The University of Texas at Austin
Degree Audit User Group
Thursday, March 5, 2015
Meeting Minutes
Present: Cruiz Alvarado, Sara Gore, Daniela Kaufman, Delisa Lee, Alexis Losch, Noelle MacMillan, Jennifer Majors, Jen Morgan, Yesenia Sanchez, Vasanth Srinivasa, Jesse Stumbris, Kim Taylor, Catherine Theriot, Jay Williams, Tomi Yamamoto
Notes/Action Items
When do colleges add courses to course lists? We want to understand the process because we will need to update the title inventory before courses can be added to the pick list. We update the title inventory after the course schedule is finalized.
Most of the colleges update course lists once a semester or as needed. The departments of each college will usually notify the coders of new courses that need to be added. Requests come from departments and have to be approved by the college deans in some cases. Course lists are sometimes updated to alleviate substitutions.
Colleges would like a copy of all the newly added courses to the inventory because they do not always get notified from the departments. Action Item #1: Please inform the Registrar when an audit does not reflect a replacement or duplicate relation that you expect to see.
University level restrictions: The Office of the Registrar will need to add more courses to the university level restrictions prior to summer/fall 2015 registration. We will need to re-sequence all the college level rules before the end of March and will coordinate with you when we plan to do so.
Profile Mockups: Sara Gore provided mockups of what the profile page will display in IDA 2.0. Users will have access to a web version of the XP screen to update profiles, including minors. Users will still be able to add/update minors in NRDAPF, but it will be easier and more informative to use the web version.
The new minors will be considered credentials and will be catalog specific. Colleges will have to code minors separately from requirements. A minor block will appear on audits for all degree plans, and the coded rules will appear if the minor exists on the student’s profile.
Next Steps
Next meeting: April 2, 2015