Writing courses

This course schedule content is archived.

The following courses offered in the spring semester 2009 contain a substantial writing component. These courses may be taken in partial fulfillment of the basic education requirement in writing that is part of each undergraduate degree program.

Because the writing component designation may vary by section and semester, students should consult the course listings in this Course Schedule to determine which unique numbers carry the writing statement.

School of Architecture

CRP 369K

Prins of Physical Planning-W

Red McCombs School of Business

Business Administration

B A 324

Busn Comm: Oral and Written-W

B A 324H

Busn Comm: Oral and Writ-Hon-W

Department of Finance

FIN 370

Integrative Finance-W

Department of Information, Risk, and Operations Management

LEB 323H

Business Law-Honors-W

MIS 375

Strategic Info Technol Mgmt-W

Department of Management

MAN 374

General Managmnt & Strategy-W

MAN 374H

General Mgmt & Strategy-Hon-W

Department of Marketing

I B 372

8-Business Spanish-W

I B 378

International Busn Operatns-W

MKT 370

Marketing Policies-W



COM 370


COM 370

Film Style from the Inside-W

COM 370

Social Aspects of Deafness-W

Department of Advertising

ADV 325

Intro to Advertising Creativ-W

ADV 370J

Integrated Communicatns Mgmt-W

ADV 378

Leadership and Ethics-Honors-W

P R 348

Public Relations Techniques-W

P R 367

Integrated Communicatns Mgmt-W

Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders

CSD 367K

Intro Sp/Lng Dis Asm/Trt Chl-W

CSD 371

Intro Sp/Lng Dis Asm/Trt Adu-W

Department of Communication Studies

CMS 314L

Lang, Communicatn, & Culture-W

CMS 331K

Speech Writing and Criticism-W

CMS 348K

Visual Media and Interaction-W

CMS 350M

Field Study in Organiz Comm-W

CMS 367

Computer-Mediated Comm-W

CMS 367

Lang/Cul/Comm Hip-Hop Nation-W

CMS 379H

Hon Tutorial Crs: Spec Proj-W

School of Journalism

J 315

News Media Writing & Editing-W

J 320D

Intermediate Reporting-W

J 322D

Brdcst Newswrit/Radio Report-W

J 327

Feature Writing-W

J 331

Web Publishing-W

J 334

Multimedia Journalism-W

J 340C

1-Mass Media and Minorities-W

J 340C

3-Journalism and Religion-W

J 349T

Editorial Column Writing-W

J 349T

Reporting China-CHN-W

J 349T

Writing for Online Publicatn-W

J 349T

2-Business Journalism-W

J 353D

Television Reporting-W

J 359T

Reporting/Writ Nonfict Books-W

J 362E

History of Photography-W

J 372D

Television Producing-W

J 374D

Advanced Feature Writing-W

Department of Radio-Television-Film

RTF 331K

Gend/Sexuality Iss in Media-W

RTF 331N

Technology and Culture-W

RTF 331N

The Information Society-W

RTF 333

Intro to Screenwriting-W

RTF 342

Media/Transition in Mid East-W

RTF 345

History of Black Amer Cinema-W-W

RTF 345

History of British Film-W

RTF 345

History of Indian Cinema-W

RTF 359

Latino Images in Film-W

RTF 359

Race and New Media Culture-W

RTF 359

Race, Natl Ident, the Media-W

RTF 359S

Girls’ Media and Cul Studies-W

RTF 365

Immigrant Media-W

RTF 365

Media & Society: Socl Envir-W

RTF 367K

Producing Film & Television-W

RTF 369

Adv Writing: Feature Film-W

RTF 369

