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- Final exams | Index, policies
- Grades | Submission, grade reports
- Tuition
- Advising and major codes
- Writing courses
- Glossary | A thru E, F thru J, K thru O, P thru T, U thru Z
- Department headnotes and registration rules
- Printing the schedule
What's new in the schedule for fall 2009.
Undergraduate plus/minus grading. Beginning with courses taken in fall 2009, plus/minus grading will be implemented for all students. Instructors will have the option of awarding a plus/minus grade to any student in any course where a letter grade is assigned. Law students taking law courses will continue to use the School of Law plus/minus scale. The plus/minus grades and grade points listed below will be used to calculate grade point averages for undergraduate and graduate students.
A |
4.0 |
A- |
3.67 |
B+ |
3.33 |
B |
3.0 |
B- |
2.67 |
C+ |
2.33 |
C |
2.0 |
C- |
1.67 |
D+ |
1.33 |
D |
1.0 |
D- |
0.67 |
F |
0.0 |
New fields of study: ESL, IRG, SSC, and WCV. Within the last academic year we have added four new fields of study: ESL courses are offered by English as a Second Language Services in the International Office; IRG courses are offered by the International Relations and Global Studies Program in the College of Liberal Arts; SSC courses are offered by the Division of Statistics and Scientific Computation in the College of Natural Sciences; and WCV courses are offered by the Center for the Study of Core Texts and Ideas in the College of Liberal Arts.
Updates to class listings. When academic units update their class meeting information, the new information is available to students instantly on their class listing page as well as in this Course Schedule. Students are expected to double-check their classes prior to the first class meeting.
Electronic billing of tuition and fees. Since the spring 2006 semester, all tuition and fees have been electronically billed. Students no longer receive a paper bill in the mail. It is the students’ responsibility to make certain that their tuition and fees are paid by the deadlines listed in this Course Schedule. Only students who register prior to July 17 receive a notification that their fee bills are ready to be paid, however all students may view their bills at My Tuition Bill. More information on eBilling is available from Student Accounts Receivable.
Official e-mail policy. Electronic mail, or e-mail, is a mechanism for official University communication to students. The University will exercise the right to send e-mail communication to all students, and the University will expect that e-mail communication will be received and read in a timely manner. The complete e-mail policy is available online.
Useful phone numbers.
- 512 475-7575 Registrar’s main number
- 512 475-7656 Registration helpline
- 512 475-7689 Transcripts
- 512 475-7399 Admissions
- 512 471-3434 Campus directory assistance
- 512 475-7777 Cashiers
- 512 471-1201 Dean of Students
- 512 475-7348 General information desk
- 512 475-7391 Graduate and International Admissions Center (GIAC)
- 512 471-4955 University Health Services
- 512 471-3136 Division of Housing and Food
- 512 471-4334 ID Center
- 512 471-1211 International Office
- 512 232-9619 Lost and found
- 512 471-3032 Division of Instructional Innovation and Assessment
- 512 471-3825 Ombudsperson
- 512 471-3304 Orientation
- 512 471-7275 Parking
- 512 471-6045 Recreational Sports
- 512 475-7777 Student Accounts Receivable
- 512 471-8277 Texas Success Initiative
- 512 475-7777 Tuition and Fee Billing
Title IX/ADA/504 coordinators.
Federal law prohibits discrimination on the basis of gender (Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972) and disability (Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and the ADA Amendments Act of 2009). The University has designated the following persons as Coordinators to monitor compliance with these statutes and to resolve complaints of discrimination based on gender or disability.
Disability (Section 504/ADA)
For students and employees: Linda Millstone, Deputy to the Vice President for Diversity and Community Engagement and Director of Equal Opportunity Services, NOA 4.302 (101 East 27th Street), (512) 471-1849
Gender (Title IX)
For students: Soncia Reagins-Lilly, Senior Associate Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students, SSB 4.104 (100-B West Dean Keeton Street), (512) 471-1201
For employees: Linda Millstone, Deputy to the Vice President for Diversity and Community Engagement and Director of Equal Opportunity Services, NOA 4.302 (101 East 27th Street), (512) 471-1849