September 3, 2015

The University of Texas at Austin

Degree Audit User Group

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Meeting Minutes



Present: Renee’ Acosta, Cruiz Alvarado, Justin Brady, Greg Caldera, Mickey Gonzales, Noe Gonzales, Kate Joly, Daniela Kaufman, Delisa Lee, Jen Morgan, Brooke Rich, Yesenia Sanchez, Vasanth Srinivasa, Jesse Stumbris, Kim Taylor, Catherine Theriot, Jesse Weeks, Kim Williams, Tomi Yamamoto



Minor testing: Registrar staff expects to have some minor functions available in QUAL for testing starting in October.


Notes/Action Items

Standalone courses appearing in the topic title inventory: Certain standalone courses that were once topics courses began appearing in the topic title inventory, and their sections are not getting picked up in audits. The primary course key (PCK) of these sections in the course schedule for summer and fall 2015 differs from the PCK in the course inventory.

The current workaround is to add a filter to the course list using the title picker, which will pull the PCK for the relevant section.

Registrar staff will identify these courses and remove them from the topic title inventory, so all sections of the standalone have the same PCK from the course inventory. Please continue to provide Registrar staff with course lists updated using the title picker, and example EIDs for testing. The added filters may then be removed after the fix is in place.

CBE & override course lists: Registrar staff identified 84 override course lists that use a CCYYS/unique combination for a CBE in its filters. When these course lists were updated in July, they were populated with the corresponding CCYYS/unique from the in-residence course schedule, causing the overrides to fail.

Registrar staff will correct these in production and provide a spreadsheet of the affected course lists, including the corresponding EIDs and degree plan codes. Once this is complete, audits for the affected students should be rerun to ensure that the overrides are behaving as expected.

Resequencing requirements: The duplicate restriction still displays under special processing restrictions, but it was also moved into the degree plan restriction sequence in QUAL where it can be manually sequenced. This was done to sequence three restrictions correctly in the following order:

  • 1. Restriction 1000003: Symbols Q or W may not be counted. (1008397 in 08-10)
  • 2. Restriction 1000004: The following courses may not be counted because of duplicate or equivalent coursework taken at a later date. (1008398 in 08-10)
  • 3. Restriction 1000012: The following courses may not be counted because of non-passing grades. (1008406 in 08-10)

These three U-level restrictions should appear at the top of every independent restriction sequence.

This change will be moved into the PROD SETUP environment on September 4th. Registrar staff will complete a sequence migration to PROD LIVE for all active catalogs on September 11th.

Action Item: Review your requirement and restriction sequences for any pending changes and complete them by September 11th. Colleges should also ensure that their college-level restrictions occur after the three U-level restrictions described above.

Slotting audits: Slotting audits will run on September 23rd (20th class day). Registrar staff will provide a spreadsheet of profiles for enrolled students to the colleges after the 12th class day. Default profiles are created every weekend for students who do not have tentative or official profiles.

Action Item: Review profiles for students enrolled in your college and make changes as needed before September 23rd.


Next Steps

Next Meeting: October 1, 2015


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