Adv Writing: Series TV-W

RTF 369

Adv Writing: The Big Movie-W


Applied Learning and Development

ALD 326

Lang of Child With/-out Dis-W

ALD 327

Sociocul Influences on Learn-W

ALD 328

Applied Human Learning-W

Department of Curriculum and Instruction


19-Reading/Language Arts-W

Department of Educational Psychology

EDP 362

5-Chicano Educatnl Struggles-W

Department of Kinesiology and Health Education

HED 335

Theors Substnc Abuse Preven-W

KIN 349

Hist of Sport and Phys Activ-W

KIN 351

Philos of Sport & Phys Activ-W

KIN 352K

5-Sport, Fitness, & Mass Med-W


Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics

ASE 333T

Engineering Communication-W

ASE 369K

Measurements & Instrumentatn-W

Department of Biomedical Engineering

BME 333T

Engineering Communication-W

BME 251

Biom Image/Sig/Trns Proc Lab-W

Department of Chemical Engineering

CHE 333T

Engineering Communication-W

CHE 253M

Meas, Cntrl, & Data Anly Lab-W

CHE 264

Chem Engr Process & Proj Lab-W

CHE 473K

Process Design & Operations-W

Department of Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering

C E 314K

Prop and Behav of Engr Matls-W

C E 333T

Engineering Communication-W

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

E E 333T

Engineering Communication-W

E E 464C

Corporate Senior Design Proj-W

E E 464G

Multidis Senior Design Proj-W

E E 464H

Honors Senior Design Project-W

E E 464K

Senior Design Project-W

E E 464R

Research Senior Design Proj-W

Department of Mechanical Engineering

M E 333T

Engineering Communication-W

M E 366J

Mech Engr Design Methodology-W

Department of Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering

PGE 424


PGE 333T

Engineering Communication-W

PGE 373L

Geosys Engr Design & Anly II-W


Department of Art and Art History

ARH 375

Art Historical Methods-W

ARH 379H

Thesis Crs for Dept Honors-W

VAS 370E

Explor Art in Commun Spaces-W

School of Music

MUS 223K

Choral Conducting-W

MUS 342

3-Musics of India-W

MUS 369P

Senior Paper in Music Theory-W

MUS 379K


MUS 379K

Medieval Music in 20th-C Cul-W

MUS 379K

Topics in Performance Prac-W

MUS 379K

20th-C Amer Experimentalism-W

Department of Theatre and Dance

T D 326D

Thtr Stds: Young Audiences-W

John A. and Katherine G. Jackson School of Geosciences

Department of Geological Sciences

GEO 354

Global Geophysics-W

GEO 379H

Honors Tutorial Course-W

School of Information

INF 304W

Intro Information Studies-WB-W


Liberal Arts Honors

LAH 305

1-History at Play-W

LAH 350

Boundaries and Dilemmas-W

LAH 350

Declamation & Civic Theatre-W

LAH 350

Great Trials in Western Hist-W

LAH 350

History at Play II-W

LAH 350

Hitler/Nazism/World War II-W

LAH 350

In Search of Meaning-W

LAH 350

Language and Politics-W

LAH 350

Leadership and Ethics-W

LAH 350

Party Polarization in the US-W

LAH 350

Writing the Alienated Self-W


Honors Thesis-W

Department of American Studies

AMS 311S

American Places of Leisure-W

AMS 311S

American Urban Experience-W

AMS 311S

Coming of Age in America-W

AMS 311S

Country/City in Art/Lit/Film-W

AMS 311S

Fiction and Race in America-W

AMS 311S

US Culture and Globalization-W

AMS 315

