 2.130A
608300Urban DesignHSUT 2.130A
608310Urban DesignHSUT 2.130A
608400Architectural StudiesHSUT 2.130A
608500Architectural HistoryHSUT 2.130A
608600Historic PreservationHSUT 2.130A
609200Architecture (First Professional Degree)HSUT 2.130A
609300Architecture (Postprofessional Degree)HSUT 2.130A
609310Advanced Architectural Design (MAAD)HSUT 2.130A
609400Architecture (PhD)HSUT 2.130A
609500Landscape Architecture (First Professional Degree)HSUT 2.130A
609501Landscape Architecture First Professional Degree, Advandced Standing (MLA)HSUT 2.130A
609600Landscape Architecture (Postprofessional Degree)HSUT 2.130A
609700Interior Design (First Professional)HSUT 2.130A
609800Interior Design (Postprofessional)HSUT 2.130A
609900Studio ArtAART 3.344
610700Art EducationAART 3.414
611400Art HistoryQDFA 2.124
611800Arabic StudiesAWMB 6.102
612100Asian StudiesAWCH 4.128
612200Asian Studies/Business AdministrationAWCH 4.128
612300Asian Studies/Public AffairsAWCH 4.128
612400Asian Cultures and LanguagesQWCH 4.128
612900AstronomyBPMA 15.204
613500BiochemistryBWEL 2.218
613600Biochemistry (PhD/MD)BWEL 2.218
614600Marine ScienceRBIO 12G
614800Biomedical EngineeringABME 3.308
614801Biomedical Engineering (PhD/MD)ABME 3.308
614839Biomedical Engineering (BSBME/MSE, Five-year Integrated Program)RBME 3.308
615400Cell and Molecular BiologyBMBB 1.220H
615401Cell and Molecular Biology (PhD/MD)BMBB 1.220H
615500Ecology, Evolution, and BehaviorBBIO 311A
615600Plant BiologyBBIO 311A
617000AccountingBCBA 4M.202
617050Energy Management (MSEMA Option III)BCBA 2.500
617100FinanceBCBA 6.222
617110Finance - Option IIIBGSB 5.153
617120Health Care Transformation (MSHCT Option III)BHDB 4.222
617130Information, Risk, and Operations ManagementQCBA 5.202
617160Information, Risk, and Operations Management - Option IIIBCBA 5.222
617170Business Analytics - Option IIIBCBA 5.222
617171Business Analytics (MSBA, Option III, hybrid online)BCBA 5.222
617180Information Technology Management - Option III BGSB 5.135
617300ManagementBCBA 4.202
617400MarketingQCBA 7.202
617500Marketing - Option IIIBCBA 7.208
620100Chemical EngineeringBCPE 2.706AA
620900ChemistryBWEL 2.218
621000Chemistry (PhD/MD)BWEL 2.218
621700Civil EngineeringAECJ 4.200
623200ClassicsQWAG 123
623960Advertising (PhD)ADMC 4.334
623962AdvertisingADMC 4.334
623963JournalismQDMC 3.340B
623965Communication StudiesQCMA 7.110
623966Communication Studies (MA)QCMA 7.110
623967Communication Studies, Strategic Communication (MA, Option III)BDMC 5.214
623970Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences (PhD)ACMA 4.114
623980Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences, Speech/Language Pathology (MSSLHS)ACMA 4.114
623990Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences, Audiology (AuD)ACMA 4.114
624000Communication Sciences and DisordersACMA 4.130
624005Speech Language PathologyACMA 2.112
624010AudiologyACMA 4.130
624012Radio-Television-Film (PhD)ACMA 6.116
624013Radio-Television-Film (MA)ACMA 6.116
624014Radio-Television-Film (MFA Film Production)ACMA 6.116
624015Radio-Television-Film (MFA Screenwriting)ACMA 6.116
624025Radio-Television-Film (MA, PhD)QCMAA6.116
624026Radio-Television-Film (MFA)QCMA 6.116
624030Advertising/Business AdministrationADMC 4.334
624060Advertising/Public AffairsADMC 4.334
624090Communication Studies/Business AdministrationQCMA 7.110
