May 14, 2013

University of Texas at Austin

Degree Audit User Group

Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, May 14, 2013 from 11:00- noon




Attendees: Kim
Taylor, Vasanth Srinivasa, Shan Evans, Ingrid Garner, Catherine
Theriot, Delisa Lee, Alexis Losch, 
Alicia Farre, Debbie Miller, Yesenia Sanchez, Daniela Kaufman, Anna
Harris, Greg Caldera, Herpreet Singh, Jay Williams



Notes/Actions Items

08-10 Catalog:

To help colleges move forward with going live, the Office of
the Registrar will run diagnostics after graduation and look at the number of
degree profiles that exist for all colleges in the 08-10 catalog.

Some colleges have
expressed concerns coding the 08-10 catalog. One suggestion is to code only the
programs that still have students who are under the 08-10 catalog.

IDA 1.0/NRDEGR- we are going into systems replacement, and the
Office of the Registrar does not have the resources to maintain IDA 1.0/NRDEGR.

Time To Degree rolls out in June, so going live with the
12-14 catalog is an immediate priority. 
We want incoming students to use IDA 2.0 and the new functionality.


Time Towards Degree: (Time Towards Degree, Process Overview for

TTD Indicator will only display for incoming students with
the first semester enrolled starting Fall 2012 and with a mode of admission 2
or 3.

TTD algorithm is based on the FSE and calculates out 8 long
semesters. The algorithm works with Progress Towards Degree and calculates if
students are on track or not.

Degree audits will be run under the 2012-14 catalog for students
attending the summer 2013 orientation. 
The degree audit will be based on their major.  A Liberal Arts Undecided degree audit will be
run for students in Undergraduate Studies.  The IDA 2.0 interface will be made available
to new students.

After each orientation session, the Office of the Registrar
will automate population submissions and generate audits for students. An email
message will be sent to students to let them know an audit exists and to look
at the results in IDA 2.0. A pop-up window on the results page will provide
more information on what TTD means. Students who meet the criteria will see the
TTD bar:

Green Indicator: Students are on track.

Yellow Indicator: Not on track/ see adviser



Questions that have come up:

How do we handle 5 year programs?

How do we handle students who don’t have a mode of
admission 2 or 3?

What if students have an incomplete degree plan?

We are aware that some students won’t be accommodated by
this and that issues will come up. If colleges have any questions or think of
other issues that might come up, please let us know.


Usability List:

Slated to be worked on next:

Remove scrolling on the course list add filter

Include Add filter link at top and bottom of the
page to minimize scrolling.

Add verbiage for students with second degree
that advises students to see


Separate out the totals into the related

Streamline the override process to make it


Identify current, future, and planned courses within
an audit by using different

         colors or have a button that you can press to
highlight the specific courses.

Make remaining requirements view.

Make audits more readable.


Population Audits:

To make the population audits more readable:

Lined up the data and columns.

the excluded hours so it lines up with the totals excluded hours.

Placed a page break when the page ends and added
headings when beginning a

         new page.

Alphabetized student names on certified lists
and printed output is also produced

         in alpha order.



Remaining Requirements tab was moved to production.


Next Steps:

Next meeting: TBA


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