Native American Lit and Cul-W

AMS 321

Native Amers in the Plains-W

AMS 322

3-Sport, Fitness, & Mass Med-W

AMS 370

Southern Cultures-W

AMS 370

The Black Freedom Struggle-W

AMS 370

1-Am Cul Hist of Alchl/Drugs-W

AMS 370

10-Leadership in America-W

AMS 370

17-Postmodern America-W

AMS 370

23-Memory and Place-W

AMS 370

27-Nature and Gender in Amer-W


Honors Tutorial Course-W

Department of Anthropology

ANT 310L

Literature and Ethnography-W

ANT 324L

Asian America & Moving Image-W

ANT 324L

Climate Chng/Publ Discourse-W

ANT 324L

Culture of Food in India-W

ANT 324L

Death/Ritual/Medicine E Asia-W

ANT 324L

Gend/Sex/Fam Indian Rel/Culs-W

ANT 324L

Globalizatn & Indian Society-W

ANT 324L

Native Amers in the Plains-W

ANT 324L

Vikings and Their Literature-W

ANT 324L

13-Musics of India-W

ANT 324L

24-Archaeol of Afr Thought-W

ANT 325L

Ethnographies of Emotion-W

ANT 347C

Methods in Primate Biology-W


Honors Tutorial Course-W

Archaeological Studies


Honors Tutorial Course-W

Department of Asian Studies

ANS 301M

Postcolonial Lits & Cultures-W

ANS 340K

Traditional China-W

ANS 361

Death/Ritual/Medicine E Asia-W

ANS 361

Globalizatn & Indian Society-W

ANS 361

11-Musics of India-W

ANS 372

Culture of Food in India-W

ANS 372

Gend/Sex/Fam Indian Rel/Culs-W

ANS 372

History of Indian Cinema-W

ANS 372

21-Women and Gender in China-W

ANS 378

Senior Seminar in Asian Stds-W

ANS 379H

Honors Tutorial Course-W

Department of Classics


Honors Tutorial Course-W

C C 679HB

Honors Tutorial Course-W

GK 679HB

Honors Tutorial Course-W


Honors Tutorial Course-W

Comparative Literature

C L 323

European Travel Literature-W

C L 323

Twentieth-Century Drama-W

Department of Economics

ECO 327

Comparative Economic Systems-W

ECO 351M

Managerial Economics-W

ECO 359M

Envir & Natural Resource Eco-W

ECO 376M

Personnel Economics-W

ECO 379H

Honors Tutorial Course II-W

Department of English

E 314J

Literature & Ethnography-W

E 314J

Literature & Journalism-W

E 314J

Literature & Sociology-W

E 314J

Literature & Theatre-W

E 314L

Fiction and Race in America-W

E 314L

Reading Literary Form-W

E 314L

Reading Women Writers-W

E 314L

Women's Popular Genres-W

E 314L

3-Banned Books & Novel Ideas-W

E 314L

4-Literary Contests/Contexts-W

E 314L

5-Reading Poetry-W

E 314V

Gay and Lesbian Lit and Cul-W

E 314V

Native American Lit and Cul-W

E 314V

Postcolonial Lits & Cultures-W

E 314V

1-African American Lit & Cul-W

E 314V

2-Asian American Lit and Cul-W

E 314V

3-Mexican American Lit & Cul-W

E 318M

Intro to English Language-W

E 320L

Maj Writ of Restoratn/18th C-W

E 321

Shakespeare: Selected Plays-W

E 322

Boccaccio’s Decameron-W

E 322

Vikings and Their Literature-W

E 322

Women Writs in S Asian Diasp-W

E 322

18-Films of Ingmar Bergman-W

E 324

United States Fict snc 1945-W

E 325

Writing Border Narratives-W

E 325

1-Creative Writing: Fiction-W

E 325

2-Creative Writing: Poetry-W

E 325K

Intro to Folklore & Folklife-W

E 325L

3-Anglo-American Folk Song-W

E 327

English Novel in 18th Cen-W

E 328

English Novel in 19th C-Hon-W

E 328

English Novel in 19th Cen-W

E 341

