The University of Texas at Austin
Degree Audit User Group
Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, April 16, 2013 11:00-noon
Attendees: Kim
Taylor, Shan Evans, Catherine
Theriot, Sydney VanBerg, Delisa Lee, Alexis Losch, Alicia Farre, Jen Morgan, Debbie Miller,
Yesenia Sanchez, Cruz Alvarado, Daniela Kaufman, Anna Harris, Jesse Garcia, Kim
Williams, Madeline Wermuth, Greg Caldera, Kristen Boyd, Herpreet Singh
Notes/Action Items
Dual Degree and Totals Requirement:
The Office of the Registrar met with the technical team to discuss
how to handle second degree total hours. IDA 2.0 cannot calculate an accurate
number of hours. However,the audit can detect dual-degrees, but there’s no
mechanism in place to determine which degree comes first. The decision of primary versus secondary degree is made
by the overrider and not by the core processor.
One suggestion is to put in a note or statement that when a
dual-degree is present, to see an adviser.
This issue is on the usability list and colleges will need
to prioritize this.
Status of the 08-10 Catalog:
Request that colleges provide a status on their progress with the 08-10 catalog and when they expect to go live in IDA 2.0.
Discussed planning for the IDA 2.0 roll-out for
students. As part of the Student Success Initiative, the IDA 2.0 student interface will
need to be available to new students, so colleges must be live for the 12-14
catalog by June. Students will still be able to run audits in IDA 1.0 for the
08-10 catalog, but we want to market the IDA 2.0 student interface.
Action Item 1:
Please email what your plans are by 5pm on Friday, April 19, 2013.
Go Live Confirmation Date:
The College of Business and the College of Fine Arts will be
going live after summer/fall registration for the 10-12 catalog.
Printed Population Audits:
The Office of the Registrar met with the College of Liberal
Arts to discuss issues with printed population audits.The current consensus is
that printed population audits are not usable or readable. The Degree Audit Team from the Registrar's Office wanted to understand from the Degree Audit User Group how colleges are using printed population audits and for what purposes. We will evaluate how the current printed population audit functions and determine if changes can be made.
Usability List:
The usability list was distributed at the meeting and a
revised copy was emailed to all the colleges. The issues on the list are either
in progress, completed, or slated for the spring release.
Do colleges still see these issues as priorities, or are
there new issues that need to be prioritized?
We will focus on usability issues and system stability
this summer.
Action Item 2:
Colleges are to review the usability list and provide feedback with their top
five priorities by 5 pm on Friday, April 19, 2013.
Course lists:
Some changes were made to standard course list filters and
moved up to Qual for testing. The most used fields are at the top and the
ability to tab over is now available. We would like to move this up to
production as soon as possible. Be sure to clear your cache before testing.
Action Item 3: Provide
feedback by Thursday, April 18, 2013
Override Functionality:
Some colleges are requesting that we add an additional type
of override that is different from the Replacement Override. Instead of having
a replacement course list, the idea is to have an override course list in
addition to the original course list.
For processing speed, the Replacement Override is better and
will help in the long run.
Colleges need to decide how much of a priority this is and
if it needs to be added to the usability list.
Next Steps
Next Meeting: