Thanks for attending our minors timing meeting. Based on our discussion, here’s what we agreed upon:
Minors/certificates will behave similar to majors.
- A student may apply for a minor/certificate at any time.
- If a minor/certificate is approved by the 12th class day, the effective CCYYS of the minor/certificate is the current CCYYS and will be available to use on the student’s IDA profile.
- If a minor//certificate is approved after the 12th class day, the effective CCYYS will be the next semester (CCYYS +1). This will act as the proposed minor. It may be added to the student’s profile, but won’t be processed with the major degree plan in IDA until the effective CCYYS has been met.
- The exception to this is that if the major and minor/certificate is in the same college, the minor/certificate may be added to the student’s profile at any time during the semester and processed in IDA.
Scenario 1 – majors and minors/certificates in IDA
Student has a major, selects, and is approved for a minor/certificate before the 12th class day in a different college than her major. An advisor may add the minor to the student’s profile and it will be incorporated into the audits in the current CCYYS. If the student has any classes that fulfill minor requirements, they will be incorporated into the audit and PTD for the current semester.
Scenario 2 - majors and proposed minors/certificates in IDA
Student has a major, selects, and is approved for a minor/certificate after the 12th class day. An advisor may add the minor to the student’s profile, but the minor won’t be incorporated into the major until the next semester when the minor’s effective CCYYS is active. PTD will reflect major requirements only until the proposed minor has met the effective CCYYS.
Scenario 3 – Slotting audits
Slotting audits run on the 20th class day and only include current and prior classes, which means that changes to the minor should have no impact until the following semester. This is similar to proposed majors or major changes within a semester.
Scenario 4 – Recertification
Currently veterans are only recertified for a major change. Changes in the minors are not tracked as part of the degree profile therefore, not recertified. However, addition or changes of a minor on a student profile 20169+ will require recertification by Office of the Registrar staff. Because students may seek multiple minors/certificates which can be applied/changed on multiple profiles throughout the term, it may impact the recertification process and significantly increase the workload.
For example, a student’s profile may look like the following and any the changes in the minors/certificates below would need to be reviewed and possibly re-certified throughout the semester.
Tentative Profile 1 Major: LAHISBA Minor: GOV 01
Tentative Profile 2 Major: LAHISBA Minor: BIO 02
Tentative Profile 3 Major: LAHISBA Minor: JPN 01
NOTE: Since this is the first iteration of the minors/certificate implementation, we will plan to review how this is going after the first semester. Changes may need to be made to accommodate any issues and significant workload increases that may arise.
Routing: (A reminder to send your routing to me.)
Routing is set up by school and FOS. This means that when a student registers for a retricted minor/certificate, it will be routed to the school/FOS that owns the minor/certificate to be approved. This is the only stop it makes before approval. Multiple people can be on the routing to avoid any bottle necks for your approval process.
When you send me your routings for your minors/certificates please include the following:
EID of each of the people in your routing.
You may have the same EIDs for mulitple routings and it is good to have a least 2 per routing as mentioned above. This also prevents docuements from getting ‘stuck’ if someone moves to a new area or leaves the university.