624120Communication Studies/Latin American StudiesQCMA 7.110
624150Communication Studies/Public AffairsQCMA 7.110
624160Journalism and Media (MA)QDMC 3.340B
624161Journalism/ Business AdministrationADMC 3.340B
624162Journalism and Media/Latin American Studies (MA/MA)ADMC 3.340B
624163Journalism/Middle Eastern StudiesADMC 3.340B
624164Journalism and Media (MA/MPAff)ADMC 3.340B
624168Journalism and Media, Research and Theory (MA)ADMC 3.340B
624169Journalism and Media, Professional (MA)ADMC 3.340B
624180Journalism/Business AdministrationACMA A6.144
624210Journalism/Latin American StudiesACMA A6.144
624240Journalism/Middle Eastern StudiesACMA A6.144
624270Journalism/Public AffairsACMA A6.144
624300Radio-Television-Film/Business AdministrationACMA A6.116
624330Radio-Television-Film/Latin American StudiesACMA A6.116
624360Radio-Television-Film/Middle Eastern StudiesACMA A6.116
624390Radio-Television-Film/Public AffairsACMA A6.116
624420Radio-Television-Film/Russian, East European, and Eurasian StudiesACMA A6.116
624450Communication Studies: Strategic Communication (NDS, Stackable Cert, Option III)BDMC 5.214
624451Communication Studies: Sports Communication (Nondegree, Stackable Certification, Option III)BDMC 5.214
625399Community and Regional Planning (PhD)HSUT 2.130A
625400Community and Regional PlanningHSUT 2.130A
625401Community and Regional Planning/GeographyHSUT 2.130A
625410Community and Regional Planning/Sustainable DesignHSUT 2.130A
625420Community and Regional Planning/Urban DesignHSUT 2.130A
626200Comparative LiteratureQCAL 217
627000Computational and Applied MathematicsAPOB 4.118
627100Computational Science, Engineering, and MathematicsAPOB 4.118
627200Computational Science, Engineering, and Mathematics (MSCSE, Five-year Integrated Program)APOB 4.118
627700Computer ScienceRGDC 2.702
627710Computer Science (MSCS, Five-year Integrated Program)RGDC 2.702
627800Computer ScienceRGDC 2.702
627810Computer Science (MSCS, Five-year Integrated Program)RGDC 2.702
627820Computer Science (MSCompSci, Option III)BGDC 2.702
627825Data Science (MSDS, Option III)BGDC 2.702
627830Artificial Intelligence (MSAI, Option III)BOnline Advising
630100DesignAART 1.218
630200Design (MA, Option III)BDFA 2.4
630700TheatreHWIN 2.158
630701Theatre (MFA - Acting)HWIN 2.158
630702Theatre (MFA - Directing)HWIN 2.158
630703Theatre (MFA - Theatrical Design)`HWIN 2.158
630704DanceHWIN 2.158
630705Theatre (MFA - Playwriting)HWIN 2.158
630706Theatre, Drama and Theatre for Youth and Communities (MFA)HWIN 2.158
630707Theatre, Live Design (MFA)HWIN 2.158
631500EconomicsQBRB 3.114
631510Economics (Option III)BBRB 2.134A
632332Curriculum and InstructionQSZB 406
632333Educational AdministrationASZB 310
632334Educational PsychologyASZB 5.708
632335Foreign Language EducationQSZB 528
632339Special EducationASZB 306
632341Educational Leadership and Policy (Option III, EdD)ASZB 348
632343Educational Psychology - SchoolASZB 504
632344Educational Psychology - CounselingASZB 504
632345Educational Psychology - Human Development, Culture, and Learning Sciences (PhD only)ASZB 504
632346Educational Psychology - Psychological and Educational Measurement, Statistics, Evolution, and Research Methodology (PhD only)ASZB 504
632349Special Education (EdD, PhD)ASZB 306
632350Educational Leadership and Policy, Educational Policy and Planning, (MEd or PhD)ASZB 3.308