Short Story Workshop-W

E 342

1-Life/Lit of Sthwest-Mex Am-W

E 343L

Backgrounds of Modern Lit-W

E 344L

4-Australian Lit and Film-W

E 348

20th-Century Short Story-W

E 355K

Advanced Creative Writing-W

E 358K

Bible in British & Amer Lit-W

E 360K

English Grammar-W

E 360L

1-Lit And Social Justice-Hon-W

E 360R

Lit Std for H S Tchrs of Eng-W

E 363K

Classic to Romantic-W

E 369

Twentieth-Century Drama-W

E 371K

Twentieth-Century Poetry-W

E 374K

Elizabethan Poetry and Prose-W

E 375L

Victorian Literature-W

E 376


E 376S

Afr Am Lit snc Harlem Renais-W

E 377K

American Novel after 1920-W

E 679HB

Honors Tutorial Course-W

E 379N

Clas/Bib Bkgd Eng/Am Lit-Hon-W

E 379N

Homer in Translation-W

E 379N

Mexican American Modernism-W

E 379N

Oscar Wilde and His Circle-W

E 379S

Senior Seminar-W


John L. Warfield Center for African and African American Studies

AFR 317F

Postcolonial Lits & Cultures-W

AFR 317F

1-African American Lit & Cul-W

AFR 321L

Sociology of Education-W

AFR 374

US Race, Cul, & Segregation-W

AFR 374C

History of AIDs in Africa-W

AFR 374C

2-Archaeol of Afr Thought-W

AFR 374D

Race and New Media Culture-W

AFR 374D

The Black Freedom Struggle-W

AFR 374E

Race, Culture, and Migration-W

AFR 374F

History of Black Amer Cinema-W

AFR 374F

Politics of Black Sexuality-W

AFR 374F

Race and New Media Culture-W

AFR 374F

Race, Natl Ident, the Media-W

AFR 374F

2-Afr Am Lit snc Harl Renais-W


Honors Tutorial Course-W


Center for Asian American Studies

AAS 314

Asian American Lit and Cul-W

AAS 320

Asian America & Moving Image-W

AAS 320

Immigrant Media-W

AAS 320

Women Writs in S Asian Diasp-W

AAS 325

Nation and Empire-W


Honors Tutorial Course-W


Center for Mexican American Studies

MAS 314

Mexican American Lit and Cul-W

MAS 374

Immigrant Media-W

MAS 374

Latino Images in Film-W

MAS 374

Writing Border Narratives-W

MAS 374

2-Life/Lit of Sthwest-Mex Am-W

MAS 374

22-Mass Media and Minorities-W

MAS 374

25-Chicano Educatnl Struggle-W

MAS 374

31-Rhet/Comp for Natv Spkrs-W


Honors Tutorial Course-W

Center for European Studies

EUS 305

Intro to European Studies-W

EUS 347

Boccaccio’s Decameron-W

EUS 347

European Travel Literature-W

EUS 347

Films of Ingmar Bergman-W

EUS 347

Vikings and Their Literature-W

Department of French and Italian

FR 340C

The Arts in France-W

FR 379H

Honors Tutorial Course-W

ITL 379H

Honors Tutorial Course-W

ITC 349

Boccaccio’s Decameron-W

Department of Geography and the Environment

GRG 309

Experiencing the City-W

GRG 356T

2-Memory and Place-W

GRG 374

Frontiers in Geography-W


Honors Tutorial Course-W

URB 305

Experiencing the City-W

URB 315

Urban Studies Research Meths-W

URB 352

Prins of Physical Planning-W

URB 354

Human Behav and Social Envir-W


Honors Tutorial Course-W

Department of Germanic Studies


Honors Tutorial Course-W

GRC 323E

European Travel Literature-W

GRC 323E

Vikings and Their Literature-W

GRC 360E

Climate Chng/Publ Discourse-W

SCA 323

Vikings and Their Literature-W


Honors Tutorial Course-W

Department of Government

GOV 335M

Natural Law Theory-W

GOV 335M

5-Relign in Amer Pol Thought-W

GOV 355M

