February 4, 2016

The University of Texas at Austin

Degree Audit User Group

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Meeting Minutes



Present: Cruiz Alvarado, Justin Brady, Shan Evans, Mickey Gonzales, Noe Gonzales, Kate Joly, Daniela Kaufman, Delisa Lee, Xavier Oaks, Yesenia Sanchez, Joshua Shandera, Vasanth Srinivasa, Jesse Stumbris, Kim Taylor, Catherine Theriot, Jesse Weeks, Catherine Whited, Kim Williams, Tomi Yamamoto



Summer/Fall Slotting Audits: In preparation, the Office of the Registrar will send the student profile report to all the colleges. The report lists students currently enrolled and 149 of those students do not have profiles. Review profiles and update as needed. Profiles created for students no longer enrolled in your college can be deleted.

Advisers can perform overrides before slotting audits run to ensure PTD accuracy. Remind students to petition for credit if necessary.

Student profiles were uploaded to UT Box on Thursday, February 4, 2016.

The Office of the Registrar will rerun the profile report on Thursday, February 11, 2016. Slotting audits will be run based on these profiles beginning the 20th class day, Monday, February 15th, 2016.



Authorizations: Adding or updating profiles in IDA 2.0 requires NRDAPF authorization. The Topic Title Inventory and the Degree Plans Interface each require separate authorizations. Contact the Office of the Registrar if you require any of these authorizations.


2016-2018 Degree Plans: All of the degree plans that were 2014-2016 were copied to 2016-2018 in the Degree Plan interface and the requirements were rolled over from 2014-2016 PROD LIVE to 2016-2018 PROD SETUP in IDA 2.0. Colleges will receive a workbook of all the degree plans separated by college.

Requirements scoped as minor in catalogs prior to the 16-18 are now scoped as electives in the new catalog. Colleges need to decide whether to keep these electives or delete them. If colleges decide to keep the electives, course lists will need to be copied and all “X” filters (using minor from profile) will need to be replaced with a valid field of study. Something to consider is whether courses that count toward the minor requirement can also be used in the elective requirements. If so, the elective requirements will need to be sequenced after the minor requirement.

The estimated hours for the minor trigger requirement should either be 15 or 18 hours. If a minor is not required, set the hours to zero.

  • The Office of the Registrar will set up lab meetings twice weekly to offer assistance with coding requirements.
  • An Excel workbook of all the degree plans separated by colleges was uploaded to UT Box on Thursday, February 4, 2016.


Action Item 1: Please update the degree plan workbook with the following information and send it to the Office of the Registrar when you are ready:

  1. On the last column of the spreadsheet is a column “Delete/add/update?” Inform us for each row if the degree plan should be deleted or updated.
  2. If you have a new degree plan, add to the bottom of the worksheet.
  3. Update the total Hours for each degree plan.

Qual Refresh: The Qual refresh in IDA will be postponed for the next few months while colleges code their degree requirements.

Adding/Updating Profiles: Adding or updating profiles can be done in NRDAPF or IDA 2.0 and are reflected in real time. You can view how to add or update profiles in either system by clicking on the link: https://utexas.box.com/s/wfgnttykbkjmrzda0h5z3vsqje2hc7lj

Do colleges need reports on profiles? Colleges are concerned that the ability to print profiles from the PX screen will no longer be available once NRDAPF is retired. The Office of the Registrar will look into adding this as an option in IDA 2.0.

Standalone Certificates: Students have the option to complete a certificate within a year after graduating. Advisers can run standalone certificates 2 ways: On the single EID audit request page and on the multiple EID audit request page. To run a standalone on the multiple EID request page, enter the certificate in the degree plan box. It is recommended that certificates be run with a degree plan to account for the maximum of nine hours of certificate coursework to be taken after the student has earned the undergraduate degree.

Updates in PROD:

  • Senior Countdown CCYYS now displays in the student planner when logged in as a student.
  • Descriptions (titles) now display for secondary credentials.
  • Multi-EID audit request page modified to remove credential type pull-down.
  • On multi-EID audit request page, credential text changed to minor/certificate.
  • When a minor trigger requirement has been trumped, users now have the option to delete that trumping requirement. Applies to the 2016-2018 catalog and later.
  • Navigation menu updated with new links and existing links reordered. New links include Degree Plans Interface, Profiles, Title Inventory, Minors page, and Minors/Certificates application page.
  • New refinements to the single-EID audit request page when logged in as a student.



Next Steps


Next Meeting: March 3, 2016


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