Educational Leadership and Policy, Superintendency (EdD)

ASZB 3.308
632352Educational Leadership and Policy, Principalship (MEd)ASZB 3.308
632357Educational Psychology, Quantitative Methods (Ph.D.)ASZB 216
632370Curriculum and Instruction: Learning, Equity, Action and Design (Nondegree, Stackable Certificate)BSZB 4.708
632400Health EducationQBEL 710
632450Health Behavior and Health EducationQBEL 722
632500KinesiologyQBEL 710
632550Kinesiology - Option IIIAOnline  

632600Mathematics EducationQSZB 462
632800Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) EducationQSZB 462
632700Science EducationQSZB 462
632800Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) EducationQSZB 462
634600Electrical and Computer EngineeringAEER 2.884
634605Electrical and Computer Engineering (Option III)BCEE 2.206
634610Electrical and Computer Engineering (Computer Engineering)AUTA 7.320
634611Electrical and Computer Engineering (Software Engineering)AUTA 7.320
634612Electrical and Computer Engineering (Computer Architecture and Embedded Processors)AUTA 7.320
634613Electrical and Computer Engineering (Software Engineering and Systems)AUTA 7.324
634614Electrical and Computer Engineering (Architecture, Computer Systems and Embedded Systems )AUTA 7.324
634615Electrical and Computer Engineering (Circuit Design)AUTA 7.320
634620Electrical and Computer Engineering (Solid-State Electronics)AUTA 7.320
634630Electrical and Computer Engineering (Manufacturing Systems Engineering)AUTA 7.320
634640Electrical and Computer Engineering (Biomedical Engineering)AUTA 7.320
634650Electrical and Computer Engineering (Communications, Networks, and Systems)AUTA 7.320
634655Electrical and Computer Engineering (Decision, Information, and Communications Engineering)AUTA 7.324
634660Electrical and Computer Engineering (Electromagnetics and Acoustics)AUTA 7.320
634670Electrical and Computer Engineering (Plasma/Quantum Electronics and Optics)AUTA 7.320
634680Electrical and Computer Engineering (Energy Systems)AUTA 7.320
634682Electrical and Computer Engineering (Integrated Circuits and Systems)AUTA 7.320
634690Electrical and Computer Engineering (Circuit Design) - Option IIIBCEE 2.206
634695Electrical and Computer Engineering Integrated BSECE/MSE ProgramBEER 2.884
635000Electrical and Computer Engineering (Software Engineering) - Option IIIBCEE 2.206
634700Electrical and Computer Engineering (MSE/PhD)AEER 2.884
634701Electrical and Computer Engineering (MSE, Option III)BGLT 4.106
634702Electrical and Computer Engineering (BS/MS)AEER 2.884
634746Electrical and Computer Engineering, Software Engineering (MSE, Option III)BGLT 4.106
635010Electrical and Computer Engineering (Integrated Circuits and Systems) - Option IIIBCEE 2.206
635015Electrical and Computer Engineering (Biomedical Engineering) - Option IIIDCEE 2.206