1-Hum Behav as Rational Actn-W

GOV 357M

Law, Public Pol, Socl Change-W

GOV 360N

2-Causes of War-W

GOV 360N

9-Force and Politics-W

GOV 370L

2-Leadership in America-W

GOV 370L

18-Politics and the Economy-W


Honors Tutorial Course-W

GOV 379S

Party Polrzatn in the US-Hon-W

Department of History

HIS 306N

American Urban Experience-W

HIS 317L

1-Colonial America-W

HIS 329U

Persp on Sci and Math-UTeach-W

HIS 340K

Traditional China-W

HIS 347L

Seminar in Historiography-W

HIS 350L

Amer Socl Sci & Socl Thought-W

HIS 350L

America at War-W

HIS 350L

Decolonizatn of Brit Empire-W

HIS 350L

Genealogy and History-W

HIS 350L

History of AIDs in Africa-W

HIS 350L

History of Globalization-W

HIS 350L

History of History-W

HIS 350L

History of the Caribbean-W

HIS 350L

Martin Luther: Hist & Memory-W

HIS 350L

Nation and Empire-W

HIS 350L

Relig Traditn in Latin Amer-W

HIS 350L

Rethink Conquest of Mexico-W

HIS 350L

Rus & Sov Film: Uses of Hist-W

HIS 350L

Saints Francis and Clare-W

HIS 350L

US Race, Cul, & Segregation-W

HIS 350L

Women in Sickness and Health-W

HIS 350L

20th-Cen Native Amer History-W

HIS 350L

2-Am Cul Hist of Alchl/Drugs-W

HIS 350L

46-Women and Gender in China-W

HIS 350L

51-Myth/Construc of Am Ident-W

HIS 350L

59-Stalin’s Russia at War-W

HIS 365G

Food in America, 1941-Pres-W

HIS 376F

The US and Second World War-W

HIS 376G

Hitler, Nazism, and WWII-Hon-W


Honors Tutorial Course-W


HMN 350

Declamation & Civic Thtr-Hon-W

HMN 350

Great Trials Wstrn Hist-Hon-W

HMN 350

In Search of Meaning-Honors-W

HMN 350

Leadership and Ethics-Honors-W


Honors Tutorial Course-W

Schusterman Center for Jewish Studies

J S 679HB

Honors Tutorial Course-W

Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies

LAS 322

Immigrant Media-W

LAS 322

Latino Images in Film-W

LAS 322

10-Mass Media and Minorities-W

LAS 366

Rethink Conquest of Mexico-W


Honors Tutorial Course-W

Department of Linguistics

ASL 326

Sign Langs & Signing Communs-W

LIN 350

3-Sign Langs/Signing Communs-W

LIN 360L

Intro to English Grammar-W


Honors Tutorial Course-W

Department of Middle Eastern Studies


Honors Tutorial Course-W


Honors Tutorial Course-W


Honors Tutorial Course-W

MES 322K

Media/Transition in Mid East-W


Honors Tutorial Course-W


Honors Tutorial Course-W


Honors Tutorial Course-W

Department of Philosophy

PHL 301

Introduction to Philosophy-W

PHL 325K

Ethical Theories-W

PHL 375M

Early Modern Philosophy-W


Honors Tutorial Course-W

Plan II Honors Program

S S 301

Hon Soc Sci: Psychology-W

S S 301

Hon Soc Sci: Thry of Subject-W

T C 302

Community and Place-W

T C 302

Dis/Dev/Democ Postcol Africa-W

T C 302

Faust Legend: Magus to Today-W

T C 302

Illness and Meaning-W

T C 302

Jane Austen on Page & Screen-W

T C 302

Morality and Politics-W

T C 302

Scientists & Relign in Hist-W

T C 302

Values Phil/Fict of Ayn Rand-W

T C 357

Afr Lits, Vis Images, Music-W

T C 357

Chekhov and His Legacy-W

T C 357

Civil Society & Citizenship-W

T C 357

Democ/Democratiz in Lat Amer-W

T C 357

Diasp/Ident: Roots Ethnicity-W

T C 357

Econ Thought & Polit Controv-W

T C 357

