The University of Texas at Austin
Degree Audit User Group
Meeting minutes
Tuesday, January 22, 2013, 11:00-noon
Attendees:Kim Taylor, Catherine Theriot, Shan Evans,
Ingrid Garner, Xavier Oaks, Delisa Lee, Madeline Wermuth, Alexis Losch, Anna Harris,
Daniela Kaufman, Alicia Farre, Jessie Garcia, Jen Morgan, Debbie Miller,
Garrett Loontjer, Kristin Boyd
Notes/ Action Items
Certified audits that are two years old will be archived.
Redundant advising audits will be deleted.
(Update: With NRDEGR
being phased out, we will hold off on any further archival. Both jobs will be
put on hold.)
Science and Technology Requirement:
The 12-14 Science and Technology requirement was modified to
show one branch, which will require less processing time, and show the
requirement as partially fulfilled. This was tested by the colleges and will be
moving to production.
Ordered Duplicates
Since IDA 2.0 does not handle ordered duplicates the way NRDEGR
did, the current solution is to provide colleges with a report of students impacted by this for spring 2013.
The degree plan statement excludes students in the College of Education.
A new report will be sent this week to all the colleges and
after the twelfth class day.
Historically, only 320 students impacted by ordered
duplicates over a 13 year period.
If the coding community considers this a priority, the
Office of the Registrar will have to determine the resources required to
complete this as a future enhancement.
Course Type /Filters and Skewed Semesters
Credit by exam courses: Colleges were asked to set their
course filters with standard semesters/unique and course type. The audit was pulling in different courses
when changing the skewed semesters to standard semesters. This issue was
reported to the analysts and is now resolved.
Aggregated Usability Requests:
Shan distributed a copy of the aggregated usability requests
report based on usability feedback from all the colleges. Colleges were asked to review the report and
pick their top 10 priorities. All responses will be consolidated onto one
spreadsheet and discussed at the next meeting.
Action Item 1: A copy of the aggregated usability requests report was sent to all the colleges. Please pick your top 10
priorities and update the spreadsheet with your priority number
underneath the header. Please submit your responses by this Friday, January 25,
Next Steps:
Next Meeting: Tuesday, January 29, 2013 from 11:00-noon in
MAI 26.
No meeting on February 5, 2013