January 29, 2013

The University of Texas at Austin

Degree Audit User Group

Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, January 29, 2013, 11:00-12:00 pm

Attendees: Kim Taylor, Vasanth Srinivasa, Catherine
Theriot, Shan Evans, Ingrid Garner, Jay
Williams, Delisa Lee, Alexis Losch, Anna Harris, Jessie Garcia, Jen Morgan,
Debbie Miller, Cruz Alvarado, Garrett Loontjer, Judith Quinney

Notes/Action Items

Aggregated Usability Requests: Colleges were asked to submit their top ten
priorities. The results were consolidated and tallied from the total number of
requests. Priorities with four or more requests were highlighted, and will be
the first items to be worked on.

Some of the priorities listed are already being worked on,
such as the quick course lists.

An copy of the consolidated aggregated
usability request report will be sent electronically to all the colleges.

Science and Technology Requirement for the 12-14 catalog:
The new requirement is coded in production/set-up and needs to be migrated to
live. Sequencing will have a ripple effect and therefore, each of the colleges
that are already Live will need to be sequenced again. Confirmation from all
colleges is required to proceed.

Action Item 1:
Colleges that have gone live will need to test in set-up if any changes were
made in the past week that could impact sequencing. Test by Friday, February 1,

Skewed Semesters Report: A report of course lists
that contain skewed semesters was sent to the colleges on January 10, 2013.
Have the colleges had time to update these course lists?

For the remaining course lists, change the course type to
in-residence if the CCYYS/unique is not coded. We can do this automatically for

Going forward, course type will need to be added or an error
message will pop up.

Core Government Requirement: Course lists for the
core government requirement were narrowed down to four options in the 08-10

Action Item 2: Test
in qual and provide Jen or Debbie feedback by February 12, 2013.

Progress towards degree: Students will be able to see
the display of estimated hours completed towards degree on February 11th

American Sign Language Sequence: Beginning fall 2013,
the ASL sequence 506, 507, 312K, and 312L will be replaced with the new ASL
sequence: 601D, 610D, and 311D.

Next Steps

No meeting February 5, 2013

Next meeting: TBA

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