Investment Strategy-W

T C 357

Key Debates Hist US Frgn Rel-W

T C 357

Liberalism and Nationalism-W

T C 357

Manag Hum Diff Advers World-W

T C 357

Sci/Eco/Polit of Energy Prod-W

T C 357

Socl Crit in Song and Poetry-W

T C 357

War Games: Military Creativ-W

T C 357

Water, Water Everywhere-W

T C 660HB

Thesis Course-W

Department of Psychology

PSY 301

Intro to Psychology-Honors-W

PSY 418

Statistics & Research Design-W

PSY 333M

Infant Development-W

PSY 333P

Child Language-W

PSY 341K

Multicultural Psychotherapy-W

PSY 341K

Positive Psy & the Good Life-W

PSY 341K

Seeing/Acting in Virtl World-W

PSY 341K

Self and Social Interaction-W

PSY 458

Experimental Psychology-W

PSY 365G

Gender and Racial Attitudes-w

PSY 379H

Honors Research II-W

Department of Religious Studies

R S 341

Culture of Food in India-W

R S 341

3-Gnd/Sex/Fam Indian Rel/Cul-W

R S 352

Death/Ritual/Medicine E Asia-W

R S 355K

Bible in British & Amer Lit-W

R S 357

Martin Luther: Hist & Memory-W

R S 679HB

Honors Tutorial Course-W

Department of Rhetoric and Writing

RHE 309K

Topics in Writing-W

RHE 309S

Crit Read & Persuasive Writ-W

RHE 309S

Crit Read/Persuasv Writ-Hon-W

RHE 309S

Crit Read/Persuasv Writ-NSDS-W

RHE 310

Intermed Expository Writing-W

RHE 312

Computers and Writing-W

RHE 321

Principles of Rhetoric-W

RHE 325M

Advanced Writing-W

RHE 328

Principles of Tech Writing-W

RHE 330C

Designing Text Ecologies-W

RHE 330C

Rhetorics of Cyberculture-W

RHE 330D

Pro- and Antiwar Rhetoric-W

RHE 330E

Declamation & Civic Thtr-Hon-W

RHE 330E

Democracy and the Media-W

RHE 360M

Rhet & Writ for Tchrs of Eng-W

RHE 368C

Writing Center Internship-W

RHE 379C

Lit Std for H S Tchrs of Eng-W

RHE 379C

Politics of Black Sexuality-W


Department of Naval Science

N S 330

Leadership and Ethics-W

Center for Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies

REE 325

Twentieth-Century Drama-W

REE 325

9-The Russian Novel-W

REE 335

Causes of War-W

REE 335

Force and Politics-W

REE 335

Rus & Sov Film: Uses of Hist-W


Honors Tutorial Course-W

Department of Slavic and Eurasian Studies

CZ 679HB

Honors Tutorial Course-W

RUS 356

1-The Russian Novel-W


Honors Tutorial Course-W

Department of Sociology

SOC 308

Literature & Sociology-W

SOC 321K

Race, Culture, and Migration-W

SOC 321L

Sociology of Education-W

SOC 352M

Boundaries & Dilemmas-Honors-W

SOC 352M

5-Family Policy Issues-W


Honors Tutorial Course-W

Department of Spanish and Portuguese

SPN 327W

Adv Grammar/Comp II-Business-W

SPN 367K

8-Rhet/Comp for Natv Speaker-W

SPN 379H

Honors Thesis-W

Western Civilization and American Institutions

WCV 320

Natural Law Theory-W

WCV 320

Relign in Amer Polit Thought-W

Center for Women's and Gender Studies

WGS 301

Gay and Lesbian Lit and Cul-W

WGS 301

Reading Women Writers-W

WGS 301

Women’s Popular Genres-W

WGS 340

Gend/Sex/Fam Indian Rel/Culs-W

WGS 340

History of AIDs in Africa-W

WGS 340

Race, Natl Ident, the Media-W

WGS 340

Women Writs in S Asian Diasp-W

WGS 340

18-Women and Gender in China-W

WGS 340

21-Mass Media and Minorities-W

WGS 345

Boccaccio’s Decameron-W

WGS 345

Gend/Sexuality Iss in Media-W

