October 16, 2015

The University of Texas at Austin

Degree Audit User Group

Friday, October 16, 2015

Minors Testing Lab Meeting Minutes



Present: Cruiz Alvarado, Shan Evans, Mickey Gonzales, Noe Gonzales, Kate Joly, Delisa Lee, Jen Morgan, Xavier Oaks, Judith Quinney, Yesenia Sanchez, Vasanth Srinivasa, Jesse Stumbris, Jesse Weeks, Catherine Whited


Introductory notes

The Office of the Registrar completed a rollover migration in QUAL for the 2016-18 catalog using the PROD 2014-16 sequence records. A new requirement has been added for degree plans in every college, scoped as “Minor/Certificate.” This new requirement only serves as a trigger to grab the requirements for the provided minor/certificate and populate the completed audit with them. Requirements scoped as “Minor” in the 14-16 catalog were carried over as “Elective” scope requirements in the 16-18 catalog.

If you fail to see the Minor/Certificate-scoped requirement on your major degree plan, add one.

Registrar created one or more minors or certificates in QUAL for every college. Registrar created sequence records for these minors/certificates in IDA 2.0. These records can carry course-seeking requirements, totals requirements, and GPA requirements.

After the QUAL refresh on Sunday, October 18, Registrar will turn off refreshes in the testing environment for the duration of the testing. This will allow colleges to continuously practice coding the sequence records without losing their data. Student profiles will continue to refresh.

Considerations for coding and testing in QUAL

Update major degree plans with “Elective” scoped requirements.

  • “Elective” requirements may be deleted if not needed.
  • If you retain “Elective” requirements, be sure that they are not using course lists pulling minors from student profiles (noted by a check in the “Minor” checkbox within the filter).


Review estimated hours for minor/credentials and update as needed on the minor/certificate trigger requirement. If no minor is required, estimated hours should be set to zero.

Add course work requirements and dependent restrictions as needed. All totals and GPA requirements.

Course lists used for requirements in the 16-18 catalog should not have any filters using minors pulled from profiles (noted by a check in the “Minor” checkbox within the filter).

Resequence records and requirements as needed.

Use the multiple EID audit request form to submit audits using the minors/certificates that are coded and review the results for accuracy.

  • Minors must be run with a major. Certificates can be run with a major or as standalones.
  • Review how and where coursework is being applied toward all requirements.
  • Run audits in older catalogs using degree plans with and without minor rules and compare results.
  • Review PTD.



Degree Audit admins have set up lab meetings in PHR 2.116. One or more of us will be available to assist you at these labs. We encourage you to participate and use this time to code and test.

  • Friday, 10/16/2015; 11:00 to 12:30
  • Monday, 10/19/2015; 12:30 to 2:00 PM
  • Monday, 11/2/2015; 12:30 to 2:00 PM
  • Monday, 11/16/2015; 12:30 to 2:00 PM
  • Monday, 11/30/2015; 12:30 to 2:00 PM
  • Monday, 12/7/2015; 12:30 to 2:00 PM


Registrar staff will explore additional lab times if needed. DA admins are also available to provide one-on-one training.

Upon request, DA admins will assist with creating test scenarios for you, including adding, deleting, or changing course work on a student’s record.

When you have finished coding for a minor, please inform Registrar staff so that we can run test audits as well.

Any issues found should be reported to DA admins using the standard support request form.


Plan to code several minors/certificates by November 2nd. Start running test audits after that. Provide feedback to DA admins as you go along. Testing will continue through the end of the fall semester.

Next Steps

Registrar staff will provide information about other subjects in the coming weeks, including:

  • Performing overrides on students with simultaneous majors;
  • Updating 16-18 student profiles.



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