June 9, 2014

University of Texas at Austin

Audit User Group

Meeting Minutes

June 9, 2014


Taylor, Vasanth Srinivasa, Shan Evans, Catherine Theriot, Debbie Miller,
Daniela Kaufman, Alexis George, Anna Harris, Lexi Losch, Kimberly Williams, Jay



Updates Recent changes
that were moved to production:

  1. Added
    button to claim credit-by –exam course work. The button will display on the
    results page if there is credit to be claimed.
  2. Added
    the student view option on the degree audit results page for advisers.


Office of the Provost has requested that the progress towards degree percentage
include study abroad courses.  Study
abroad courses will be included in course work total hours to reflect PTD based
on the assumption that they will count towards course-seeking requirements.
Currently, study abroad courses are included in the grand total even if a grade
has not been assigned.

Study abroad courses
are being factored into course-seeking requirements so students are not at a
disadvantage. Advisers need to know what the impact is when advising students.

Item 1:
Discuss this with your advisers and provide
feedback by Monday, June 16, 2014.


Orientation Audits
All of the first session
orientation audits were run under the 12-14 catalog, even for colleges that are
live with the 14-16 catalog. This issue will be resolved before the next orientation

After orientation
audits were run, students received an email with a link to view their audits.
If colleges are concerned that students will view audits under the wrong
catalog, the Office of the Registrar can rerun the first session audits. We
will let you know if the audits that were run under the wrong catalog can be


  The Office
of the Registrar is currently working  on
a way to incorporate the way minors and degree plans are handled based on  a proposal for transcript-recognized minors.
The infrastructure needs to be ready for this change that will be effective
2016. A minor type of audit will be put in place, so colleges will need to redo
their degree plans and minors.

The minor will need to
be completed in conjunction with the student’s undergraduate degree. Departments
offering the minor course work will determine the curricular requirements, and
the minor will require between 15-18 hours of coursework as determined by the


Other tasks currently being worked on by the Office
of the Registrar include:

NRDPGM Rewrite

Sunsetting NRDEGR

Title Inventory


The College of Communications has
several items on their wish list and asked if we were taking requests. We are
not taking requests at this time, but plan to review the usability list in
August or September.



Next Steps

meeting: TBA


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