February 5, 2015

The University of Texas at Austin

Degree Audit User Group

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Meeting Minutes


Present: Greg Caldera, Shan Evans, Daniela Kaufman, Delisa Lee, Alexis Losch, Noelle MacMillan, Jennifer Majors, Saralyn McKinnon-Crowley, Jen Morgan, Xavier Oaks, Yesenia Sanchez, Vasanth Srinivasa, Kevin Stahnke, Jesse Stumbris, Kim Taylor, Catherine Theriot, Tomi Yamamoto



IDA 2.0 updates are currently in PROD. “Minor from Profile” appears as
the first option in the minor drop-down menu. Profiles on record are
visible to students and staff on the individual EID audit request page.
Text on the IDA home page has been updated. The ability to submit audits
based on the profile information displayed is slated for a later phase.

Slotting audits will run on the 20th class day, February 16th. Please review profiles for students in your college and make changes as necessary.

The TU screen in NRDAPF is no longer used to update titles. A web application has been moved to production for title inventory maintenance. Please contact Vasanth if you need view access.


Notes/Action Items

Transcript-recognized undergraduate academic minors will be effective for the 2016-18 catalog. The Office of the Registrar is working with a list of assumptions and is requesting feedback from the colleges prior to implementation. As soon as the assumptions have been vetted and approved by the academic deans, they will be made available.

Within degree program requirements, a “Minor” block will be added that refers to a set of requirements to be processed for the transcriptable minor. This block will need to be identified in the “Major” block to determine where minors should be processed. Most likely, they will appear after major requirements, but before totals requirements, on all degree plans starting with the 2016-18 catalog.

Action Item #1: think about what rules need to be rolled over for the 2016-18 catalog, who will have the ability to update profiles with approved transcriptable minors, and how such profile updates may work.


Next Steps

Next meeting: March 5, 2015


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