The University of Texas at Austin
Degree Audit User Group
Thursday, November 5, 2015
Meeting Minutes
Present: Cruiz Alvarado, Greg Caldera, Shan Evans, Kate Joly, Delisa Lee, Xavier Oats, Yesenia Sanchez, Vasanth Srinivasa, Jesse Stumbris, Kim Taylor, Catherine Theriot, Jesse Weeks, Catherine Whited, Kim Williams
Notes/Action Items
Spring 2016 Reports: The Office of the Registrar provided reports of the newly added courses to the course inventory and course relations built for fall 2015. For spring 2016, 104 new courses were added to the course inventory, and we will provide the reports.
Action Item 1: Reports of the spring 2016 courses that were added to the course inventory and the course relations that were built will be sent to all the colleges. Please let us know if you no longer wish to receive these reports.
Certified Staggered Audits: Certified staggered audits will run December 9-18. The certified audit preference sheet will be emailed on November 20, 2015 and the deadline to submit your preferences is December 7, 2015.
Other important dates:
January 6, 2016: Deadline for entries on the VO screen, including honors codes.
January 7, 2016: Colleges will receive the certified list to review.
January 8, 2016: Certified list due at noon.
January 8, 2016: Degrees are posted and available.
Minors Update/Testing: The Office of the Registrar set up a series of lab meetings that started October 16, 2015 and ends December 7, 2015. Colleges are encouraged to participate to use the time allotted to code and test the minor requirements.
All college coders should have view access to the Degree-Plan Interface. For testing purposes, minors have been added to the Degree Plan Interface (Qual) and you can search minors using different search options. The search results displays the credential type, catalog, and sequence number. Sequence numbers are auto-generated when minors are added to the Degree Plan Interface.
Sequence records for some minors were added in IDA 2.0 Qual for testing. To pull the minor from the requirements page, enter the college (one byte), space, FOS (3 bytes) and sequence number (2 bytes), along with the valid catalog (2016-18).
When testing minors, there are several things to consider:
- Coding minors is similar to coding major requirements. New course lists will need to be created, and course numbers will need to replace the “X” that was used to pull in the minor.
- When coding totals and GPA requirements, check “Exclude Unused Coursework” if you don’t want anything other than minor courses to count towards these requirements.
- For degree plans that required a minor in 2014-16 catalog, are sequenced as electives in the 2016-2018 catalog. Colleges have the option to delete those elective requirements, or replace them with the proper course lists.
- To ensure that minor requirements get picked up in the electives, the elective requirements should be sequenced after the minor trigger requirement and scope reuse should include the minor.
- Every degree plan will have a minor trigger requirement. If no minor is required, the estimated hours should be set at zero. If the trigger requirement is missing, be sure to add one.
- Run test audits after coding the minor requirements, and test PTD to ensure the calculations are correct.
If students are approved for a minor in the 2016-2018 catalog, advisers will be able to update the profile with a minor in IDA 2.0.
The tech team is working on additional changes to the minor, so please notify the Office of the Registrar if you notice issues or anything concerning. The goal is to have the changes moved to PROD in January, so the Qual refresh has been extended to allow coders time to test.
2016-2018 Catalog and New Degree Plans: The 14-16 catalog will be copied over to the 16-18 catalog in January, so the Office of the Registrar will need to coordinate with the colleges on a specific date in January to copy the catalog.
If there are any new degree plans, the Degree Plan Interface will need to be updated. Degree plans have to be approved before the Registrar’s Office can create new program codes. Once new program codes have been coded, new sequence records will be created in IDA 2.0 and colleges will be able to start coding in preparation for the June orientation. Sequence records for degree plans that will not be valid for the 16-18 catalog will be removed from IDA 2.0
Action Item 2: The Office of the Registrar will send a report of all the existing degree plans in the 14-16 catalog. Please let us know if there are any degree plans that will not be valid for the 16-18 catalog and need to be removed from the Degree Plan Interface.
Next Steps
Meeting December 3, 2015