635020Electrical and Computer Engineering (Decision, Information, and Communications Engineering Professional ) - Option IIIDCLEE/EERC
635025Electrical and Computer Engineering (Architecture, Computer Systems, and Embedded Systems Professional) - Option IIIDCEE/EERC
635030Electrical and Computer Engineering (Electromagnetics and Acoustics) - Option IIIDCEE 2.206
635035Electrical and Computer Engineering (Energy Systems) - Option IIIDCEE 2.206
635040Electrical and Computer Engineering (Integrated Circuits and Systems) - Option IIIDCEE 2.206
635045Electrical and Computer Engineering (Plasma/Quantum Electronics and Optics) - Option IIIDCEE 2.206
635050Electrical and Computer Engineering (Software Engineering and Systems Professional) - Option IIIDCLEE/EERC
635055Electrical and Computer Engineering (Solid State Electronics) - Option IIIDCEE 2.206
635085Energy and Earth Resources/Business AdministrationAEPS 1.146
635090Energy and Earth ResourcesBJGB 2.314
635200Engineering Management - Option IIIBCEE 2.206
637100Engineering MechanicsAASE 2.228
639300EnglishQCAL 210
639301English (Creative Writing)ACAL 210
639302Creative WritingACAL 210
640100Environmental and Water Resources EngineeringAECJ 4.200
644300GeographyQRLP 3.720
645200Geological SciencesAJGB 2.120
645202Geological Sciences: Machine Learning and Data Analytics (Nondegree, Stackable Certificate)AJGB 2.102
646000Germanic StudiesMBUR 336
647300Global Policy StudiesBSRH 3.107
647310Global Policy Studies/Energy and Earth ResourcesBJGB 2.314
647315Global Policy Studies/JournalismBSRH 3.107
647316Global Policy Studies/Journalism and Media (MPGS/MA)ALBJ 3.104
647320Global Policy Studies/Latin American StudiesBSRH 3.107
647330Global Policy Studies/Business AdministrationBSRH 3.107
647335Global Policy Studies/Russian, East European, and Eurasian StudiesBSRH 3.107
647340Global Policy Studies/Asian StudiesAWCH 4.128
647345Global Policy Studies/Middle Eastern StudiesASRH 3.107
647350Global Policy Studies/Public HealthBSRH 3.104
647355Global Policy Studies/Information ScienceBSRH 3.107
647370Global Policy Studies-DCBSRH 3.107
647500GovernmentBBAT 2.120A
649100Hebrew StudiesAWMB 6.102
650600HistoryAGAR 1.106C
652300Human Development and Family SciencesBSEA 1.432A
652500Humanities, Health, and Medicine (MA)APAR 130
652700Human Dimensions of OrganizationsBFAC 18
652800Identity Management and SecurityAPOB 5.402
652900Information Security and Privacy (MSISP, Option III)AEER 7.802
653000Information StudiesDUTA 5.202
653001Information Studies (PhD)BUTA 5.202
653002Information Studies (BA/MSIS)DUTA 5.202
653003Information Studies (BSI/MSIS)DUTA 5.202
653004Information Studies: School Librarian (Nondegree Seeker, Stackable Certificate)DUTA 5.202
653100Information Studies/Latin American StudiesDUTA 5.202
653200Information Studies/Computer Science (MSIS, Five-year Integrated Program)DUTA 5.202
653300Information Studies/EnglishAUTA 5.202,  