WGS 345

Girls’ Media and Cul Studies-W

WGS 345

Saints Francis and Clare-W

WGS 345

Southern Cultures-W

WGS 345

Women in Sickness and Health-W

WGS 345

Writing Alienated Self-Hon-W

WGS 345

12-Family Policy Issues-W

WGS 345

23-Sociology of Education-W

WGS 345

34-Leadership in America-W

WGS 345

42-Nature and Gender in Amer-W


School of Biological Sciences

BIO 206L

Lab Exp Bio: Strc/Fnc of Org-W

BIO 208L

Field Biology-W

BIO 323L

Lab Studies in Cell Biology-W

BIO 325L

Lab Experience in Genetics-W

BIO 331L

Lab Studies in Molecular Bio-W

BIO 337

Research Methods-UTeach-W

BIO 361L

Public Hlth Bacteriology Lab-W

BIO 361P

Public Health Internship-W

BIO 365L

Neurobiology Laboratory-W

BIO 368L

Techniques in Molec Genetics-W

BIO 170C

Conference Course-W

BIO 270C

Conference Course-W

BIO 370C

Conference Course-W

BIO 371L

Experimental Physiology-W

BIO 373L

Ecology Laboratory-W

BIO 177

Undergraduate Research-W

BIO 277

Undergraduate Research-W

BIO 377

Undergraduate Research-W

BIO 379H

Honors Tutorial Course-W

BIO 679H

Honors Tutorial Course-W

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

CH 368

Adv Org Ch: Tpc/Ap of Org Ch-W

CH 368

Research Methods-UTeach-W

CH 369L

Biochemistry Laboratory-W

CH 370

Physical Methods for Biochem-W

CH 376K

Advanced Analytical Chem-W

Department of Computer Sciences

C S 349

Contemp Iss in Computer Sci-W

C S 370

Undergrad Reading & Research-W

C S 373

Software Engineering-W

C S 378

Computational Brain-W

C S 378

Debugging & Verifying Progs-W

C S 379H

Computer Sci Honors Thesis-W

Department of Human Ecology

HDF 351

Infant Devel/Attachment Rels-W

HDF 372K

Family Interaction and Devel-W

HDF 378K

Biol of Interpers Relatnshps-W

NTR 324

Advanced Food Science-W

NTR 338W

Issues in Nutrition & Health-W

NTR 355

Undergrad Rsch in Nutrition-W

NTR 379H

Honors Tutorial Course-W

TXA 328

Rsch in Retail Merchandising-W

TXA 355P

Prob in Retail Merchandising-W

Department of Mathematics

M 110

Conference Course-W

M 175

Conference Course-W

M 379H

Honors Tutorial Course-W

Department of Physics

PHY 341

Research Methods-UTeach-W

PHY 453

Mod Phy I: Intro Quan Phen-W


N 311

Ethics of Health Care-W

N 311H

Ethics of Health Care: Hon-W

N 347

Conceptl Foundatns of Nur-RN-W

N 347

Transition to Professnl Nur-W

N 375P

Public Hlth Nursing Pract-W


PHR 249B

Introduction to Pharmacy-W

PHR 350K

Drugs in Our Society-W

PHR 364D

Pharm & the Health Care Sys-W

School of Social Work

S W 323K

Socl Welf Prog, Pol, and Iss-W

S W 327

Human Behav and Social Envir-W

School of Undergraduate Studies

UGS 302

Africa in Films-W

UGS 302

Art in Engineering-W

UGS 302

Bearing Witns to Terror Acts-W

UGS 302

Engineering World: Sys/Matls-W

UGS 302

Genetically Modif Organisms-W

UGS 302

Hittite/Mycen Cul thru Texts-W

UGS 302

Ideas & Meth: How to Inquire-W

UGS 302

India through Visual Culture-W

UGS 302

Myth-Music Makes You Smarter-W

UGS 302

Plants and Culture-W

UGS 302

Reading Bldngs: Intro Arch-W

UGS 302

Self-Care and OTC Products-W

UGS 302

Sex, Sexuality, and Gender-W

UGS 302

Social Justice & Equity Iss-W