The University of
Texas at Austin
Degree Audit User Group
Meeting minutes
Tuesday, January 8,
2013, 11:00-noon
Attendees: Vasanth Srinivasa, Catherine Theriot, Shan Evans, Ingrid Garner,
Jay Williams, Xavier Oaks, Delisa Lee, Judith Quinney, Kim Williams, Madeline
Wermuth, Alexis Losch, Anna Harris,
Daniela Kaufman, Alicia Farre, Jen Morgan, Debbie Miller, Greg Caldera
Notes/ Action Items
Mapping 08-10 Catalog:
The following colleges have mapped over the 08-10 catalog: Social
Work, Fine Arts, and Undergraduate Studies and exception reports sent out. The
McCombs School of Business is ready to map over the 08-10 catalog this week.
Action Item 1:
Please let us know when you are ready to have the 08-10 catalog mapped over.
Grand Totals:
Previously, the grand totals switch was set
programmatically. Moving forward, any new degree plans will have to have the
switch set. This is necessary to calculate progress towards degree.
Deleted Invalid Course Lists Update:
In December, colleges requested a report of invalid course
lists marked for deletion. During the process of sending out the reports to the
colleges, orphaned requirements were found that should have been deactivated.
Once the issue is resolved, reports will be sent to all the colleges.
Going Live January 14, 2013:
The goal is to go live with progress towards degree on
January 14, 2013.
Action Item 2: We
request that colleges look over the report that was sent in December and adjust
the estimated hours required to satisfy requirements. Any adjustments done in
set-up will be migrated to live.
Updates in Qual
Added last update information to requirements and
Added individual updater to option restrictions and
dependent restrictions.
CBE Courses:
Rather than using skewed semesters of 1, 5 & 8 to
associate section numbers of courses that are taken through University
Extension, CBE, etc. in a course filter, you must use 2, 6 and 9 and indicate
course type. This will allow IDA 2.0 to
assess requirements correctly.
Action Item 3: A report
will be sent to the colleges identifying course lists with courses containing
non-standard semesters. Please make the necessary adjustments.
Degree Audit Request Form:
The CC functionality has been added to the degree audit
request form. Users will now receive emails of the form they sent to the degree
audit team.
Next Steps:
No meeting January
15, 2013