PAR 114D
653800Italian StudiesQHRH 3.112C
659000Latin American Studies/Business AdministrationPSRH 1.301
659800Latin American StudiesVSRH 1.301
659801Latin American Studies/Community and Regional PlanningHSRH 1.301
660000Latin American Studies/Public AffairsBSRH 1.301
661900LinguisticsQCAL 503
663300Materials Science and EngineeringAETC 9.158
665100MathematicsAPMA 8.100
665300StatisticsAWEL 5.216
665400Statistics (PhD)AWEL 5.216
665899Mechanical Engineering Nondegree Stackable Certificate Seeker (Option III)BMajor Depts.
665900Mechanical EngineeringAETC 5.204
665901Mechanical Engineering (BSME/MSE)AMajor Dept.
665910Mechanical Engineering (Advanced Manufacturing Engineering - Option III)BCEE 2.206
665950Mechanical Engineering - Option IIIBETC 5.146
666000Mechanical Engineering/Business AdministrationAETC 5.204
666500Medieval StudiesADFA 2.128
667000Mexican American StudiesAWMB 5.102
667100Mexican American and Latina/o StudiesAGWB 2.102D
667500MicrobiologyANMS 2.104
667800Middle Eastern Languages and CulturesQCAL 528
668000Middle Eastern StudiesACAL 528
668200Middle Eastern Studies/Public AffairsAMajor Depts.
668300Middle Eastern Studies/Business AdministrationAWMB 6.102
668650Middle Eastern Studies/Information StudiesASZB 564
670610Artist Diploma in Music PerformanceQMRH 3.704
670611ConductingQMRH 3.704
670654Music and Human LearningQMRH 3.704
670656CompositionQMRH 3.704
670657Music PerformanceQMRH 3.704
670659Music TheoryQMRH 3.704
671000Musicology/EthnomusicologyQMRH 3.704
671100NeuroscienceBNHB 2.504
671111Neuroscience (PhD/MD)BNHB 2.504
671499Nursing Nondegree Stackable Certificate Seeker (Option III)ANUR 2.414
671500Nursing (Post-Master of Science in Nursing)ANUR 2.408
671501Advanced Practice Nursing-Family Nurse Practitioner CertificateANUR 2.408
671502Advanced Practice Nursing-Pediatric Nurse Practitioner CertificateANUR 2.414
671503Advanced Practice Nursing-Family Psych-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner CertificateANUR 2.414
671504Advanced Practice Nursing-Adult-Gerontology Clinical Nurse Specialist CertificateANUR 2.414
671505Advanced Practice Nursing-Acute Care-Pediatric Nurse Practitioner CertificateANUR 2.414
671600NursingQNUR 2.408
671610Nursing (Master of Science in Nursing)ANUR 2.408
671620Nursing (Doctor of Philosophy)QNUR 2.408
671625Nursing Practice (Doctor of Nursing Practice)ANUR 2.414
671630Clinical Nurse Specialist (MSN)ANUR 2.414
671640Nurse Practitioner (MSN)ANUR 2.414
671650Leadership in Diverse Settings (MSN)ANUR 2.414
671700Nursing - Alternate EntryQNUR 2.414
671710Nursing - Alternate Entry (Master of Science in Nursing)ANUR 2.414
671720Nursing - Alternate Entry (Doctor of Philosophy)QNUR 2.414
671730Nursing Alternate Entry Clinical Nurse SpecialistANUR 2.414
671740Nursing Alternate Entry Nurse PractitionerANUR 2.414
671750Nursing Alternate Entry Leadership in Diverse SettingsANUR 2.414
671800Nursing/Business AdministrationANUR 2.408
671900Nutritional SciencesBPAI 5.56
671950Nutritional Sciences Option IIIAPAI 5.20
671960Nutritional Sciences, Integrated Coordinated Program in Dietetics (BSNtr/MSNS)AGEA 37
673600Operations Research and Industrial EngineeringAETC 5.204
674899Petroleum Engineering Nondegree Stackable Certificate Seeker (Option III)BMajor Depts.
674900Petroleum EngineeringACPE 3.118
674901Petroleum Engineering: Fundamentals (NDS, Stackable Certificate, Option III)BMajor Depts.
674902Petroleum Engineering: Unconventional Resources (NDS, Stackable Certificate, Option III)BMajor Depts.
675760Pharmaceutical SciencesQPHR 4.220A
676400PhilosophyQWAG 329
678500Applied PhysicsAPMA 5.224
678900PhysicsQPMA 5.224
683500PsychologyQSEA 3.214
683501Psychology - ClinicalQSEA 3.214
684600Public AffairsBSRH 3.107
684601Public Affairs/EngineeringBSRH 3.107
684602Public Affairs/Business AdministrationPSRH 3.107
684610Public Affairs/Community and Regional PlanningHSUT 2.130
684630Public Affairs/Energy and Earth ResourcesBJGB 2.314
684633Public Affairs/Medicine (MPAff/MD)ASRH 3.104
684635Public Affairs/Public HealthBSRH 3.104
684640Public Affairs/Social WorkBSRH 3.107
684650Public Affairs/Information StudiesBSRH 3.104
684670Public Affairs-DCBSRH 3.107
684680Public Affairs-Option IIIBSRH 3.107
684690Public PolicyBSRH 3.107
686000Persian StudiesAWMB 6.102
686400Religious StudiesABUR 406
686766FrenchQHRH 3.114C  


