March 19, 2013

The University of
Texas at Austin

Degree Audit User

Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, March 19,
2012, 11:00-12:00

Attendees: Kim
Taylor, Vasanth Srinivasa, Sydney VanBerg, Catherine Theriot, Shan Evans,
Ingrid Garner, Jay Williams, Delisa Lee, Kim Williams, Madeline Wermuth, Alexis
Losch, Daniela Kaufman, Anna Harris, Jesse Garcia, Garrett Loontjer, Jen
Morgan, Herpreet Singh, Greg Caldera, Cruz Alvarado, Debbie Miller

Notes/Action Items

Quick Lists

  1. Links and labels between Quick Lists and
    Standard Course Lists are now more consistent.
  2. “Only Use for Overrides” header added to
    Transfer Work column.
  3. Error for invalid Owning School now showing up
    on the same page.
  4. Transfer-Work Look-Up error changed to “Please
    provide an EID” when an EID has not been provided.
  5. Transfer-Work Look-Up no longer exists for
    non-Override Course Lists.
  6. Title now displays when one enters CCYYS/Unique and
    a course type. To enable this, course filters have been limited to 100.

Quick Overrides

  1. Topic and Unnumbered Topic Look-Up has been
  2. Transfer Work Look-Up has been added with header
    that states “Only Use for Overrides.”
  3. Coursework title has been added, but is only
    visible when you open up the override after saving it and rerunning the audit.
  4. Course Type drop-down menu has been added.
  5. Reset button has been added.
  6. Discussion was held about adding a
    header that states that Quick Override will supplant all other lists.

Course Type Entry

  • In Residence Courses: CCYYS + Unique + In
    Residence Course Type
  • Transfer Courses: Transfer pop-up window
  • Faculty-led study abroad: CCYYS + Unique + In
    Residence Course Type
  • Affiliated Study Abroad: Transfer pop-up window
  • Credit-by-exam: CCYYS + Unique + Credit-by-Exam
    Course Type
  • Online Extension: CCYYS + Unique + Online
    Extension Course Type
  • Classroom Extension: CCYYS + Unique + Classroom
    Extension Course Type

We are currently looking into ways to add a title for
Credit-by-exam, Online Extension and Classroom Extension coursework.

Action Item 1: Please
test and provide feedback on these changes by 5PM on Thursday, March 21, 2013.

Action Item 2: Provide
feedback on alternate names for Quick Overrides by Tuesday, March 26, 2013.

Flags (See attached

  1. Debbie provided a hand-out explaining how to
    allow re-use of courses that have been used only toward flag requirements.
  2. Colleges can ONLY waive flag requirements. UGS
    is the only entity that can override flag requirements. If a college would like
    to substitute a course for a student, the student must submit a petition to
  3. It is up to colleges to coordinate their
    policies regarding students who are enrolled in multiple colleges.

08-10 Mapping

  1. We have encountered sequencing issues when
    mapping the 08-10 catalog. Because of this, the rest of the colleges need to be
    mapped before colleges can begin working on their 08-10 catalogs.
  2. We ask that colleges who have been mapped to hold
    off working on their 08-10 catalogs until we map the rest of the colleges.
  3. Not all colleges adopted the Core in 08-10 and
    that is creating these issues.


  1. NRDEGR will be shut off after certification has
    taken place in September 2014.
  2. To eliminate confusion, other names for Quick
    Overrides were discussed – Replacement Overrides, Substitution Overrides, and Quick

Next Steps

Next Meeting: TBA