Here we explain the overall registration process, which consists of registration, add/drop, and tuition/fee payment. If after reading the detailed information in this Course Schedule, you have questions concerning any procedure, call Registration, (512) 475-7656.
You are strongly advised to use your earliest access period to obtain the best selection of classes and ensure access to the registration system. If you wait until the access periods immediately before the beginning of the semester, you may not be able to complete registration before classes begin and may have to pay a late registration fee. You must clear all bars—advising, financial, and nonfinancial—to be able to access the registration system. Your registration is not complete until you make payment, or confirm the deferment of your payment via My Tuition Bill. Your registration will be canceled, including your standing on waitlists, if you do not make payment by the appropriate deadline.
Registration and payment details.
Step 1 Check your registration information sheet (RIS) online. This will show your access periods, information about advising, advising bars, and any other bars to your registration known at the time your RIS was created. Your RIS must be clear of all bars before you may access the registration system.
Advising locations are listed under advising and major codes.
Make certain that your personal data on your RIS is accurate. Address changes may be submitted online (UT EID and password are required).
Step 2 See your academic adviser, if required or desired (see your RIS or advising and major codes). If you are required to see an advisor and fail to do so, your access to the registration system will be prevented until the advising bar is cleared by your major department. Check with your major department for advising procedures and schedules.
To change your major, go to your dean's office. If the new major is in another college or school, go to the dean's office in that college or school for assistance.
Step 3 Clear financial and nonfinancial bars, if any. Financial and nonfinancial bars are noted on your RIS and will prevent your access to the registration system. It is possible that bars incurred after your RIS was created have been placed on your record. To clear a financial bar, use one of the following methods:
Go to My Tuition Bill or Tuition Loans to pay past due tuition or loans.
Go to What I Owe to pay all other past due balances.
Go to the administrative department that barred your registration or to the cashiers in MAI 8, pay the amount due, have the bar cleared, and obtain written proof of payment.
Use Western Union Quick Collect (cash transaction) by completing a blue Quick Collect Payment Form at a Western Union Office (call 1-800-325-6000 to locate the nearest office), indicating that the amount is payable to University Texas Austin, the code city is Longhorns, TX, and the type of payment is financial bars. You must also give your name and UTEID.
A nonfinancial bar must be cleared in the administrative department that imposed the bar.
If you have financial bars on your record when you attempt to access the registration system, you may be able to clear them by charging the amount due to your credit card. Because this process depends on agencies and technical systems other than those at the University, under some circumstances you may not be able to clear your bars by credit card and will therefore be denied access to the registration system. It is recommended that you clear your financial bars before your scheduled access times by following the procedures outlined above.
Step 4 Register for classes online. Current availability of seats in a class may also be checked online.
Step 5 Go to Registration at your scheduled time and follow the instructions given.
You may access the registration system more than once to alter your schedule of classes and your optional fee selections. However, if you want to make changes or additions to your optional fee selections after you have paid your tuition bill, you must go to the sponsoring department.
Step 6 Pay your registration tuition/fee bill in full or in installments (see Payment procedures) by using one of the following methods:
- Go to My Tuition Bill.
- Go to the cashiers in MAI 8 (open 8:30–4:30 weekdays only).
If you do not pay your tuition/fee bill, defer your payment to financial aid or a third party, or confirm your zero bill, your registration will be canceled including your standing on waitlists. If the amount due is zero or you are eligible to charge your tuition bill to financial aid, see Methods of Payment.
Add/drop and payment details.
You must complete registration, which includes paying tuition and fees or confirming a zero bill, before you can add/drop.
Step 1 Check your registration information sheet (RIS) online to determine your access period and access time.
Step 2 Go to Registration and follow the instructions given.
Step 3 You will not be sent a bill for added classes. After you have completed your add/drop transactions go to My Tuition Bill online or to the cashiers in MAI 8 (8:30am – 4:30pm weekdays only) for an add bill quote. The bills are automatically updated overnight, so if you add a class on your payment deadline, you must call Student Accounts Receivable at 475-7777 to have your bill manually updated so that you can pay before 5:00 pm. If the changes you made in your schedule result in the assessment of additional tuition and/or fees, you must make payment via My Tuition Bill or by check or money order. Checks or money orders may be deposited in the drop slot near the entrance to MAI 12. Failure to make payment by your deadline will result in the cancellation of your entire registration.
Refunds will be issued the week after the twelfth class day. See fee adjustments for details.
Using computer programs for registration or add/drops
The use of vendor software or other automated programs to perform registration or add/drop processes is prohibited by the University of Texas. Any student identified as using automated systems to perform registration or add/drops may be barred from the registration system.
Student ID cards.
The ID Center is located in FAC 102 and is open 8:30am to 5pm, Monday through Friday.
New students. You may obtain a University identification card at the ID Center. To have an ID card issued, you must present photo identification (e.g., driver's license, passport). A $10 fee is charged for each card issued and must be paid within thirty days at the cashiers in MAI 8, or on the Web by going to What I Owe.
Continuing students. If you have an ID card with a magnetic strip, it will be validated automatically after you have paid your fees. You do not need to report to the ID Center.
Online waitlist registration option.
An online waitlist can be turned on for any section by the department that offers the course. In sections with waitlists turned on, you will get the option of joining the waitlist when the class is full in order to be considered for a roster spot when seats become available. You may join a waitlist only through the registration system. Signing up for a waitlist is not a guarantee that you will be added, but once a waitlist has been started, all additions to the class will happen from the online waitlist. Each waitlist is for a specific section of a course and does not change when seats become available in other sections of the same course. Signing up for an online waitlist constitutes an agreement to pay any additional fees associated with the class being added should a spot become available.
The following features have been developed to assist you in the monitoring and maintenance of your online waitlisted classes:
- You can maintain your waitlists online at any time. This includes periods outside of registration or your access periods.
- You will be given the option of indicating one of your scheduled classes to drop if the waitlist add is successful. This is known as a swap class.
You will not be added to a class from an online waitlist if any of the following errors occurs:
- Time conflict: the meeting time(s) of the section to be added overlaps with the meeting time(s) of another class in your schedule and you have not flagged the scheduled class as a swap.
- Maximum hours: adding the class would place you over the maximum hours allowed.
- Duplicate course: you are already scheduled in another section of the course to be added, and you have not flagged the scheduled class as a swap.
- Course restrictions: you do not meet the enrollment restrictions placed on the course by the department offering the course.
Messages about these errors will be posted on your online waitlist maintenance page in UT Direct. You will remain on the waitlist and you will not be eligible for promotion to the class roster until the error has been corrected.
You are not billed for any waitlisted class unless you are promoted to the class roster. Promotion from the waitlist onto a class roster may change the student's tuition bill; additional charges must be paid by the appropriate deadline.