HRH 3.112B
686767Spanish/PortugueseABEN 2.128
686768Iberian and Latin American Languages and CulturesABEN 2.128
690500Slavic Languages and LiteraturesACAL 415
691100Social Work (PhD)ASSW 2.232
691200Social WorkASSW 2.242
691400Social Work (MSSW/MDiv)ASSW 2.242
691450Social Work (MSSW/MPH)ASSW 2.242
691500Social Work/Latin American Studies (MSSW/MA)ASSW 2.242
691600Social Work/Business Administration (MSSW/MBA)ASSW 2.242
692000Russian, East European, and Eurasian StudiesACAL 415
692500Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies/CommunicationACMA A4.130
693000Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies/Public AffairsBSRH 3.107
693200Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies/Business AdministrationPCBA 2.316
693250Textile and Apparel TechnologySee Dept.GEA 223
693300Women’s and Gender StudiesAWWH 401
693310Women’s and Gender Studies/Information StudiesAWWH 401
693320Women’s and Gender Studies/Public AffairsAWWH 401
693330Women's and Gender Studies (MA, Five-year Integrated Program)ABUR 540

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Red McCombs School of Business (graduate)




B00802Accounting - Professional Program, fifth yearBGSB 4.112C
B01100Professional Accounting (MPA)BGSB 4.112C
B15510Business Administration (MBA, First Year)GCBA 2.502
B15511Business Administration, Financial Mathematics (MBA) GRRH 2.350
B15512Business Administration, Quantitative Methods (MBA)GRRH 2.350
B15520Business Administration (MBA, Second Year)GCBA 2.502
B16101Business Administration (MBA International)GCBA 2.502
B16105Business Administration (MBA, Executive)AATT L078
B16109Business Administration (MBA, Mexico City)GCBA 3.422
B16115Business Administration (MBA, Dallas)BATT L078
B16120Business Administration (MBA, Evening)BATT L075
B16125Business Administration (MBA, Houston)BATT L078
B16130Technology Commercialization (Option III)BGSB 5.148

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School of Undergraduate Studies




U00100UndeclaredAJES A115
U00200Undeclared PACEAJES A115

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Key to advising notes above.


Advising is required.


Advising is not required.


Advising is required for students who are new to the major or on scholastic probation.


Advising is required for students who are new to the major, who are on scholastic probation, or whose total of hours completed plus hours in progress is 90 or more.


Advising is required for students who are on scholastic probation.


Advising is required for students who are new to the major or who have a University GPA of less than 3.25.


Advising is required for students who are new to the major, who have a GPA of less than 2.00, or whose total of hours completed plus hours in progress is less than 30.


Advising is required for students who are registering for their first or second semester in the major; who have completed 75 to 90 semester hours; who are on scholastic probation; or who are readmitted to the major after having been away from the University for at least one long-session semester.


Advising is required for students who are new to the major, who are on scholastic probation, who have been readmitted for this semester, or whose total of hours completed plus hours in progress is less than 30.


Advising is required for students who are on academic (College of Pharmacy) or scholastic (UT) probation, who are subject to academic or scholastic dismissal, or who are new to the major.


Advising is required for students who have a GPA of less than 3.00.


Advising is required for students except those who have been admitted to candidacy.


Advising is required for new first-semester students.


Advising is required for students who are on scholastic probation or whose total of hours completed plus hours in progress is 90 or more.


(See Dept.)

Advising for the special area is available but not mandatory. The student’s department (see major code) may or may not require advising.


Advising is required for students who are new to the major, who are on scholastic probation, or whose total of hours completed plus hours in progress is equal to or greater than 90 but less than 105.


Advising is required for students who are new to the major, who are on scholastic probation, or whose total hours completed is less than 30 or greater than 75.


Advising is required for students who are new to the major, who are on scholastic probation, or whose total hours completed is less than 60.

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